Bristol Palin Says She Has No Income
In the never ending child custody/support trial between Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston new court documents have been filed which show that Levi out earned Bristol in 2013 and so far in 2014. Bristol claims she has had no income the past two years after earning well into six figures the four years prior to that. Apparently the job Bristol had for four years in a doctor's office was unpaid, which seems about right considering many of those years she was filming reality shows. She also spent some time going to beauty school in Arizona so had no income during that period of time. Levi has been trying to get his child support payments reduced because he doesn't make enough to support his own family because of how much money he is supposed to pay Bristol. She has an order for $1750 per month which is about $20K a year. In 2013, Levi says he made $39,000 and that was before taxes. This year has been better and he has already earned almost $70K, but the child support department has been garnishing his wages to the tune of 40% per paycheck. Bristol is asking the court for a lump sum payment of almost $40K from Levi to get him caught up.