Monday, August 11, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 6, 2014

This A list mostly television actor from a very hit network show is beloved by many. He might not be so beloved when you realize he broke up the marriage of his current girlfriend. The two met and she dumped her husband for the actor who knew she was married.

Kiefer Sutherland


  1. Trading up. Happens every day in Hollywood. No big deal.

  2. He's repeating how he was treated by Julia Roberts and his friend Jason Patrick.

  3. OT: JJ Murphy from GOT just died :(

  4. She knew she was married , too.

    1. Lolz. Enty missed the obvious.

  5. why is he so beloved? He is a good actor but I doubt he has stared in many kindness blinds---he is all about his booze and only his booze it seems

    1. Derek, according to enty, i speak for the few when i say, "i hear you."

  6. I was going to make a comment about leaving your husband for an angry alcoholic control freak, but her ex is one of the London brothers so clearly this chick has horrendous taste in men.

  7. Perhaps beloved by some, or many due to "24", but never by me. I see no appeal, never have.
    His Pops, that's a different story. I even drink Sinply Orange.

  8. I think his characters are beloved but he lacks certain qualities as a real person to be liked very much.

  9. His father may be beloved. He, not so much.

  10. I always like his dad, & wonder if his dad screwed him up or if it's just a case of an entitled rich spoiled brat.

  11. He didn't break up her marriage, SHE did. Please with this homewrecker crap again. The person responsible for the break-up of a marriage is the person who leaves the marriage.

  12. I like his dad more. Dude worked with Fellini for F's sakes.

  13. Big deal…it happens everyday…didn't Jerry Seinfeld's wife dump her hubby go 6 months for Jerry…

  14. Is he beloved? Today I learned.
    Sometimes married people meet someone they like better after a while. I'm not endorsing it, but $hit happens.
    I thought the "homewrecker" label died in the 1970s. Unless kidnapping is involved, then it's his fault, totally. The bastard.

  15. Writergirl in LA, Donald may be beloved but seriously when it comes to women and acting, Kiefer is not quite up to par with dear old Dad. Dad was just lucky enough not to have to deal with the internet era for his exploits in his younger years.

  16. Why anybody marries in Hollywood I cannot fathom. As soon as a bigger star or a hotter younger version comes around they dump their spouse like a bad penny. It is a town full of psychopaths

  17. It's crazy how much he looks like his dad. President Snow, save your lost boy from his takeout!

  18. @RivenisaTRANNY so it's okay to shame and blame an alcoholic, but God forbid someone uses the wrong vernacular about "trans gender" Get your head outta your over sensitive asshole

    1. @JaneDoe Though I am not a tranny, you are a bigot. Have fun with that. :-)

    2. @JaneDoe Also you should really know this is the most pathetic attempt to troll me over what You assume my gender to be that I have seen on CDaN to date. It's so basic and pathetic I can't even give sarcastic soccer snaps. Your parents are proud, eh?

  19. thats not his problem he is single, thats her problem she is the married one,am sure he didnt force that peen on her

  20. He didn't break up a marriage. She willingly went. The woman was the one who made the vow to someone else...and she's the one that broke that vow. Keifer isn't to blame.

  21. Anonymous10:31 AM

    because donald was at the teen choice awards i read this as him. my first thought was "he's a bit old for that isnt he".

  22. @Michael
    I think they marry for the same reason as politicians: public image.

  23. I will always love Kiefer for Lost Boys

    What's the old saying - "You lose them the way you get them" something like that

    She'll probably cheat on Kiefer too

  24. Kiefer got fucked up when Donald left his mom for Jane Fonda. Donald disappeared from his life for a very long time when he was young.

  25. Labor day. And i hate it

  26. Christ on a cross, I was called a troll on a low end celebrity gossip website! Hold on while I make a huge fuss, proclaim how hurt I am, threaten to never come back, then have my ass kissed by morons. Fucking hell you're dense

    1. 1. This site might be low end but you still wasted bandwith, time and effort to come here and read and comment.

      2. I have been lurking on this site for the last 2 years and i still have yet to come across a fairly decent troll.

      So far its been just mostly flamers. There is a difference.

      3. Jesus didn't bring you eternal salvation just so you could gossip and call people names.

  27. OMG, HE didn't break up her marriage - SHE DID. He wasn't married to her husband. I wish people would call this for what it really is.

  28. A majority here do not know what a troll is. If someone insults another, they are automatically a troll.

    JustCurious is a good example of a troll.

  29. I did not call anyone a troll (noun), I called the original post an attempt to troll me (verb). Unfortunately, for whatever reason, this is also commonly misunderstood.

    1. (This is a general statement not directed at anyone in particular, only people who may have misread my post - if you read it correctly as a verb, yay!)

  30. PIP!

    I don't get why this keeps coming up, and yet I do. Vernacular is a tough row to plow. No one ever called me "heterosexualed" but at the same time, being hetero means I'm basically status quo and haven't had to deal with gender or sexuality issues. I lean on the side of this is what they want to be called, OK, sounds good. Calling Riven a "tranny" based on previous comments smacks more of trolling (and insulting), and less of wanting a conversation.

  31. Oh, Keifer, don't make me hate you.

  32. I agree with some of the other ladies. Papa Donald has gotten better looking and sexier as he's gotten older. He seems beloved to me for sure. Keifer does have his charm and is a good actor.

  33. @nipple

    Are there really gossip websites that aren't "low end"? I thought that just went with the territory.
