Sunday, August 10, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 26, 2014

This foreign born A list mostly action movie actor got tired of paying his C list mostly movie actress/model girlfriend and the two have split.

Jason Statham/Rosie Huntington-Whiteley


  1. I wonder if they pay these girls because they want them to keep secrets. You would think he could easily find someone free of charge and have them sign a non-disclosure agreement.

  2. I hear Lilo is having a lease signing special

  3. I was thinking the same thing @Cleodacat.

  4. The implication is that the relationship is fake and the secret she's keeping is that he's gay.
    Not much in that for anyone without a paycheck

  5. Well if they aren't paying for bearding, then I would think they are paying so they don't have to care.

  6. Anonymous8:40 AM

    his accountant probably told him to get rid of all unnecessary expenses...

  7. They always are together

  8. Jason looking for a new beard.
    Has enty covered Taylor Swift and Karlie kloss moving in together yet??

  9. Why wld he pay her? Odd.

  10. I miss old H'wd when your beard did it for the chance to be a power couple and not for money.

  11. he could easily find someone free of charge...

    Not exactly free. He'd have to pick up the bill for some clothing and spa treatments, etcetera, but nothing along the lines of what whatsherface might have been spending on his dime.

  12. There are women roaming Beverly Hills looking for a Sponsor(s). I know pretty sure they are anywhere where there is serious money. Dating/bearding for a big star, is not a cheap proposition. One has to have the clothes, the waxing, the hair stylist, makeup artist, gym trainer, nice ride and cool place to live. Not to mention someone paying for all those plane rides and fancy restaurants. It is a full time job LOL! The beards deserved to get paid especially if they aren't having real sex with the men/women they are bearding for. I wonder if there is a clause in their contract where they can't have sex with anyone else while they are bearding? If so then they really need to get paid.

  13. I am on the fence with the Jason is gay story.
    On one hand, yes- all his exes are sketchy chicks (fe; Kelly Brook, fameho, Sophie Monk, fameho, and some chick who was outed as a former escort).

    On the other hand, he is bff's with Vinnie Jones, someone who is against everything gay, and who loves to use slurs. Does Vinnie know and isn't he suspicious, being his best friend. Don't you at least sense your best mate's past relationships are all fake? Or is Jason a good actor? (LULLLLZZZ!)

  14. @KAT
    I love that you rank waxing as an expense equivalent to clothes, a car and a personal trainer. That's a lot of hair removal!

  15. LOLZ I came here to say "I would fuck that man for free," checked the original post and oh hey there Riven, you saucy minx..

    "Riven 5:21 PM
    I would fuck that man for free any day or night. And then thank him for the opportunity. What the hell girl."

  16. Exactly what Riven said! Jason, baby, I'm available. Come to mama.

  17. So did Enty talk about Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss?

  18. Consistency is key, Riven!

  19. Why would anyone in a real relationship sign a non disclosure agreement? Employees sign those, not intimates.
