Monday, August 18, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 27, 2014

While hanging out with his baby mama and his harem, this A list everything guy managed to find time to have sex with a pap. Our A lister said he just wanted to do his part for good relations.

Simon Cowell


  1. @Karen Nailed it! Great job!!

  2. Yay. Hope she got a goood shot.

  3. Karen nailed it!

  4. Really? I find him sexually unappealing, but the more I hear about his antics, the uglier he gets. Money and power isn't everything. Why are women so willing to sleep with him?

  5. Ewww. Does anyone else find the thought of sex with Simon so repugnant, that the mere mention makes you run for the shower? Or is it just me?

    1. It's just you Veronica. Sorry.

    2. Simon totally grosses me out, Veronica. THIS is how my cooch feels about the very thought...

    3. Veronica: he gives me the dry heaves even when fully clothed *reaches for bucket*

  6. Well we know paps standards are kind of low already.

  7. there's a female pap in miami that always wears a bikini.. she's trying to become famous. have seen her on inside edition

  8. Ive seen her pics on Egotastic sugartits and shes hawt as hell! European woman maybe Italian.

  9. Sex with Simon? I'm not into harems nor mom jeans.
    But I can see where he's kind of easy on the eyes and I enjoy listening to him. But no desire to bone him for that.

  10. Veronica I'm with you. Never..... Not for a million dollars!

    1. But if you get preggers it's most likely 10 million dollars. Does that change your mind?

    2. Sugarbread: I would if it involved a turkey baster and no physical contact.

  11. @all lace. I saw what you did there.
    He must have built up good relations in many different industries. It's nice that he does this. It's a kindness really.

  12. Sorry, that was meant for sincerely!

  13. Yay! Thank God for Lady H and All Leather I knew I couldn't be the only one! Sugarbread, nope. Just the idea of the smell (which I imagine to be a pungent blend of spray tan, Salem cigarette smoke, and hair gel) is more than enough to put me off my feed.

  14. Well hell he could be like a ton of others in the industry that treat women like used Kleenex when they're through with them. Hell some treat them badly while they're still with them (Chris Brown anyone?).

    Simon seems like a no bullshit kind of guy. He doesn't lead women on. They know what he's about for the most part when it comes to relationships. He doesn't do anything for me personally but he doesn't have all those women around because he treats them like shit. He also doesn't strike me as a misogynist, I think he truly likes women.

    1. I find myself reluctantly agreeing with you, MinPinGirl: he's not satan.

      In fact, an argument could be made that he is simply a gentleman playboy. Old school, if you will.

      What's telling is that none of his harem have complained, nor has anyone been brought up in charges.


  15. @VeronicaCostello,Don't forget the Drakkar Noir he probably wears as well.

    I find him physically repugnant myself.

  16. How thoughtful!

  17. Well he must hv golden dick or something.
