Monday, August 04, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 17, 2014

#1 - This A+ list mostly movie actor got quietly drunk at dinner last night as his much younger girlfriend talked about her modeling career. Our actor fell on one trip to the bathroom and on the way back sat at a booth with some tourists where he proceeded to drink some wine straight from their bottle. He did buy their dinner though.

Bradley Cooper


  1. I just don't see how Suki is a model----with that hair?

  2. Listening to a model all night would certainly drive me to drink!

  3. I would love to have a drunk A-lister join my dinner & pick up the tab - what a fun story to tell!

    1. It would be a great story Dena. Better than the one that I tell about bumping in to Mavis from Coronation Street at Manchester airport that's for sure.

    2. Aw she was so cute

  4. Sounds like a fun night had by all!

  5. Suki's another that wouldn't be where she is without her plastic surgeon daddy, & the famous actor "boyfriend". She's very unfortunate looking.

  6. You mean there is a model who is not a scintillating conversationalist?

  7. Did Suki even notice he was missing or was she still babbling on about the inner thigh gap and that Betch Kendall Jenner.

  8. This gives me the sads, BCoop was supposedly sober.

  9. If he gets drunk enough he might be able to convince himself he's not gay.

    He's one hot wreck of a closet case. Maybe he and Sean Avery could be not gay together and do some not at all gay things.

  10. It's hard keeping up an act in your personal life

  11. Meanie, like you I come here for the snark.....

  12. Maybe he should look into Mensa for his next beard.

  13. Stop drinking the extra strong Chiltern Firehouse wine!

  14. Don't get all the hate, I think Sooki's a total babe. I mean, it's not like she look like Carla delevigne or anything...

  15. Betting she didn't even notice that he was getting hamered or when he went to the bathroom.

  16. @Violet.Mavis= A++++ list.

  17. He needs to get his story straight. He denied hookup "rumors" about Jen Lawrence, but then hires a beard even younger.

    Queen- I like the Sean Avery idea!

  18. I meant his denial of being with Jen was that she was too young.

  19. I think there is a different standard when it comes to brit models or if they have a famous last name. Suki wouldn't get to far in NYC.

  20. He's gross, and his acting frankly sucks.

  21. Anonymous10:18 AM he should. no telling whats in that backwash.

    seriously that was kinda nice and borderline rude.

  22. I might like this side of Bradley

    it would be hilarious if he sat down with you and just starting drinking


  23. I think it would be funny too, to have a celeb sit at your table unawares they aren't at their own. Hey, better than having them wake up in a strangers bed!

    Suki's "modeling" career seems very thin (no pun intended). Acting career as well. I have more credits than her fer chissakes!

    And some of the plainest girls make the best models. They're basically just coat hangers for the designers clothes and blank canvasses for make-up.

    One site has her listed as 5'8" and her Wiki says she's 5'9"

  24. He reminds me of Ben Affleck. They're their own worst enemies.

  25. @B-Coop: Weed makes the yapping just as tolerable as booze does, but it doesn't give you a hangover or whiskey dick.

  26. So much for that sobriety.

  27. Other than the "falling off the wagon" thing, how cool would it be to be sitting at dinner and out of nowhere BCoop sits down and hangs out! I'd be asking him for some scoops.

  28. Reminds me once at resturant with two other couples, drunk guy came to our table and sang Nat Cole catalog. When i laughed he shot me the evil eye. No one, esp mgr, did anything. He wasnt a bad singer but this was early 70's. We were eating before a play. And we were all stoned. Huge buzz kill, as nat king cole i dont think is anyones go to for head music. Finally he stopped and said pretty good, eh? We went oh yeah, yadda one if the couple we were with ended up divorced. The other were heavy into dealing i think, even tho they looked as dangerous as baby chickens their house burnt down, and they were found murdered. He was shot, she was stabbed. Never solved. Ok, thats my stream of conscious about drunks crashing your table, lol

  29. Zoinks that went down a weird rabbit hole Libby - Did NOT see that one coming. That's horrible about your friends, but my sick sense of humor and the way you wrote this made me chuckle. Don't hate me.

    1. Jess, no hate. It was weird funny time. What was idk funnier or sadder were the couples family members swearingvup and down this couple had never done drugs. Umm, they chains smoked joints and whatever else they did, idk.

  30. I've seen Suki in person up close

    She's beat

  31. Blooper!

    Butt (yes it's spelled correctly) it's The Suli-Monster! His tweenster model wannabe! The one he reads books to in the park ('cause she hasn't learned how to read as of yet). It's his ideal "woman-masculine-child" - ego-centric-bimbo-fame whore - all in one! The One and only Suki-Monster whose rage issues = knifing Blooper's personal property (see his luggage issues).

    Hey! Hey! Bloop! You wanted "young" right? Except this generation are expert cons -- its all about the money and the fame.

    (psst Bloop! Maybe it's time you moved onto to folks your own age?)

  32. I do not understand the Suki Waterhouse thing. I get that models aren't always attractive but she is so boring and looks like plenty of other girls. There's nothing interesting about her look.

  33. Aunt Liddy thx for sharing. I enjoyed your story.

  34. Ergo, Aunt Liddy would be infinitely more fun & interesting to hang with than BCooper or young Suki.

    Still smh that boring Guy-friend from "Alias" became a big-deal movie star. The show would've crashed & burned if Abrams hadn't cast so many strong actors in the grown-up roles (V Garber's the one who should have gotten a Globe. His performance was impeccable, even in the silliest seasons).

  35. The couple whose dinner he crashed should have roofied his drink and taken him on a Hangover part 4 rampage of the city. Seriously though: His girlfriend sounds like a snooze. He needs to date someone fun. Aren't there any cute fun fag hags out there? I could see him and Lisa Schumer as a fun couple tearing it up. Ditch the dull model Bradley.

  36. Run away from the pain, Bradley! As long as you deny who you really are, the alcohol abuse will only get worse. Try to figure out something like Renner's or Jackman's solutions, or be a man about it and go the way of Zachary Quinto and NPH.

  37. @Bitca
    Have you read the gossip about Cooper and Garber?
