Monday, August 18, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 27, 2014

Which funk legend is now residing at an LA nursing home after his daughter (who rescued him from homelessness) said she saw him hitting on his caretaker?

Sly Stone


  1. He had a caretaker while homeless?

  2. I think here hitting on=flirting with.

    Most women have had old men hit on them, usually you just laugh at them & don't take it seriously.

    If he was being agressive that's another matter.

  3. A homeless with a caretaker????

  4. Reaping what he's sown!

  5. I took this to read: she found him homeless, helped him set up a home with a caretaker, he hit on said caretaker, and now he's in a nursing home because she felt he needed more supervision.

  6. I was being flippant. His abuse of women is legendary.
    I also am confused about the timeline of this item. Was he homeless when he had a caretaker? Was he living w/the daughter and she moved him into a nursing home after he made a pass at his in-home caretaker?
    Makes sense, because you know what's not to be found in nursing homes? That's right. Caretakers./s

  7. This is typical of men in nursing homes. ( well as in model homes, mobile homes, vacation homes and Katie Holmes)

    1. Sincerely: HA! you forgot to include Sherlock *wink*

  8. @AKM @Kno Won Uno
    Thank you for the translation

  9. @Sincerely,Your friend
    "Katie holmes" LOL

  10. Awww man. This sounds like a routine day in elderly care! But I want to imagine Sly is like POPS from Dirty Work!

  11. I'm still waiting for his comeback. Or at least, a good documentary.

  12. Sounds like Sly. His Wikipedia notes that he was living in a van. He's got two daughters, one of whom he has performed with -- I figure she was the one that got him out of the van.

    Seventy-one is still kind of young to need a caretaker, let alone a nursing facility, unless he's got a serious health problem.

    Anyone see Bubba Ho-Tep? Can you imagine being in a nursing facility, looking over and seeing Sly Stone?! There's a reality show in here somewhere...

  13. At first I read Sly Stallone, then I read better and realised he is someone I don't know.

  14. His Wiki page says he wasn't homeless but living in a campervan by choice. Nothing on his whereabouts since 2011 however.

    And there are no reports of him being abusive to women that I can find. I can find plenty of reports of him abusing drugs however.

  15. @Sincerely,Your Friend
    "This is typical of men in nursing homes. ( well as in model homes, mobile homes, vacation homes and Katie Holmes)"

    Ha! You need to copyright that!

  16. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Sly was definitely homeless, van living, and not by choice. Blew through all his money a while ago. Plus he lost ownership of all his material so no money came in residually either. Has some terrible health issues from his coke & misc. drug use. Which was obscene, even for the 60s. And which hasn't stopped or slowed up until a few years ago. His use of PCP as well also made him extremely aggressive with woman, naturally. He's had a ton of women over the years, 3 known kids by 3 different women is just the tip of the iceberg. All that can be read of in books on him, 60s rock stars, LA music scene in 60s, 60s groupies, etc. He was homeless until 2011/2012, when news crews searching for his whereabouts found out and it was all over the press. He was very obviously not well, erratic and very out of it mentally. And after finding out where he was via the press his kid got in contact again with him again and finally got him into a care home.

  17. Yeah, sly's always had one foot in crazytown, now prob both. Good daughter.

  18. As I had commented on the original thread, Sly Stone has most likely permanent brain damage from decades of drug abuse. The situation is much worse than George Clinton, who's still able to perform and record. Stone was surrounded by enablers, who contributed to his abuse, because they could have him sign off the rights to his catalog in payment for debts, and pocket a comfortable commission on this.

    Had Stone died in the early 70s, he would be as revered as Jimi Hendrix or Marvin Gaye today. His records with the Family are incredibly inventive and upbeat. Then, he recorded "There's a Riot Goin' On", which is one of the weirdest things from the era, dark, muddy and haunting. "Fresh" was then his last great album, and after that, there was a decade of half-baked and increasingly erratic "comeback" albums, then decades of seclusion of wilderness. Stone is actually one of pop music's greatest tragedies. He's one of the most influential guys in funk, he was incredibly talented, he had a racially integrated band in the 60s, and now, he's this pathetic wreck of a man.
