Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 4, 2014

The real story of the band that just announced a bunch of shows being canceled because of illness is that the second biggest member of the group is a strung out mess who needs rehab. The band just can't decide whether to wait him out or hire someone to replace him for a while like they did the other night at that big gig that shouldn't be.

30 Seconds To Mars


  1. shannon hates being in jareds shadow

  2. So basically Van Halen v8.0

    1. Or Bad Religion
      Or STP
      Or Marilyn Manson

  3. or Asslee and Jessica

  4. I saw them this Saturday in Tampa. I had friends that met them, too. Shannon seemed healthy, happy and alert. Good for him.

  5. A shorter list is of groups this wouldn't be necessary for BUT good luck finding even one of those.

  6. Shannon has some horrible demons. They've been with him since before Jared became famous.

    1. like what demons

    2. Both Jared & Shannon had a rough life. Their dad killed himself when Jared was 8 and Shannon was 10. They basically grew up in a car work their mother until they joined a commune. They both got into drugs very early which is why now Jared doesn't drink or do drugs. Jared had acting to fall back on which guided him away from the drugs, Shannon's only poison was music. Jared tried to get Shannon clean by getting him roles in my so called life and cameos in his films. He basically started 30 Seconds to Mars too give Shannon something to get clean for. So far, it's worked. But addicts relapse sometimes. It happens.

    3. @sugar watch their documentary. He and his Mom talk his addictions and having no direction in life for a while. Sometimes he would just disappear, no one knew where he was.

    4. Oh, the typos. Work = with. Poison= passion

  7. Also, addiction IS an illness. So they weren't technically lying.

  8. He may hate being in Jared's shadow, but his fame fast tracked the band to success.
    They have talent, but I know more talented guys without contracts.

  9. Shannon has "Jan Brady Syndrome".....

    1. Exactly! It can't be easy living in his brothers shadow.

  10. i love them both. jared especially has the same life story and looks like my ex. they both make me creamy in my panties.

    stay strong. i know addiction :(

  11. i love them both. jared especially has the same life story and looks like my ex. they both make me creamy in my panties.

    stay strong. i know addiction :(
