Sunday, August 17, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 27, 2014

I was doing some research on a film from back in the day that has come up a few times in the past week. It has come up because the star of the film has some other projects she is plugging now and a lot of the old stories about the movie are resurfacing. There will be a blind about that movie next week. while doing the research though, I saw one of my favorites in the cast list and clicked on her name to see what she is up to now. When I clicked, I had to blink a couple of times because I thought to myself that couldn't be right. She would never do that. It turns out she would. She is an actress who has literally been around forever, but never looks old. She is considered a mostly television actress and had a nice long run on a hit cable television show that ended not that long ago. She is known though for something much more important in history. I consider her to be the first "it girl." The first time that term may have been used. That is a big honor. Anyway, she has a secret that she only shared with a few people who got drunk with her back in the day in the club that will never be duplicated. She says she had sex with one of the most infamous people in history. She had so many details that no one left an encounter with her doubting her story. As far as I know she has not mentioned it to anyone in decades and my source from that club who was there every night and is still friends with her today says she never mentions it. She is afraid of the damage it might cause her career now. So, that is what makes what she is doing now, so damn interesting.

Patti D'Arbanville and Charles Manson


  1. WhyGuess FTW with a radiant assist from VeronicaCostello! Well done!

    1. AnnaBelle and I get no credit? Boo! lol

  2. I don't know this Patti character but that is nothing I would boast about that's fur shur

    1. She was a famous rock band groupie...NY Dolls(Lou Reed) amongst many others...back in the heydey70/80's ny...said to have played a mean skin flute..this was written about in someone's memoirs..perhaps...bowtie.She was Don Johnson as well(I think..haven't wiki'd her yet)..but she was a playa ..kinda like a character out of almost famous)

    2. This is what I recall

    3. I love your groupie knowledge.

    4. Was also part of Andy Warhol' s factory back in the day he cast her in his movie Flesh in the late 60's

    5. She was on L&O and also on Sopranos alluding to her groupie talent.

    6. She was on Fox's New York Undercover.

    7. @Tricia S, I am not positive, but I think you are confusing her with Pamela Des Barres.

  3. And Enty, for christ sake, "it girl" was used in1920's to describe Clara Bow. Learn some history man!!
    Idk about this, from many things ive read, charlie didnt do much actual f*cking, was a watcher. But if she did? There isnt enough chlorine in the world!!!!

    1. THANK YOU! Clara Bow was the first "It Girl". You'd think someone who knows Old Hollywood would know that. hmph.

      And re the blind: Don't we all have someone we would be ashamed to admit to? :-) It wouldn't have to be just about career that she would be hesitant, but about ... ewwwww, why would any one want to claim that!

    2. Seriously, this just shows me that the "Old Hollywood" Enty is off today. I knew that Clara Bow was the "It" Girl since I was 10 and bought my first paperback version of "Whatever Happened to...." Ridiculous for anyone with any knowledge of Old Hollywood to say it was D'Arbanville.

  4. I met that Luka Magnotta guy years ago (Canadian killer) and I never tell anyone cause its gross and shameful

    1. @Derek *shuddering*

      But I gotta ask: why is it gross and shameful. I assume it was before he killed unless...omg! You totally fucked him, didn't you?!

    2. Meanie, you asked what I daren't.

    3. I'm not shaming him, honest!

    4. @derek I know someone who met him, more than once, as well. When the story hit the news, he was initially quite certain that Magnotta wasn't capable of committing such a crime. Now he too feels skeevy about "knowing" him. Not all monsters look like monsters. Not your fault, nor my friend's, that you just saw a guy...kinda cute, kinda sweet, kinda not so bright, as I hear it. Not convicted yet...did I forget to say "allegedly"?

    5. Meanie. I drooled on a pillow next to a sociopath. It happens. Some of them stop at hurting animals and lighting fires. I keep waiting for hid name to appear in the papers. No shade here. They can be the most charming.

