Sunday, August 17, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 29, 2014

It turns out that Justin Bieber is not the only person who can use a private jet as their own personal hot box. This A+ list mostly movie actor and multiple Academy Award winner/nominee did the same thing on a very long distance international flight with many of his friends.

Leonardo DiCaprio


  1. I hesitate between Zzzz and to recall he says he never does drug

  2. @D yaaay
    Popping bottles today boy! Let the champs
    Braking out the tambourine for this one:)

  3. I never even knew what a hot box was until CDAN taught me. Now I can amaze my friends and family with my cool knowledge (except just by using the word cool exempts me from actually being cool).

  4. I laughed so hard when he said he never did drugs. He and Giselle used to do lines off the bar in NYC in full view back in the day. So many people saw them and honestly who cares. Good for them.

  5. I didn't either violet...I'm sadly, square like that...but information is the most empowering thing ...ain't it:)

    1. How very Foucault of you, Tricia! ^5

    2. Love the Foucault reference

    3. Love that you love my Foucault skillz. I usually have to laugh alone in some dark corner at my theory jokes, @Bee Haven.

      Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

      Michel Foucault: The discursive practices of the farm, which led to the development of chicken wire, the fenced barnyard, and the institution of the chicken coop, also constructed the authority which both invented the idea of the chicken and exerted power upon that chicken to compel it to cross the road.

      Oh yeaaaah. My dialectics bring ALL the boys to the yard!!!

      PS- Every time I get an email with the headline along the lines of "Class Struggles" I get super excited that someone is sending me an improv unassigned Marxist analysis. Turns out, it's usually something that can be answered by speed reading the syllabus. #someday

    4. This is BRILLIANT Lady. I was a member of particular leftist socialist groups until I realized they attract a large number of arseholes.

  6. It's because he cares for the environment you know....

  7. A hot box is what some of my people call farting in the shower.

  8. Anonymous9:02 AM

    some dont consider pot "drugs". it grows from the ground and is not "manufactured". so they say...

  9. People also call it a clam bake. I don't really minds this blind, because Dicaprio was the answer. Bieber makes everything extra douchey.

    1. LOL Pip. Yes Bieber makes everything extra douchey.

  10. And cocaine and heroin come from outer space.

  11. I think many of the ingredients in pharmaceuticals originated from the ground too. It gets you high, it's a drug. I would never compare pot to heroin or cocaine though.

  12. I got stoned on a heap of nutmeg once.

  13. Who really cares? I find it more funny that he fancies himself an environmentalist and he speaks out about carbon footprints and how he is socially responsible because he drives a prius.

  14. Wait. What's a hot box?

  15. You're boxed in with all of the smoke, which gets you higher. Happens in cars a lot.

  16. I second naughty! Is it when smoke weed in small enclosed space? What about the pilot? If he or she isnt used to piloting stoned, thats gonna be interesting trip. Pilot cld spend a good half hour repeating" mud flap" over and over, lol

  17. @Katie
    That's the (first of several) thing(s) that annoy(s) me about him. He travels by jet, spends his summers on yachts, and then produces a documentary about the environment! I hate hypocrites.

  18. Honestly this is the first I've heard of Leo being said environmentalist. What a freakin joke.

  19. Do as he says, not as he does - dammit. He's Leo FFS. Super models aren't sticking around for his little tiny....Prius.

  20. Lmfao at you guys trying to see what a hotbox is. Lmaoooooo.

  21. It's hilarious that auntliddy was the first to point out the obvious gaping hole in this non-story. I think Enty was counting on everyone being distracted by the whole hot box thing. This so fucking illegal; no one would risk their aviation careers for such nonsense.

  22. The only way this story would be interesting is if Leo pulled a Ricky Nelson while doing this hotboxing, plus he'd be a shoo in to get that Academy Award he's been chasing for a decade (a memorial one, sure but still).

  23. man how leo went from hearthrob to some smelly fat hypocritical hippy is heartbreaking....

  24. meh this is so not surprising

  25. He never throbbed my heart. When he was young he was too pretty, like a teenage girl. In the middle he looked good but was so dull. Now he's just a bloated asshole.

    Whatever he does for the environment, good for him. I don't care why he does it or what he does the rest of the time, it's still a good thing. And nobody cares about people smoking weed.


  26. "This so fucking illegal; no one would risk their aviation careers for such nonsense."

    Actually, it's been going on for decades. Like with limos, if you're rich enough to afford private transportation you presume that it comes with the privacy to do whatever you like in the vehicle. Cockpits have separate airco systems anyway. That story about Bieber's private jet pilots needing to go on oxy masks was bunk.

  27. Come on everyone! Even EL PRESIDENTE loved a good hot box!

    People still do it anyways, and ventilation systems have gotten better. They have weed vans all over Colorado now, where you can go on dispensary tours or simply get high as a mother en route to the DOUBLE BLACK DIAMONDS! Plus, lest not forget all of the pilots who risk their careers doing much worse, like trafficking shit tons of heroin or firearms! True story!

  28. Don't forget Leo charity efforts mostly effect his bank account. All good celebrity scam artists have "charities" that when he makes personal club appearances or host functions. It all goes to his charity for saving whales and lions and crap.. His 1st annual Leo de Caprio charity foundation gala at Cannes raised 29 million for the Animals.
    Bono does the same thing he keeps all the money from his foundation and when asked about it he said his job was to raise awareness and that the money was his fee for the time.
    Look at lady gaga and Mary j blige. All charity scams to collect tax free $$$
    Leo best friend and mentor was that giancarlo person who went to jail for fraud and money laundering. Leo lived with him for years and learned everything from him.. Dana something.

  29. i'm watching ray donovan now w/ the blonde girl he supposedly got pregnant.. now that's all i think about when i see her.
