Sunday, August 24, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

February 17, 2014

This B- list mostly movie actress who got her start on reality television went through about five guys before she found someone who believed her when she said she was interested in the person for love and not for their money. The B list celeb/athlete she finally hooked has no idea she already fed the same lines to one of his teammates who wasn't stupid enough to take the hook.

Julianne Hough


  1. I dint think she lasted long with the hockey guy.

  2. I guess his team members enlightened him?

    OT Suge Knight was shot multiple times. Everyone suspected the shots were originally for Fist Brown if I heard the NPR report correctly. PreMusic Awards party last night.

    1. It would've been great if a bullet had taken out both of them. Finis. No loss to humanity.

  3. She's using the "no condim cuz I just want to be close to you" as a secret to success.

  4. @ Sherry. Ya heard the news. I also heard like 5 ppl got shot.
    BUT, I hadn't heard the hit was supp to be on Brown.
    I was thinking, the trouble might bring something to light that would land him back in the clinker. Esp if he's on probation.
    He not gonna make a baby, he gonna be somedude's baby.

  5. These golddiggers amaze me. They want it all. Because of their famewhoring disease it has to be with a celeb or someone that will help them stay in the limelight. There are probably a lot of megarich computer/business nerds that could take care of them but can't give them the fame.

  6. I heard that some shit went down before hand, and some claims that The Game was denied entry into the club.

    My gut reaction was that this is linked to all the shit going down with the taxing and the local Crips sets in that area lately but hooooly shit this is not good.

    1. I heard the same kind of shit when down last year at a party when Affleck and Damon were feuding with Clooney and Pitt. A typical eastcoast /westcoast white actor thing. Somebody got disrespected and ended up blasting the others posse. A number of peeps were wounded but no fatalities so they were able to cover it up because they had overlapping management and PR firms.

    2. Lol TexasRose.

      Ya, Clooney be all up in dat shit.

    3. Sincerely - it's all about RESPECT!

    4. 2 fist bumps to my upper chest followed by sideways peace sign.

    5. That was amazing Texas rose

    6. Clooney is Still pissed that affleck will be Batman. Ec.wc drama. Hetero cred

  7. Gold diggers target hockey guys, because they have been regularly concussed from a young age.

    One day, if the lottery gods ever smile upon me, I'm gonna run reverse trolls on golddigging broads. Make em think I'm eating up their bullshit, then dump em when they think they gonna get ringed and lock in their pension. Following that, I'll give em enough hope for reconciliation to get em to do a 3sum with their replacement.

    1. Count - I suspect there are actually a lot of these celebs and athletes that already are reverse trolling like you propose and then get together and laugh about banging out these golddigging famewhores and comparing the shit they made them do:)

  8. She's probably a reincarnation of one of her polygamous Mormon ancestors. I can't understand her appeal & so does the rest of the moviegoing public. Hope she only lasts a season as a DWTS judge.

    1. Have you ever heard of an LDS woman with multiple husbands?

  9. When I see her I can hardly beleive she was that doll from DWTS.
    Either their styling/make up team work miracles (even more than usual) or the bloom is fading at a very young age. She's very cute, but she was amazing.

    That's what she gets for what she's doing. (Sometimes I wonder if I'm stupid or missing some female chromosome. Women suppose to seek security and men seek fertility?? Please say, "yes", then I'll start digging. Lol)

  10. @texas rose
    Seven of Eleven has competition!

  11. @Count Jerkula
    Aah, that explains a lot, Count. You played hockey a lot growing up.

  12. @Sincerely,Your Friend
    There are more women like us than like them, Sincerely. The reverse just seems to be true because they get all the attention!

  13. Its probably a good idea to stay away from Hollywood or West Hollywood tonight after the show is over.

    1. True dat sandy - I heard Clooney and Affleck had words the other night at the Fig & Olive on melrose.

  14. Not wise of the club to not stick to their security policy of using metal detectors, I smell a lawsuit.

  15. @Texas: Was that a blind? If so I'm going to guess Affleck & Damon took turns blasting Pitt's posse, and I think Angelina loved every minute of it.

    1. No Count - just following up at comment by Lady H about Suge's shooting- i forgot the @LadyH.

  16. @Yoj: Why ya takin a swipe at me? I thought we wuz cool?

  17. It's not like men don't do the same. GetMoneyBitch comes in both sexes.

  18. @Texas: I was was just trying to make a joke about Jolie getting tag teamed by Damon/Affleck.

    1. Count - wouldn't be surprised if she has:)

    2. I don't think Damon would touch her but affleck totes would. .

  19. @Count Jerkula
    Awwww, I like you very much, Count, but I'm British. Our friendships consist of affectionate ridicule and awkward silences.
    I do wish that you would graciously acknowledge your joke marathon victory. I worked hard to try and best the master.

  20. You cant take Clooney anywhere drunk Irish bastard!

    1. sandy - and never show up with the same color pocketsquare or there will be a throwdown!

  21. @Yoj: I wasn't in it to win or lose, just for the love of the game.

  22. @Count Jerkula
    Not THAT gracious!

  23. I wish Hollywood would stop trying to make the Houghs happen. They're prancing Ambien, for crissakes.

  24. Did Julianne and her hockey player break up?

  25. As to the gold-digging (or marrying up?) I just read an article that young men who married cougars are now divorcing them at a high rate and remarrying younger women. I think the gold digging runs whatever way the gold does.

  26. As to the gold-digging (or marrying up?) I just read an article that young men who married cougars are now divorcing them at a high rate and remarrying younger women. I think the gold digging runs whatever way the gold does.

  27. Have never seen a pic of Brooks Laich with her since the wintertime

  28. The Houghs have fucked enough people who matter to get their gigs. Tight asses and high thresholds for kink will take you places in Hollywood.

    I'm surprised Suge doesn't have people taking a shot at him every day. He and the other two who were hit last night are expected to recover. To no one's surprise, it happened at Chris Brown's 1Oak party.

  29. She's a cutie and also sweet. I don't know why people pile on her. So she wants a rich hubby? So what?

  30. I fail to see the problem. Millions of women marry butt ugly doctors, lawyers and various other rich trolls and nobody gives them a pile of crap. Julianne has an amazing body and wants to use it to be financially secure. All of you hammering her would go ape shit if she hooked up with a poor guy. How can anybody deny that this woman doesn't deserve an easy life in trade for access to this body?

  31. There's no problem with Julianne selling her ass to a rich husband, that's to be expected. The problem is that she practically body slammed several of her targets in public and loudly trash talked her lucrative, powerful and high profile bearding gig (Seacrest). A little discretion would have served her well.

  32. @Yoj: There is no pleasing some broads, huh?

    If you want to feel like you lost something, then email me some pics of yer ass, so you can lose some pride. Hopefully 1 with a Sharpie inserted.

  33. @Count Jerkula
    A sharpie! I'm a lady, Count.
    It would have to be a MontBlanc.

  34. Maybe she really believes what she's saying. Maybe she's in love with being in love. No one knows what she's really feeling.


    He has pictures on his Twitter feed of them together as of late July.