  5. Derek! How on earth, or where? That just skeeves me out. Grrr!

  6. Before he did the murders aparantly he seemed like a pretty cool guy. He was supposed to have been a very charismatic musician/ hippy. Obviously he was actually evil, but how could you really know before it happened? I read an article about someone interviewing him in jail and the author says he was very magnetic and charming. I think it was for rolling stone. Anyway he is creepy and I would probably try to block it from my memory if it had been me.

    1. Sexy- charlie m was never a cool child. Had lousy poor neglected home life; was already in and out of jail at 13 or so. Was dope dealer, pimp, hustler. Even before he was locked up he had spent more years in jail than out. He was always one sick motherf*cker. Never any sort if good guy.

  7. "The first time that term may have been used".... uh, really? Clara Bow ring a bell? In the 1920's?

  8. Clara Bow was the first It Girl back in the 1920's. That's where that term came from, when she made the movie It based on the book of the same name.

  9. She is listed as a cast member in an upcoming Manson movie.

  10. Please, there were many it girls before Patti.

  11. Haha, Meanie! I hope to hell not, for Derek's sake. :(

  12. Eh, let it go, Patti. She was born in 1951, Chaz Manson was arrested in Oct or Nov 1969; she was very young.

  13. Now here's a good one !
    I'm guessing the bar was Max's Kansas City.

  14. Worked with a guy in LA a few years ago. He was about 7 or 8 years older than me. Kinda of a burn-out, ex-60's, too much acid dude. Still drove a VW bug and visited Disneyland every weekend. Anyway, one day in the elevator, just me and him, he blurts out this Manson story. Seems that back in the late 60's Charlie was living in Topanga Canyon. My co-worker went up there to buy some acid from Charlie. He told me that Charlie had a stable of girls, including one tied-up nude to a tree that he offered to my co-worker. My co-worker told me he declined Charlie's offer. Creepy as hell. I avoided this guy and elevators for the rest of my time at the place where we worked.

  15. Not all monsters look like monsters. Well said, demandah.

    D'Arbanville is the subject of Cat Stevens song Lady D'Arbanville. Also, she was Rayanne's mother on My So Called Life.

    That's a frightening story bravewoman.

  16. I think Enty means the first it girl out of the Warhol Factory in that era.

    Hey you have to be charismatic to get people to do what you want them to do, to start a cult.

  17. The term it girl was first used on clara bow in the 20s. She was the girl who had 'it'.

  18. hahahah hell NO!!!!! Just at a trashy bar on Church Street! we had a brief conversation

    1. @Derek-the way I hear it, he was professionally "social", for a time.

  19. demanduh---interesting! Yeah I heard he was quite the social butterfly for a while..
    OH RAYANNES hippy dippy mom! I TOTALLY know who she is now lol

  20. @AuntLiddy, thank you for showing Enty's faulty logic with the Clara Bow reference. For God's sake, it came from the freaking title of the movie she was in (It). Other "It Girls"- Lana Turner and Marilyn Monroe, both of whom predate Patti.

    Just because you worked with Andy "My talent knew many bounds and those boundaries were very, very small" Warhol doesn't make you an "It Girl". Divine was more of an It Girl than Patti.

  21. @derek: indeed very creepy. I remember he also made some kitten torture vids :(((( creepy fella

  22. Pff. Like she is the only celeb Charlie tapped. If Manson ever told the stories of some of the LA cult parties he went to w/ his whores, there would be plenty of celebs, or parents of current celebs, on the list.

  23. And the chick tied to the tree story is hot. Some whores need discipline.

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Unnecessary and uncool.

    2. @LowKey. Lol. !! (My fav comment of the day)

      @movieSniper - I'm not Laffin at u and understandably ur not the first to say that to "The Count". You won't be the last. (-:

  24. haha I bet---luckily I'm broke ; )

    I bet we know some same people! But lets just leave it a mystery lol : )

    1. At the very least, we probably go to the same trashy bars! Mystery is good.

  25. She is an actress who has literally been around forever, but never looks old.

    Have you googled her image recently, Enty? Yeah, I thought not.

  26. Count is right about Charlie, his girls and the parties they went to. That part of the Manson story was buried.

  27. It's long been known that Manson tried to hang with the it crowd in the LA Music scene. Didn't one of the Beach Boys record a song he wrote? I too have heard that he's very charismatic.
    Agreed on the "it" girl part unless Enty means professional groupie before Miss Pamela. Or the Plaster Casters (I think that was their name.)

