Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 16, 2014

So, this A+ list mostly movie actor popped the question to his significant other. She said yes. The actor told her not wot wear the ring for a few weeks or tell the world because he needed to tell his kids. They already hate the significant other with a passion so he wanted them to hear the news from him. The actor must not be familiar with the way his significant other craves fame and attention. She lives and breathes for people to notice her and doesn't care about anything else.

Johnny Depp/Amber Heard (It took her roughly 20 minutes before she was able to go to the bathroom and call a tabloid)


  1. They deserve each other. His kids deserve better. and his kids need to be kept far away from Johnnys perv friends

  2. Put down the hash pipe Johnny and examine your life choices. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

  3. The question is - will they ever actually get married? Johnny's got a poor track record when it comes to actually making it to the altar.

  4. I use to be a huge Depp fan---right before Pirates franchise and he morphed into Keith Richards wannabe. He lives a dark lifestyle and I would not want my kids alone with him if I was the mother.

  5. Said it earlier or yesterday, I don't see this thing going all the way.
    Johnny used to seem wiser. Hope he's getting the hints. Just hang with her until the next one comes along. There will be others.

  6. I abandon all respect for middle-aged men who lose their minds to human zeroes who just happen to be young & have a vagina.
    If you can't keep a young piece on the side out of the way & well hidden like a civilized adult, you're an idiot and a loser.

  7. Not that kids should ever run the show, but how could you go ahead and marry someone that your children out and out HATE?

  8. Ah, their relationship is circling the drain.

  9. Did we need the reveal for this one? It's kind of obvi.

  10. serious mid-life crisis... you hardly ever see them together now.
    they won't marry-she gets a nice ring and that huge estate in England for her horseback riding

  11. Meanwhile, the actual mother of his children is beautiful--far moreso than that suburban-tract-house-looking Heard--and is far more intelligent and interesting.

  12. I am not going to argue about Amber being a fame whore but the children hating her is hard to sell when there were photos of Depp's daughter and Amber shopping together. Didn't look like she was miserable from what I recall.

  13. I think Amber just knows that having a male movie star significant other will help her career. Gardner would not be in Oscar winning movies if not for the fact she's with Affleck, she would be doing cable TV like her ex from Alias.

  14. Why not tell the kids and THEN propose? Isn't that better than secret engagements? What is this the Bachelorette?

  15. @TTM, that would be assuming he would get his head out of Amber's ass and actually go see his kids. No proof but I think he spends way more time with Amber than his children.

    1. That's true too, SaintsFan, not all parents spend as much time with their kiddos as they should or could. Especially if they have a new gf / bf they're all excited aboot

  16. Ahh..True love..

  17. Mid-life crisis. From class to crass. And his box office magic suffered when he hooked up with that piece of white trash.

  18. Really Depp? Wake up, dude! You've never lived your life like this...go back to be low profile with excellent movies.

  19. Not defending Depp for going for a pariah. However, Vanessa was no walk in the park either. Their nanny said he was sweet, but pushed around by her and the MIL. Maybe, just maybe, Amber makes him happy even if people suspects her motives. Just a though.

  20. This is so hard to believe after all the pictures and videos of Amber and the children laughing and having fun and shopping.

    They love her and have no problem at all with her.

  21. @PotPourri You don't really know how he's living his life. Pretty sure he's living his life just the way he wants, like he always did.
