Sunday, August 10, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 28, 2014

This former B list mostly television actress with a name confused with another actress and has had a rough year or two since being fired from the hit cable show was kicked out of a restaurant the other night after being caught orally servicing her male companion in a garden about ten feet from other diners. They apparently thought the potted plant would give them privacy.

Paz De La Huerta


  1. Sillygurl aced one yesterday AND today!!!! You go, Gurl!!!!!

  2. I feel dirty reading blinds about her. She needs help.

  3. Haven't seen much of her lately, isn't she "supposed" to be pregnant? If so, let's hope she's drying out somewhere.

  4. Straaaaaangers in the niiiiiiight
    Exchanging fluuuuuids....

  5. HAWT!!!

    Meth addicts give better head than coke addicts, because they aint so yappy and aint jonesing for another line.

  6. Which actress is she confused with? I'm drawing a blank?

  7. Count: plus there's the additional bonus that their teeth are all already worn down from grinding!

  8. @Cary Gual: Paz Vega. (Warning: extremely NSFW)

    AKA Tea Leoni's arch nemesis (SFW)

  9. Thanks for the clarification on the different Paz's.

    De le Huerta needs help. She always looks a greasy mess. Wasn't she fired for making a PA pick up her tampon she yanked before a scene?

  10. Now we know why she doesn't usually order appetizers at dinner- she brings her own.

  11. Maybe Paz and David Arquette should date?

  12. @Lady Heisenberg

  13. Wow, how the mighty have fallen.

  14. Driving on the Garden State Parkway today with the family and passed a not-so-classy, albeit very amorous, couple enjoying road head in the afternoon. The guy must have been hung like a horse, because we could see the woman's head CLEARLY bobbing up and down. Not exactly the image I wanted my small kids to see. Get a room, folks.

    1. Maighty-happened to me too on Rt 95!! Sunday night , dark, just casually look over and there us a miss servicing a mr! I cldnt believe it! Showed the hubby who of course was mucho interested, lol. I was thinking, mb convo went like this: " honey, you promised a blow job tonight, remember?" " but honey, i have laundry, paperwork-hey! Can i do it now on way jome?" " shit yeah!" Lololol

  15. Anonymous4:39 PM

    how else was she going to get her dinner paid for

  16. Yeah…my husband actually gave the guy today a thumbs up while my kids were saying, "What? What's going on? What's that?"

  17. I keep seeing the scene in Parenthood where Mary Steenburgen is giving Steve Martin head while he's driving and he wrecks the car. That movie was a classic.

    Diane Weist: I can't be a grandmother, I was at Woodstock! I peed in a field for Christ's sake!

    Gary's Teacher: You were at Woodstock? I was at Woodstock too!

    Diane Weist: yeah? I thought I recognized you!

  18. The quotes have nothing to do with said blowjob or crash. Diane Weist's dialogue in that movie was priceless.

  19. Why doesn't her family do an intervention? Friends maybe?

    1. Aoufe- you ask a good question. I lost 42yr old nephew in dec from drugs. The answer: you try everything. Tough love, no love. Bailing them out, letting them fail. The addict is sly, charming and lies. Alot. Addict steals anything u have. You dangle trips, cars, visitation with their children, a clean apartment -if they will go to rehab. You spend hours online researching best place for your addict, you research local programs, you find out how to pay for it, whats a state program and what isnt. But the addict doesnt hear anything you say ;, its like he has a giant bubble helmet on, like the old fashioned deep sea divers, and nothing, NOTHING gets in, except , iwantmydrugiwantmydrugiwantmydrugiwantmydrug. Its sad and painful, but the old adage is true: unless ADDICT decides he has had enough and wants rehab, all you can do is watch the destruction unfold.

  20. Road head is great. I got some a couple times, and seen a few instances, back in my furniture moving days.

    One of the drivers I worked with was all happy one morning when I got to work. He waited until a couple other guys got there to tell us what he saw: A woman in a convertible with a poodle's face up her skirt as she was driving.

  21. I read the answer on last night.The have a lot of good guesses and answers. But I did feel like I was cheating on Enty a little.
