Sunday, August 17, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 28, 2014

This A list couple which, if taken separately would not add up to A list took a private flight that lasted well over seven hours. According to a flight attendant on the flight, the couple spoke briefly a few times. They had to walk to the other person because they kept separated by the entire space of the passenger cabin. "It was like a couple of friends taking a flight together and not a couple that was intimate with each other."

Jessica Biel/Justin Timberlake


  1. Thus is the life of a double bearding agreement

  2. I'm surprised they even knew who each of them were they aren't together very much.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Is it double bearding? I've heard stories of her girlfriends, but not his. Are there stories out there I'm missing?

  5. "The rider". I'll never get that visual out of my head about JT. Smh

  6. No kidding. They are both cold as ice.

  7. why would he beard for her tho? What does she got on him?

  8. According to rumors he's at least bi if not straight up gay. Shes gay and her restaurant partner may be the g/f.

  9. If JT isn't bi/gay (I don't think he's gay) Biel is the perfect "beard" for him to run around getting as much tail as he wants while appearing to be appropriately settled for a guy over 30.

  10. It appears that Biel has a pierced clit.



    1. too bad justin probably doesn't know what to do down there!!
      those photos were from her pr vacay w/ derek jeter fwiw

    2. Is her pu**y lopsided, or did I just have my head tilted looking at this picture?
      P.S. Count, I wish I was a mogul so I could start my own tv channel and give you a late-night talk show. Sex would be the only topic.

  11. The true test of compatibility: can you stand each other's company for the length of a long-haul flight?
    To be fair, though, could anyone stand Timberlake under those circumstances?

  12. Interesting, count.

    Congrats to Renoblondee for nailing this ONE!

  13. HSK says JT slept with both Timbaland and Pharrell.

    1. HSK is as reliable as shit. According to him everyone is gay.

  14. She's a bad actress, nobody likes him - They both bring so much to the table.

  15. @ay. I appreciate the tea you brought but ......Pharell &....... sex........with JT... The Turtle and The Hair
    Don't EVEN wanna know who finished first.

  16. Don't forget jt was a pageant boy when he started out.. nuff said. When your mommy puts you in beauty pageants at 5 it's downhill from there

  17. So if he's not that into the ladies, what were he and Cameron Diaz doing together for all that time? Was she that desparate to seem relevant? It's not like Cameron had dropped out of sight plus she always puts herself out there as this hyper-sexual person so how did that work for her? Acting wise I don't necessarily think Biels is bad per se she just doesn't seem to have any presence. She is void of personality.

  18. @Min

    I think JT is genuinely into men and women. Supposedly his longtime bf is named Trace Ayala. As far as Biel as an actress goes.......shouldn't good acting require presence?

  19. So should they be talking nonstop? Perhaps they were just relaxing and enjoying their flight home?

  20. Cameron discusses one ex as being asexual and them as only having one or two sexual encounters despite being together for a long time, general consensus is that it's JT

  21. "It appears that Biel has a pierced clit."

    Clit hood piercing, more likely, although I don't see one in that pic. AKA the "Aim here, stupid" piercing. An actual clit piercing is a real serious and rare body mod.

  22. Two celebrities as a couple = way more publicity than one alone or with a non-celebrity.

    Diaz wants to do drugs more than she wants to be bothered with any guy. I'm sure JT left her lots of free time for that.

    Biel and JT both get more publicity and some het credibility with this relationship.

  23. I sure hope that one of the sexiest female celebrity bodies in history isn't being used by the other dugout.

  24. Profane pulling the Capt Obvious bit. Or is it a sketch? or a skit?

  25. I still don't get what he gets from this "relationship". Accepting all the rumors about her are correct that is.

  26. @Ay I I was watching one of those Hollywood stories today, and it featured Madonna. Now THATS some BAD acting (except for Desparately Seeking Susan in which she plays herself). When Madge won the Golden Globe and got up to the microphone and started in with the pseudo Brit accent....blerg!

    Seems like anytime Madonna gave an interview it was like the worlds worst pagent performance. She tries so hard to sound like an intellectual but comes off like an airhead beauty queen. When Madonna was being herself she was fine. It's when she tried ACTING that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. That's what I think of when I think of BAD acting. Biels ain't even on the radar.

  27. @Min

    Bless your heart, i've never seen a Madonna film and don't ever plan to lmao Yes i'll agree Biel isn't THAT bad, she's just a "there" chick and "there" doesn't make you a star.

  28. Ok but JT alone is still an A.

  29. @CountJ:

    Always looking out for your entertaining insight. You've never failed to be good for it.
