Friday, August 08, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 10, 2014

#1- This actress is probably B- list. She was mostly movies and finally got her big break in television. Famous family. Our actress is very germ phobic to the point where her sex life is all about condoms and gloves. Her long time boyfriend says that she likes to use gloves when touching him otherwise she feels the need to wash her hands every five seconds. She apparently loves sex, just has issues with germs. Oh, and kissing is a big no no.

Emma Roberts


  1. That doesn't sound like Emma Roberts at all. How weird.

    1. Right?? Besides, there have been PLENTY of pics of her and Evan sharing sloppy open-mouthed kisses and mutual gropes in recent years.

      It also doesn't ever really look like she's all that concerned about being super clean and showered either..

  2. ^5 Shit You Can't Buy!!!

  3. Washing hands every five seconds is a sign of drug addiction. A co-worker of mine used to run to the bathroom 6 or 7 times an hour to wash his hands --he was on coke.

  4. A super germ a phobic junkie? ? How random?

  5. Psst, is messy - that's the best part.

  6. OK, I have to say it - if you don't even like to touch the skin of your partner, maybe you don't like sex as much as you think you do. But WTF do I know?

  7. What the hell? Evan, run.

  8. Word sandy. She's definitely on uppers. Her hands must be so dry and cracked out all the time. However, it wouldn't surprise me if she had OCD

  9. She and Howie Mandell should make a sex tape. Imagine how intense those hand washing scenes would be.

    1. I was thinking she should hook up with that Skarsgard bloke. Didn't he have the same issues?

  10. Queen: it would be sponsored by Purell and Luvox

  11. You mean she loves bad sex? Sounds too clinical

  12. I call utter bullshit. Emma is so faded 95% of the time, I highly doubt she's even thinking about germs. this blind is lame.

  13. What kind of gloves? 'cause I think Gore-Tex ski gloves would be kinda funny.

  14. She gives the phrase "No glove, no love." a new meaning.

  15. Shes got something and shes a mental wreck.

  16. I don't know how Howie ever had kids.

  17. @califblondy. I'm pretty sure Howie's phobia came on later, after the kids. I don't think he was always like this.

    It's sad. But I do see what I think is major improvements in his social interactions, for a while I think he was much worse than he is now.

    (Sometimes I've thought, "if I develope a phobia I think it might be like his." But I've just decided not to. Hahaha)

  18. Coming from a 2-4 showers a day person I can see how this person feels. I don't think it's Emma though. If she's as drugged up as she's been made out to be I highly doubt she worries more about germs than she does her next high.

  19. It is sick (and not Emma).
    A friend's roommate was a bulimic 16 who was left by her mother to care for her father next to his dying bed. After he died she couldn't cope with that and turned a maniac hand-washer (every half an hour, insomniac) to the point she hardly had any skin on the back of her hands.
    Serious mental disease.

  20. I got it right? Completely forgot I guessed Emma haha! Thanks Lady Heisenberg for the heads up!

  21. I'm trying to think of someway that could be made into something fun but I'm coming up with nothing.

  22. You don't have to be on any drugs to be OCD about washing your hands or being germophobic.

    You do wonder what sets it off but some people seem almost born with the phobia. I'd figure if you have one or two OCD parents, that's part of it, be a nature and nurture kind of thing. And some people just seem to have addictive personalities. Not just one addiction or OC behaviour.

  23. I wonder if sexual abuse could trigger this kind of thing - imagine being assaulted by someone who turned out to be say HIV positive. It would drive you bonkers, bad enough dealing with the assault.

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  24. Oh man, she needs help. Gloves to touch your lover isnt normal.

  25. She should talk to her aunt!

  26. This is not true, she was papped walking around without shoes on and even spitting on the ground which is not something germaphobes do.

  27. Maybe she's LARPing that she's Rogue from the X-men and her boyfriend is "Bobby".

  28. I'm not buying it- she and her boyfriend always look rather germy to me.
