Sunday, August 03, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 22, 2014

This foreign born B- list mostly movie actor here but divided between television and movies in his home country was almost arrested two nights ago for smashing the glass of a pharmacy drive through window. Apparently he needed a prescription for Viagra filled and wasn't getting the attention he felt he deserved. He paid the store some money to keep the police from hauling him off.

Sean Bean


  1. Sean Bean would NEVER need Viagra. I don't believe it.

  2. Violet, the popular thing is for men who don't need it, taking them. I think it's supposed to make them hard for longer.
    : / Like That's a plus, unless there is more then one partner around to take over...

    1. Could get a little boring in the end though Steamy.

  3. Oh Sean, I'm so disappointed. He's my dirty little secret.

    1. I saw him as Romeo in Stratford in the 80s. My teenage heart still yearns for him. Even though I know damn well it shouldn't.

  4. Oh Sean, I'm so disappointed. He's my dirty little secret.

  5. Sorry for the double post. Still not awake.

  6. I saw a poster for his latest show and was surprised how bad he looks. Sean's face looks like it's been marinating in a bottle of Jack Daniel. It made me sad because I think he's a terrific actor. But, yeah I believe it.

  7. Most pharmacies have bullet proof glass now. At least where I am. He must've hit hard.

  8. He's 55.........probably does it need it.

  9. Some people take Viagra even if they don't need to.

  10. @Rocky Boy, I thought the same thing, although his character is supposed to be pretty worn out, etc.

    Sean Bean is one of the most charming men in the bussiness, and damm talented, but a dick too.

  11. I'm with Pip - most pharmacies are well-protected these days. In fact, the one we use experienced an attempted robbery in the drive-through window - bad guys tried to smash out the window with a sledgehammer, and while it ruined the window, it was bulletproof and didn't shatter.

  12. If this blind is possibly true... then OMG! Wild stuff!

  13. Violet - As big of a drunk as Bean is it is a miracle that he can even get it up period. Might be why he gets drunk and abusive to his women.

  14. I love Sean Bean's acting...he is really good. But he is supposed to be a nasty drunk and lots of drunks have performance issues.

  15. Onyx hates hydrangeas got this!!!
    Stark in our dreams, but apparently Mr Bean in bed...

  16. Road Rage! Typical for Bean
    He needs to smash something - if it's not women, it's anything else he finds

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Oh, Boromir. Never change.

  19. I don't care. He can still call me. :)
