Monday, August 18, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 27, 2014

Sweat was dripping from this former A list tweener yesterday and was high as a kite as she talked to people about doing what is right. One almost A list mostly movie actor who saw the former tweener said she had enough drugs in her system to start her own pharmacy.

Selena Gomez/Orlando Bloom


  1. So he Had to fuck the drugs right out of her huh?? Is this how they ended up hooking up?? A kindness blind as well. .

  2. Sandyboo FTW. No one guesses Orly though. Pot meet kettle?

  3. But now she and Beebs are going to bible study together according to pap photos.

    1. Is bible study code for drug den?? How come we don't see photos of them coming out of bs just are told they were there.

    2. Church of Satan, maybe...
      Explains a lot.

  4. Orlando, please STFU.

    1. Orlando didn't lecture her he hooked up with her. Like shooting fish in a barrel. He wasn't preaching just observing her state.

  5. So she becomes holier than thou when she's off her face.
    Never seen that before.

  6. Did everyone read how Demi "plead the Sixth" this week when asked why she unfollowed Selena? LOLOLOLOL

  7. Well all is right with the world Selena and Biebs found Jesus and themselves are back together :(

  8. Skippy they are called crystal Christians.

  9. @LadyH. Why Demi hating on Sweatlna? Was Demi wanted to hire Orly for herself?

    1. I don't know, SYF because Demi plead the Sixth :(
      Maybe Selena is stinky from superfluous sweating

    2. Lol. True. No one wants to floor stinch. That's why I wouldn't follow Demi.
      Well, I'll have to get to tbe bottom if that. Maybe Selena and her infant sister went to party at Demi's and stole her stash.

  10. I hate it when bitches plead the sixth. . It means they aren't going to talk or share their coke stash either. Greedy bitch.

  11. Maybe Demi is pleading the "Sixth" because when she looks at Selena, she sees Dead People!

  12. BWAHAHAHAHA minpin
    I was trying to come up with a Sixth Sense joke, but then my titties got ESPN or something! ;)

  13. Is it wrong I'm liking Orlando a lot lately?

  14. Mmmmm. Miss Gomez all sweaty from drugs. I bet her fun bits were all well marinated and full flavor. So hot.

  15. @Topper Madison
    No judgement, Topper... but yes, yes it is wrong.

  16. @Lady Heisenberg
    I don't see what's so funny about Demi pleading 'the sixth'.
    This was clearly a heartfelt plea to her peers to remain impartial during her trial by media, and to allow her to consult her PR representative before confronting the tabloid accuser.
    Smart girl.

    1. @Yoj: Selena Smartypants should've stayed in school longer. 6th Amendment refers to rights pertaining to criminal prosecutions, namely things like due process. Unless she was asking for a lawyer, it makes little sense. The correct term Demi probably intended is "plead the fifth," which refers to the 5th Amendment right protecting against self-incrimination.

    2. Derp *Demi Smartypants

  17. what are crystal christians??

    1. Crystal Chritians?!? Have Selena and Bieber been thwacking so hard on meth that they joined La Familia Michoacana?!?!

  18. Their Bible study this week is all about sin, and they're gonna take a thorough look at sex, drugs, and being a total asshole.

  19. @Lady Heisenberg
    I know, I was being sarcastic. Hence my references to impartiality, representation and confrontation. Clearly I'm not very good at this. Sorry for the confusion, Lady H.

  20. "Lovato, 21, agreed to play a round of "Plead the Fifth." Host Andy Cohen reminded the pop star that she could only skip ONE of the three questions.

    Cohen's first question: "Shag, Marry, Kill: Joe Jonas, Justin Bieber, Simon Cowell."

    "I'd kill Bieber. I'd kill Simon. F--k, I'd kill Joe, too!" Lovato said. "No, Joe and I are good friends, so I wouldn't kill him. I'd keep him around." Alba asked, "Who would you shag?" Lovato replied, "None."

    The next question was hard to answer. "Not including your own behavior, what is the most scandalous thing you ever saw a Disney Channel star do?" Cohen asked. "And you don't have to name a name."

    "I can't answer that!" Lovato said. "I plead the fifth."

    Perhaps she should have saved that option. For Cohen's third and final question, he asked, "You recently unfollowed your BFF Selena Gomez on Twitter. So much speculation about this! Can you tell us why?"

    "Um, I plead the sixth, if that's in the game," Lovato said.

    She wasn't uninformed, she was making a joke....

  21. Thank you spritely! I love funnies! I hope that Demi accept my apologies and I offer this as a gift of good FAITH!

  22. aww yes thank you spritely for the clarification!!
    in that case she was being totes cute.. i didn't watch the episode..
    go demi!!

  23. aww yes thank you spritely for the clarification!!
    in that case she was being totes cute.. i didn't watch the episode..
    go demi!!