  28. @CountJerkula - that was a disgusting comment to make. Wonder when you will be on the headlines.

  29. That's how Manson got in with The Wilson Bros, he had the girls and drugs back then and the rockers loved both. Patti D and Ms Pamela D. are often confused, they did do some of the same guys (Cat Stevens was a big one) but Patti was said to have married Don Johnson in between his back and forths with Melanie Griffith. I dont know if they really were legally marriedor just had lived together but they did have a son.

  30. Required 1960s Hollywood Reading 101:

    1. Helter Skelter
    2. I'm with the Band

    In that order, please. I expect a 1500 word report on my desk on Friday.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      And The Family!

    2. Movie-thats what i was going to say. The Family by Ed Sanders i think. Will scare the shit out of you.

  31. @Serendippity do dah
    Count Jerkula represents the devil on our left shoulders, whispering man's most primal desires. He brings balance to the force.

  32. If you want more fun reading, check out Manson's prison shit with the Aryan Brotherhood. When he first was locked up he was a high profile target in general, and specifically from the black inmates, BGF/Vanguard etc. AB refused to give him any sort of membership, but backed him up out of racial pride/obligations and due to other agreements made with the Manson family...

  33. Topper..I've read both. Excellent reads. I would also recommend Danny Sugarman's "Wonderland Avenue". One of my first books about rock and roll and about the Doors. I'm not a big Doors geek but it was good!

  34. Not a Doors geek either but I loved No One Here Gets Out Alive.

  35. She had a kid with Don Johnson. I would imagine the bar was Studio 54.

  36. She was also in Fresh Horses with Ringwold & McCarthy, which Enty just had a long-ish blind about fairly recently.

    1. Mmmm hnmmmm, @Rose Liz, and I assume from the intro to this blind there will be another Fresh Horses/Molly blind next week.

      I'm already giving you the "Nailed it!"(TM) on that one...

  37. The first Warhol It Girl was Edie Sedgwick and she was fabulousness personified. Watch "Factory Girl" and Ciao New York. Edie is actually in Ciao NY and is worth it to watch the extras. Lots of detail into Factory Life.

    To add to the reading list: (fantastic suggestions BTW)

    "Edie: An American Girl"

  38. I thought Studio 54 also but that was in NYC. I've heard nothing about Charlie being in NYC, ever.

    Topper, I've read both. Twice. Both great books. I was surprised I liked I'm With The Band but Ms. Pamela is an excellent writer. Loved her second book as well.

  39. AFAIK, the only man that Patti and Pamela had in common was Don Johnson; Pamela lived w/him for a while in the early '70s (he left her for a 14-year-old Melanie Griffith), and Patti lived w/him/had his baby 10-15 years later, before he went back to Melanie. (Technically, though, I believe he was w/Barbra Streisand for a while between Patti and Melanie, so he didn't leave one for the other.)

    Pamela, BTW, is still writing, and teaches classes on the subject as well; she's also got a couple of screenplays under her belt, although they seem to be stuck in Development Hell, as happens all too often. I'm not sure they'll ever make a movie out of I'm With the Band, although in some ways it might be easier now w/the passage of time (read: people have either died or have mellowed out/developed some perspective about their wild and reckless youth). I still think a 20-year-old Drew Barrymore would have been just about perfect to play Pamela, as she had just the right amount of both sweetness and sexiness to pull it off; the last name I hear was The Zooey, and I can't see her making it work at all.

  40. Oh, and I'm not going to throw shade on Patti for hooking up w/Manson--from all accounts, he is extremely charismatic (which is, of course, how he got so many people to do horrible things for him), she was very young, and I could see her being momentarily swept off her feet at the time, and totally freaked out later when she found out what he was really like. (Pamela Des Barres also had a brush w/the Manson Family back in the day; she met and spent time with Bobby Beausoleil at one point before the shit hit the fan.)

