Friday, August 08, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 13, 2014

This Golden Globe winner/nominee movie actor/celebrity originally had a date to the show. They arrived together and they started down the first ten feet of the carpet together. After his second solo interview with her completely out of the picture she asked when she was going to get to be on camera with him and he said it wasn't going to happen. She told him that he promised she would be shown and spent a lot of time looking her best. He said tough and she walked off the carpet and down the street.

Jonah Hill


  1. Way to go Beth!
    Jared Leto was suspect #1

    1. @Lady H - Didn't Leto take his mom?

    2. Lotta, Leto took his Mom to the Oscars. His "date" to the GG's was his brother Shannon.

  2. Maybe he should have hired a professional.

  3. What an idiot, the dates are never pictured with celebs on the red carpet or interviews.

    1. Exactly. It is all about him. Not her. Unless of course she's a Kardashian and then the dynamic changes.

    2. ...While I completely understand that, per the BI it sounds like he told her she could take pictures with him if she came as his date. Maybe she was naive in taking him at his word, but he's still a dick for lying to get his arm candy. So it's pretty awesome and funny his date walked away rather than be arm candy for a man who isn't keeping his end of the bargain.

    3. Awe, no. She is in Hollywood. Girl knew what she was doing. She got shut down and rightly so. Just like the girls backstage at concerts, you only serve one purpose. Sallow and get out.

  4. @Joe, sorry, they are, unless they don't want this. There a bunch of people married/dating non-famous folks whose SO chose to not pose for pictures but are ALWAYS on the background.

  5. Who dates this asshole, anyway?

  6. Love that she left! Awesome!

  7. He's an asshole, but she's an idiot. One, for dating dude in the first place, and two for thinking she would get any screen time being a "nobody".

  8. Gross, hes disgusting

  9. I wouldn't want to be seen with that fat slobs either if I was a female. Bitches like I would be have higher standards.

  10. Team Jonah on this one. Sorry but it wasn't her evening and if she thought she was anything more than an accessory, then she needs to get her delusional self in check.

  11. I could never imagine dating him. I'm no prize but I still have standards and this guy doesn't come anywhere near them. He's ugly on both the inside and outside. I can deal with ugly outside but I'd never date an ugly inside kind of guy. I don't care how much money or fame he has. It just isn't worth it to me.

  12. I think so, @lotta. I'm just saying a lot of people guessed Leto in the original blind! ;)

  13. He's always seemed like a gigantic douche.

  14. dammit Jonah it ws her time to shine

  15. He always seems so bitter! She was def using him though, so I guess in this instance they were both jerks.

    1. Good for her!!!! Hope she schools some other gals likewise.

  16. He could at least speak to her with kindness.

    He's just bitter, he doesn't like himself and he doesn't like women because they don't like him.

  17. She was probably an actress want to be looking for visibility. If he promised that to her, and I suspect he did, and didn't make an effort then he is at fault. If she expected it herself then she was naive.

  18. Sounds like he promised her she would be on camera and based on that assumption, she agreed to attend the event with him. He then broke that promise probably because he thought that once she was there she would stay, but she walked. Good for her, and he is a dick.
    Maybe she was using him for a quick pic, but he obviously was aware of that and used her as a trophy, she lived up to her part, he didn't, again he is a dick.

  19. He'll get his someday. If his belly ever shrinks enough for him to see his wee willy, he'll know why chicks leave so fast.

  20. He did her a favor. Who wants to be seen with him?

  21. Thanks Lady H, I rarely comment, much less guess correctly!

    Jonah is such a douche.

  22. swallow and get out? WTF? Talk about know your place...what centuary is this again?
