Catelynn Lowell Confirms Pregnancy
Back on the very first season of 16 & Pregnant which begat Teen Mom and a porn star Catelynn Lowell and her boyfriend Tyler Baltierra were alone among their peers on the show in deciding to give up their baby for adoption. Despite that, they managed to make it to the Teen Mom season and have one of the more interesting story lines in the show. We saw them get engaged at the end of the first season of the show and they remained engaged until they appeared on Couple's Therapy which will cause anyone to question their relationship. They remained together though. They are the guardians for Tyler's sister. They both have full-time jobs taking care of mentally disabled adults. They own their own home and each have a car. The money they make from Teen Mom is almost all in savings. There has been a lot of growing up they have shared together over the past six years and I don't know if any of those things would have happened if they had not given up their baby for adoption. It is for that reason that I have always liked them included on the show because you see what happens to teens with different situations in their lives and how their teen pregnancies affect not only their lives, but the lives of their families and the kids themselves.