Sunday, August 17, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 29, 2014

They might be on vacation together and in the same suite, but that doesn't mean the couple is having sex or staying ion the same bedroom. This A+ list entertainer("singer") is sleeping solo or with her kids. No one else. No alone time with her boyfriend behind a closed door either.

Britney Spears


  1. This is a song about a girl named Lucky...

  2. wow! nice Derek- you're absolutely right. Good Morning Everyone.

  3. We all sleep alone. Cher

  4. I don't understand this! Is she not allowed or she just isn't into it?

  5. Britney has a 'babysitter' not a boyfriend. The same story was with Trawick.

  6. WTH not dump the no body? Does she have to have a boyfriend alllll tbe time? It's not like he makes her some power couple.

  7. @Simon---rumor has it she is not only very sick mentally but physically as well if you catch my drift...(and I hope its not true)...

    1. Derek, where did the HIV story stem from?

    2. Bee, bullshit story. Enty has access to her medical records

  8. If he's just for show then why would she sleep with him? Big deal it isn't like they're trying to convince the public that they have some hot romance going. Britney's having some face time with her kids or herself.

  9. this site and Hollywood Street King

  10. Maybe she is just being a responsible single mother, not having sexy sleepovers in the same hotel room with her kids???

  11. Poor Britney.
    Does she have any female friends (who aren't employees)?

  12. I think her mental anguishes are much worse than we're told. Having a boyfriend makes her feel secure and loved and special. Even if the relationship is a sham on his end.

    She seems like a strange parallel to michael jackson sometimes, in so much as she seems to be reverting to a child like state, when she was happy. I think she's happy with the innocent relationship.

    I would love her family to ease up on her, and let her go get the help she needs.

  13. Oh, thanks guys. It's horrific if true. Having said that, I have clients with HIV who are managing their condition well and living life as it should be.

  14. Meds may have killed her sex drive. Having a "boyfriend" keeps the media off her ass (as far as love goes)

  15. @Emmalinasaurus
    What a lovely comment. Seriously.

    Unfortunately, I know women without the burden of mental anguish who need a boyfriend to "feel secure and loved and special".

    1. She didnt mean it like that. Chill. Why do yall get so butthurt on here?

  16. Enty's pics of her lately look like a woman who has recently been turned out well and good...she's getting some somewhere!

  17. Brings a tear to my eye when fine vagina and buttocks go to waste.

  18. So, clearly the guy isn't her boyfriend, whatever Enty or gossip sites may say. I wonder if Britney calls him that?

  19. I dont believe this. She really looks happy these days and not in a fake way. Either he sneaks back to her room or something somewhere is happening as this girl is clearly getting some!

  20. The guy they call her boyfriend is just an assistant, just like Jason was. They give her attention, make her feel special, take her to dinner and keep an eye on her. He's like a paid escort.

    I honestly don't think Britney realizes these guys (Dave and Jason)aren't real boyfriends.

  21. i don't think brittany realizes that she lives in ca

  22. @sugarbread maker
    Ha! That's both hilarious and (sadly) probably true.

  23. I hope that after this Vegas "run" (I believe the stories about body doubles being used) is over she's allowed to go back to Louisiana and live quietly the rest of her life. Her issues started when she hurt her knee IIRC and she couldn't dance the way she used to. If it's true she sick physically as well she deserves time out of the spotlight.

  24. actually her issues started after momager dearest insisted she get huge implants at 16 and that procedure did something to affect her vocal chords.. don't know a lot about b implants but ever since her implants @16 her voice has been shredded and she has gone insane b/c tits she didn't want ruined her voice
    @yoj.. thank you and welcome if i didn't say it b4!!

  25. @sugarbread maker
    Thank you for the welcome.

  26. @Bee: Naughty? I thought that was quite sensitive. Some people get emotional when dogs and children are neglected, with me it is when starfish and honey pot don't get the attention they need.

  27. I agree with Count. There nothing worse than excellent tail being unused. Why do you think so many of us detest Taylor Swift?
