Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 15, 2014

This C- list actress who is only that high because of her A+ list parents threw a fit on the show she is guesting on when she learned she would have to share a trailer with someone. In her position she is lucky she got a trailer at all. She refused to shoot until she had a trailer as large as the biggest star on the show. She then never even used the trailer. And she wonders why people don't like to hire her. Well her bad acting has something to do with it.

Rumer Willis


  1. get lost Rumer and take the other 2 with you---

  2. She got her looks from her dad and her acting talent from mom.

    Bad combination.

  3. Her chin needed a wing all to itself.

  4. What show was she guesting on?

  5. I give her credit for trying to work, but she needs to be knocked down several hundred notches.

  6. Pretty Little Liars

  7. Since she's neither pretty nor little, it was a miscast from the jump

  8. well her mother is a mega bitch ho---I can see where she has been lead done wrong paths in life. Apparently Rumor is afraid to introduce her mother to any of her boyfriends cause she is afraid she will hit on them!

  9. Anonymous9:14 AM

    No matter how much you re-sculpt that jawline, honey, it ain't gonna happen for you.

  10. Her scene in pll was so senseless. The two minutes she was on the screen I wanted to gag. My question is who is the biggest star on the show. All five girls are the lead. Unless she was referring to buttabenzo who hates her guts.

  11. It's ironic isn't it? Bruce and Demi moved to the Midwest boonies to raise their girls away from the insanity that is Holly weird to avoid this kind of crap.
    Demi even stayed behind when they split up.
    My question is - where in the hell did these girls develop this asshole behavior? I cannot believe their mom acted that way around the town folk in Idaho or wherever it was they moved.
    Demi was a huge primadonna when she and Bruce enjoyed #1 status together but that status was another lifetime ago. I really thought their kids would be a little more well adjusted than this.
    I don't understand why the director on the TV show didn't tell her to deal with what they gave her or break her contract and get fired. If the idiots in charge didn't indulge these fuck heads they wouldn't act this way.

    1. I agree totally! I'm so surprised that they're not better behaved at least for appearances sake... Bruce and Demi are old pros and they must know how far charm goes, even if its fake, schmoozy Hollywood charm. Hollywood is a popularity contest and if you want to be popular (and between the "free my tits on Instagram" campaign and awkward red carpet heavy careers those kids clearly want to be popular) you can't afford to be a d*ck, especially while trying to establish a career.

  12. I have no idea why my post ended up looking like that!!!

  13. Demi should of stayed in MT with all of them.

  14. Demi brought the girls back to LA when she started working again, they were young teens, on Charlie's Angels, then started dating rock stars, and married Asston.

  15. I loved her on Hawaii 5-0. Don't know why she wouldn't work hard to keep a gig in Hawaii.

  16. What is it with all the trailer envy?
    Sit your ass & chin down on a sofa, have a herbal tea & chill.
    Alternatey, shut the F*** up.

  17. I know the consenus is these three sibs are brats, i cant help but feel for them. First they are in bumblef*ck, then dad leaves, then mom moves back to la, then marries ashton, and mother goes on that wild ride. Meanwhile father busy with his work, new wife and new babies. I dont see bruce as involved rather at all. Then mother divorced, sliwly becomes unhinged( not sure of order od events), and boom! They are on their own. At like 18, 20, 21. So yeah, they gonna make loads of mistakes because no one is looking out for hem.

  18. It must be tough for a woman to go through life looking like Bruce Willis in a wig.

  19. These girls all think they are STARS now, and can act like divas. None of them have ever had to work for anything. None of them are all that smart & just need to stay in school & get some life experience. Rumor demands free stuff from stores, that Demi secretly pays for.

  20. They should have fired her ass on the spot.

  21. Her own trailer?! I know an actress who starred on her show & she shared hers with female guest stars all the time.

  22. I wonder if this was when she was filming for Pretty Little Liars.