  41. Are you all trying to turn this into a book club ;)

  42. @Kat lollll--nah cause we actually discuss books here---and ones about sex drugs and rock n roll AT THAT! My people my people xo

    1. I found it so sad that they had so much fun 'here' and didn't want the party to end so they made their own space that goes on 24/7. Did you see the South Park Make Love Not Warcraft episode where they're all so glued to their computers and Cartman orders his mom to feed them hotpockets so they don't have to stop using their hands to play and they all get acne, fat and sick bc they aren't even going outside or walking? That's how I picture them.

    2. @Kat. Wait, what? Don't we all look like THIS?!?

  43. Great story...but the timeline doesn't work. By the time Manson was released from McNeil Island and made it down to L.A., Patti D. was working as a young model and actress in New York and Europe. Extremely unlikely that their paths would have even crossed, let alone ended up shagging.

  44. I am actually writing a few of these titles down and will be seeing if the library has them--thanks for the suggestions everyone. I just watched a really good film about the start of Creation records for those into Primal Scream and Oasis etc---if your into watching stylish guys do lots of drugs while making cool tunes it is a must--it is called Upside Down the beginning of Creation Records

  45. well good for them---I will remain fun and healthy! xo

  46. They took a lot of Pamela's story, along with the rest of the band-aids, and put it in Almost Famous. I don't think Pamela made a dime from that.

    D'Arbanville was in LA quite a lot in the Manson era, not just NY and Europe.

    Chill out, Liddy. Charlie wasn't cool or a good guy, no one said that. Charlie was charismatic and manipulative. A lot of fucked up people are successfully seductive. It's part of what makes them so dangerous to others.

    1. Malibu- sadie did indeed say he was a pretty cool guy. And I be chill.

  47. @ Malibu Borebee
    There's nothing buried or hidden about Charlie & the woman attending Hollywood parties and hanging out with famous people. The Beach Boys opened up a lot of doors for Charlie. It's all laid out in Helter Skelter.

  48. The book called The Family isn't very factual and was written to capitalize on the theme that Charlie Manson and the family were a cult of Satanists. There are a lot of contradictions and misinformation in those pages that were used strictly to sell the book. Helter Skelter is by far the better and more accurate read.

    1. Audrey, i read both, thought they complimented each other, obviously helter skelter more accurate.

  49. Manson In His Own Words was denounced by Charlie, after the fact, but gives the most rational explanation of the events. Way more realistic than Helter Skelter.

  50. Patti D'Arbanville Quinn as she was later known was great on "New York Undercover", one of the better and lesser known shows of its time.

  51. Patti did work as a model on both coasts in this time frame. She was a fixture from the age of 17 at Max's Kansas City and many other clubs. A true New York wild child. Like Catherine James.
    It is very plausible, that on a visit to LA for a while, she met someone connected to the Family. They were actually pretty dialed into the scene.

  52. Things were really different back then in California and before he turned into a homicidal maniac, Manson was so charming and slithery he fooled the Beach Boys, Terry Melcher and a host of other people who still won't cop to inviting that nut into their lives. Patti is just lucky it was a one time thing and didn't probably give him directions to her home, he was looking for anyway into the Hollywood/Music lifestyle and used anyone he could to get there. When people realized he was a phony and things were never going to happen - that's when he decided he wanted revenge and chaos. Patti has always been a very cool lady.

    1. Unknown, this is driving me nuts! He was never fucking charming in any way! He had the gift mist pimps have; they intuit what you want or need and give it to you. Thats not charm, its manipulation.

  53. Tricia S.,
    Lou Reed wasn't in the New York Dolls. He fronted The Velvet Underground, then went solo. I think it's really unlikely he slept with Patti D.' You're probably thinking of David Johansen / Buster Poindexter.

    1. Applethief: love Lou, the velvet underground, but the new york dolls were SUMMIN else! I heart David forever.

  54. Helter Skelter is a great bookand it does actually go into a little bit of the background of them mingling with celebs. Including, I think..Doris Day or Candice Bergen's son.

    1. Stuff, it was angela lansburys daughter and son. Shortly after murders, she moved whole family to ireland where kids got straightened out. Smart move
