Sunday, August 03, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 23, 2014

This former A list talk show hostess is now just a celebrity. Still probably A list because of her name. She acted like it this week when she insisted on receiving 20 sets of swag before she would agree to be photographed with it. Total value? $20K

Rosie O'Donnell


  1. Now I really can't stand her

  2. Not that I have liked Rosie for a Looong time but maybe she is donating the swag to charity...

    1. ^^this. Not crazy about her either, but there could be more to the story.

    2. That was my first thought, too. Maybe she had a plan for the swag.

    3. Or sell it on Ebay.

  3. $20k for a celebrity endorsement is actually inexpensive for the advertising. Doesn't mean she couldn't have done it without the demand for extra swag, but lots of companies use this method to get their product seen.

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    team rosie

    we cant all be desert/dessert roses.

  5. Who the hell buys something just because a star endorses it? If anything, even if I like the star/celebrity, it makes me avoid the product. Just makes me suspicious that the product can't hold up on its own without "star" endorsement.

  6. Too bad they don't take call-in questions on The View. It would be a kick if someone were able to quiz Rosie about this blind item.

  7. Hopefully the swag was some miracle weight loss product.

  8. I doubt she's keeping it. From Wiki: Over her career, O'Donnell has developed a reputation for raising funds and her own philanthropy to charitable causes. In May 1996, Warner Books advanced O'Donnell $3 million to write a memoir.[82] She used the money to seed her For All Kids Foundation to help institute national standards for day care across the country.[82] Her memoir, Find Me, was released in April 2002 and reached number two on The New York Times Best Seller list.

  9. It sounds like good work if you can get it. #teamrosie

  10. Steamy!!!! Did you realize you nailed this?!? ^5

  11. cheap Enty suggesting that people shouldn't be paid for endorsing products? is Enty some kind of fool? i think not. must be a typo somewhere in this entry. "lawyers" should pay attention to details.

  12. If she's endorsing it I'm not buying it

  13. She donates it to charity and raises and gives A LOT of money, she was also instrumental in giving her own money to that hospital for veterans (in Texas-I can't remember the name), with John McCain a few years back.

  14. I won't buy something just because a celebrity endorses it, but on occasion that's how I'll see something I want to buy. I can't stand Jada Smith but I saw her wearing a kick ass hat in a magazine and I moved heaven and earth to track that hat down to buy. Funny thing is she wasn't modeling the hat in an ad, she was wearing it at some function. Whether or not she had paid for it? I don't know but it sold a hat for that company having it seen in a magazine.

  15. This beeyoutch.
    Go suck a rotten egg Rosie. This pisses me off so much--what an entitled spoiled witch.

  16. I'm going to give Rosie the benefit of the doubt. If it had been someone like Kimye, or Paris, or Lilo on the other hand..

  17. she is still a world class bitch

    to those of whom think she has mellowed

