Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 16, 2014

This B list mostly television actress who has a bit of the off kilter in her was spotted at a restaurant with a man. Not to worry I don't think she is cheating on her B list mostly television actor significant other. Nope. The guy she is meeting with is writing a tell all book about this A+ list celebrity. A scathing tell all apparently. Our actress seemed happy to tell lots of stories considering it was a three hour long meal.

Anne Heche/Ellen


  1. The aliens are frist!

  2. @disco was just about to say that---she is not a very reliable source

  3. Trying to be relevant again Anne?

  4. There will always be a problem with the veracity of this source. Warranted or not.
    Not to mention motivations.

  5. A BIT off kilter? And who would listen to someone who Jackie Warnered someone before there was such a thing?

    1. @TTM Did Jackie Warner turn straight?

    2. No, Dexy, she had a young trainer working with her that WAS straight but then jumped on the Jackie Train for a minute while filming. I never knew how convenient it would be for same-sex bathroom hookups until that show

    3. I remember that trip to the bathroom. It gave a whole new meaning to women going to the bathroom in pairs.

    4. Right, califblondy? Hadn't even occurred to me until that show. What was the trainer's name? Rebecca? Can't remember!

    5. I can't remember that little girl's name. She was sooo not a Lesbian, but Jackie is hot stuff. I do remember the crazy gf's name, Mimi.

    6. Yes! Crazy Mimi! I remember that little trainer girl ended up on Celeb Rehab as a trainer for the sex addict season. I only remember her because the gay guy hated the fact that there was a female trainer that the other guys could lust over and he said she smelled. So that's what I think of: tiny smelly fame ho Anne Heche wannabe. Rebecca, pretty sure..and yes, Jackie WAS hawt

  6. Anne Heche, soon to celebrate two decades as a parasite.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I can't read today. Completely missed Ellen's name in the reveal.

    1. I was gonna say the same thing, Freya. Maybe because it's just the one name

    2. Whew!! I wasn't alone. How are you? Still watching True Blood?

    3. You know, I've never seen it, Freya! Just was a Joe MangeMange fan. I've been watching The Strain on Sundays, have you seen it?

    4. @TTM I watched the premiere and keep forgetting to check it out again.

    5. Once I realized there was never ever gonna be any more Joe MM, it was all over for me, Freya

  9. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Oh leave Ellen alone, for fuck's sake.

  10. Anne has really become a nasty spiteful bitch, can't watch if she's on one of the late night shows or ET.

  11. I can only fathom the amount of lies, and bull shit that can be brought to a single relationship by two women. If they're both women, who gets to be the victim all the time? Who gets to abuse an double standards?

  12. What horrible thing is Ellen? Dominating? Controlling? Difficult to deal with? Yeah, it's called a Hugely Successful Celebrity in charge of her own billion dollar empire.

    Crazazy Anne.

  13. @Jordan---Ellen is definitely the abusive man in her relationships---she ALWAYS goes for younger and damaged women---who normally date men and would NEVER give her the time of day without her money and status

  14. @Derek, a bit harsh prehaps?
    Anne needs some funds obviously.

  15. Oh the stories Portia could tell. What I wouldn't give to hear those taped arguments.

  16. @Skippy---meh just my opinion---I have never been a fan of her or her show---and I think she is very unattractive--she is not pretty and she is not handsome--I don't see how she gets someone like Portia without her funds and power etc (but I repeat I also don't even find her funny or amusing---one of the most overrated "entertainers" of all time IMO)

    1. I agree with you, Derek. And I think the whole "warm and fuzzy" persona is just an image.

  17. @derek
    Portia was gay before Degeneres .She just married her husband for the green card

  18. Portia was in a LTR with the daughter of Ringo's wife, the former Bond girl. It was during Arrested Dev, she was still in the closet though.


  19. anne heche is & always has been a low-life P.O.S.

  20. Yes Anne!!!! Do it!!!!
    I can not stand Ellen. I've known people that know her or have met her and her whole "nice girl" act is just that, an act.

  21. @Derek. You're entitled to your own opinion of course.
    I think she's quite funny, but I really hate the dancing crap.
    Didn't mean any offense. Apologies.

  22. Awwwww, I remember Anne Heche from her "Another World" days... liked her back then.

  23. @Skippy---no need for apologies and I really hate the dancing thing lol

  24. Yeah, like all of a sudden, everyone wants to crucify Ellen. Wonder why?

  25. I've never been a fan of Ellen's and I think a lot of people don't want to think badly of her so get really defensive about someone disclosing that she is not very nice. It's easier to say that Anne is crazy or that Portia has issues. I thought she was a decent standup comedian before the "I'm a cute cuddly lesbian you grandmother can like and not at all offensive" schtick.

  26. So you mean to say Ellen has a dark side? Oh the horror. Not. I don't know a single person about whom one could not find people ready and willing to tell stories about what a bitch/asshole they are. And the more successful they are, the more true that is.

    @derek, no way. Portia has told all about growing up gay and her struggle to come out.

  27. Do you think Portia and Anne been exchanging notes?

  28. Anonymous12:09 PM

    i shall read

  29. I wouldn't believe much that came of of Anne Heche's mouth. Afterall, this is a woman who became a lesbian for fame only. She's the sort that would say or do anything for fame and attention.

  30. Why not? Ellen's the one who dated her for three years and knew all about her alien thing, told her not to speak about it publicly. Fuck yes she's a legit source, within a very limited range.

  31. I don't care for Ellen. I wish Portia would work more, she was so funny and looked healthy on "Better Off Ted".

  32. Anonymous4:50 PM

    hmmm, should be interesting. The thing about Anne is she is a great actress, at least in what I've seen her in, kind of like a female Eric Roberts. They actually did a lifetime type movie together that was based on a real life story about online dating gone wrong, that was really good. I always thought Ellen was funny but I just think the whole talk show host is 95% insincere so I really don't watch, plus Portia to me seems very narcissistic...her long term girlfriend before Ellen was named Francesca something...they were together awhile.

  33. Enty's rating meter needs to be recalibrated. B list for both her and her significant other, whose name I can't even muster up?

    After everything she's done, I'd take all her anecdotes with a grain of salt.

  34. Supposedly Ellen is pissed that Eva Mendes didn't tell her viewers about her pregnancy on her show in February. .February people! !

  35. Anne Heche is a bit off kilter? Yeah that is like saying LiLo is kinda a whore or I'm a lil bit pervy.
