Sunday, August 10, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 27, 2014

This Qatar Airways flight attendant lost her job after this A- list mostly television actor who did make a movie about one of his characters told her he would talk to her bosses about her spending the night with him if she got in trouble. She did and was fired and the actor never returned her calls.

Jeremy Piven


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    more to the story, i'll bet.

    perhaps she didnt understand the terms of a "one night stand" and kept trying to push the "im your girlfriend cause i slept with u" policy.

    he is wrong for getting her fired but something tells me i piven doesnt get his way (in this case leaving him alone) he will pull out the HUGE artillery on your a$$. piven aint playing games wit dees hoes...

  2. ROFL @Lady. "Pivert." I love it! You almost made tea go through my nose!!!

  3. He is a complete pig. Why do woman even consider hooking up with him?

  4. Guess his foul reputation hadn't made it over to Qatar yet. He's running out of places on earth to get away with his personality.

  5. Why is it the airline's business who a grown woman spends the night with? Am I not understanding this?

  6. essie.. google quatar airlines or wait for 7 to pop in w/ the nasty link

  7. Replies
    1. I read this the first time and was horrified at the control the airline exerts over their FA's. That being said it is clearly outlined and apparently well known no hanky panky for the girls. Why your service is better if your virginal I don't know. Being able to get laid on your layover seems like you'd be a bit more relaxed on the job.

    2. *you're* oops.

  8. And @7 saves the day in 3..2..1..

  9. She's an idiot. What did she think him talking to her bosses would do?? Sounds like a pump and dump that got pissed because she didn't call her back period. I'm surprised she didn't also say he has a small dick or was bad in bed.

  10. Texas, small dick and bad fuck is A given with Pivert I would guess.

  11. Essie,

    Well, for one, the Middle East has a very strict (if irrational) moral code when it comes to women and sex.

    And moreso,if they get a reputation for having flight attendants that will sleep with the passengers, it kind of takes the shine of their professional reputation.

  12. I don't understand this. She got fired for banging him? As if it doesn't happen all the time with pilots, flight attendants and passengers.

  13. Who on earth would sleep with him or Kelsey from the previous blind? Come on ladies.

  14. It sounded like she blew off her work to spend the night. So if she doesn't show up that screws up the schedules of others and costs the airline money. In addition to the morale issue it would have with her.

    She got star struck and star fucked.

  15. I believe that @timebob has right

  16. Anonymous11:56 AM

    im assuming that piven had evidence of the liaison(s) and only exposed it because she wouldnt leave him alone.

    years ago when lil wayne was incarcerated a female prison guard was terminated because she was having sex with him and was sneaking in stuff for him.

    the moral of the stories r: look out for yourselves ladies. never put your livelihood in the hands of borderline (in these two cases FLAT OUT) ugly celebrities just for star fucker bragging rights.

  17. Thanks Seven. I had no idea. I know life over there is bad but working for Qatar airways sounds like jail. At least they aren't stoned to death.

  18. timebob and FrenchGirl need to read up on Qater Air and the control they exert over their female employees before making uninformed comments.

  19. ASS. HOLE.

    Qatar Air sounds like a nightmare to work for! Thanks for the clicky, 7.

  20. Yeah, Qatar Airways is crazy. Even if he did go talk to them it wouldn't matter or help.

    For anyone who hasn't clicked Seven's link, they pretty much own the flight attendants. It's almost like they're 14-year-old girls with extremely strict parents! They live in guarded housing where coming home late or even accidentally setting off a smoke detector in your own apartment can get you fired. Having a man stay over would never, ever happen.

    When they do get fired, it's immediate, and they have to immediately withdraw all their money before the airline freezes their bank account. Once fired, they are immediately ejected from the country, not allowed to get their belongings. They also get blacklisted... from the entire country!

  21. It bears repeating, Jeremy Piven is a huge asshole toward women, along with his old best buddy John Cusack.

    Don't get me started on our "allies" Qatar.
