Monday, August 04, 2014

Cheryl Hines Got Married This Weekend - Probably Cheated On Already

Cheryl Hines must really want to be a Kennedy. The actress married RFK Jr. this weekend despite the fact that he has cheated on Cheryl almost continually since they started dating while he was still married to his wife. Oh, so since she did it, she doesn't mind having it done to her? Maybe she always wanted a free trip to Hyannis Port? Whatever story RFK Jr. spun I guess it was good enough for Cheryl Hines to stand up before friends and family and say I do. Do you think RFK Jr. actually laughed when they got to the part about honoring or only being with Cheryl? Maybe they just struck that line in advance so as not to embarrass anyone. If the tabloids found one long time mistress and Cheryl Hines was a mistress, there must be plenty more that are not talking or haven't been found or are waiting for a nice big fat check. There will also be others in the future. I thought Cheryl would walk away from the whole thing. It is not like she is the one who put down the deposit for the caterers.


  1. But she's a Kennedy now Enty that's what is important.

  2. The headline made me lol... Oh enty, such a cantankerous curmudgeon on this monday mornin' :-)

  3. So cynical...maybe it's true love? (You never know :p)

  4. There are people who have arrangements and understandings. That doesn't make them stupid or blind. If she knows what she's walking into and chooses to take that path, it's OK by me.

  5. Congrats to those two crazy kids ;-)
    I did find it rather sad that in every single article talking about the wedding, they mentioned his cheating ways multiple times.
    I'm sure that must have stung for her a wee bit.

  6. Anonymous6:35 AM

    enty lets not nit pick her reasons for marrying him. so she wants to be a kennedy (it appears) there have been more dubious reasons to get married. ((shrug))

    mazel cheryl!

  7. When given the choice between a famous last name and a diseased pee pee, well . . .

    Take the name.

  8. It's always shocking to me when I see RFK jr on tv. Not that it happens very often. He has the most irritating, high pitched shriek of a voice. She must really want to be a Kennedy to listen to that every day.

  9. Man, if you want to be a Kennedy...don't marry the WORST one, Ethel had like 30 kids, there's got to be another one thats single and better than him.

    Pro tip: aim to be a Schlossberg, not a Kennedy. Caroline has waaaaay more dough than any of RFK's stupid kids. Thats why you never see them together--they're jealous of it.

  10. When you marry your mistress, a job vacancy is created.

  11. She wants to be a Kennedy, & he wants the appearance of respectability while fu**ing anything that moves. It's a match made in heaven (or hell). Happy to read that Enty is as irritated as I am at the hypocrisy of it all.

  12. I thought she would walk away from him, no anouncement or anything just a few months & she would be seen out with some other guy a regular basis.

    Kennedy's aren't all that powerful anymore or all that rich, she could fairly easily get a billionaire.

    1. I thought she'd walk away. I was also going to post like you that the Kennedy name does not have the prestige it once did. Having a bazillion kids sucked the trust funds dry.

  13. so this just makes her not that bright-big surprise

    while the Kennedy name might be a good get-the Kennedy legacy for tragedy and addiction is not....

  14. Maybe she just loves him warts and all. Not just cuz he's a Kennedy.

  15. Can't stand the guy. He is an insane anti-vaccer. He puts Jenny McCarthy to shame in the BS theories he spews.

  16. RFK Jr earns his seat at the table of obnoxious cheating hypocritical Kennedy men.

    Cheryl's toothy overbite will fit right into the family of vipers.

    If she has a survival instinct she won't get into any vehicle, with her new hubby at the wheel, that contains a combustible engine.

  17. Maybe she loves him. Just a thought. Also, SHE is the mistress he married so maybe he loves her. The man is getting old so perhaps he wants to settle down and stop the nonsense.

  18. The only thing stupider than marrying a pro athlete is marrying a Kennedy.

    Then again, as long as everyone involved agrees that this will be an open relationship, no prob. I just remember the heartbreaking stories of when Jackie started finding out about JFK's cheating. So sad...

  19. Funny thing, in EVERY report it describes her as having been on Curb Your Enthusiasm? Hasn't that been off the air for quite awhile? Meanwhile, she's currently on Suburgatory (and pretty funny on it, too). Why not mention that?

    1. Well the 8th season of curb your enthusiasm was in 2011 but they're talking about doing a 9th. I'm guessing they mention curb your enthusiasm because the show ran for longer and most would recognize that show as her biggest work. Kinda like how Matthew Perry would still very referred to as "Friends" actor.

  20. Figgy - Kennedy women only do charity work. She's a Kennedy now. I'm sure they married for love!!!!

  21. I dont think she wants to be a kennedy. Dont know if that still carries any cache since John Jr died. I think shes in love with him, and buys all his bullshit. She will see what happens.

  22. Of COURSE the Kennedy name still carries a cachet.

    Whether it should is another question...

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. This is so sad:


    I wonder who gave his 2001 diary to the NY Post. In any event, the man is a sex addict and can't say no. Cheryl Hines is doomed. Or maybe she doesn't care.

  25. Where do Kennedy men find time to actually accomplish anything if their dicks are always the No. 1 priority?

  26. Yeah, good luck with that.

  27. Good luck indeed--the guy is a serial cheater like most Kennedy men and he isn't changing his ways now. Hard to believe anyone would actually *want* to hop in to that dysfunctional cesspool.

  28. Bush is the new Kennedy

    My youngest daughter's name is Kennedie

  29. Though I think a white poufy gown is a bit much for a 40-something divorced mother to wear for her second wedding, I must admit, she does look beautiful :) The blue flowers are very Cape Cod-y; she did my state proud!

  30. I'm watching entertainment tonight right now and they're leading off with this and running down all the Kennedy traditions that they upheld like sailing before and yadayadayada.
    Yup she wants that Kennedy legacy like a bitch in heat.

  31. Maybe RFK Jr is richer than the mess of younger Kennedy offspring, though? She looks pretty, but her expression seems awfully hungry--if Michael K used this pic, he probably tagged his post #getmoneybitch. Or she wants to stop working & starving herself & just make pretty Kennedy babies?

  32. She's almost 50, she's not having any more babies.

  33. Also, the Kennedys are FILTHY rich. They owned the Chicago Merchandise Mart, among other buildings. I think they sold it a few years ago. I think JFK's kids' share of the family trust was something like $50 million each. Plus their mom did well (*cough* Onassis *cough). When Jackie died she owned a Park Avenue apartment, an estate on Martha's Vineyard, and everything she touched was golden. Did they have an auction? I think they did. That probably brought in millions.

    Sure, Bobby had something like 9 or 10 kids but Ethel was from a rich family too IIRC ... so you gotta figure all of the Kennedys (and Shrivers, and Lawfords) are very well off.

    Plus, say what you will about them, the Kennedy men WORK for a living.

    Caution - I posted all of this from memory, at least half of it is probably wrong.

    Oh, I do recall that the source of the Kennedy family fortune was Joe Kennedy's bootlegging business during Prohibition. He was a very ruthless (and successful) businessman.
