Monday, August 04, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 17, 2014

This foreign born C list celebrity with a checkered past and very good looks is engaged to two guys at once. Do they not read tabloids? Apparently she is seeing who will give her the better deal to be their wife.

Sophie Monk


  1. She should do like Kody Brown and marry 'em both. Then TLC can do a new reality show about them, call it "Brother Husbands."

  2. what is she famous for?

    1. Umm she used to be engaged to the ugly twin Cammie is dealing with, and I think she's a yacht girl

    2. I can't be bothered to recall his name, but I think of him as Mr. Hello Kitty, the male counterpart to Avril Lavigne

  3. She's a model/actress from AU who came to LA to be a star, but it hasn't worked out. She did date one of the Good Charlotte brothers awhile back, which got her in gossip blogs. She has bulimia face, or it could be drug bloat.

  4. I know the name but never recognize her when I see pictures. She comes across as very generic to me.

  5. "Very good looks"?

    That chick ruined her face years ago!

  6. Forgive me for being naive, but what is a yacht girl?

  7. Yacht Girl=High Class Prostitute

  8. The blind is incorrectly worded. It should read "who will give her a better deal to be their EX-wife".

  9. I'm sorry, but she's just gross. Not even a personality to make up for her mangled face and emaciated body.

  10. She was engaged to Benji Madden

  11. Is she married now? If she is...then I guess he won...or lost, depending on how you want to look at it.

  12. If engaged to a Madden you can't blame her for looking for a better deal.

    Anyhoo - I've "heard" of women being in this situation before.


  13. @Jessica
    I don't think the term "high class" should be used in this context.
    Famous escorts just aren't what they used to be.

  14. HeeeeeHeeeeeeeHeeeeeeee... I know I'm so wrong for it, but this is a GREAT reveal!! Her behavior is so horrible that it's somehow AWESOME!! When I was young, I was very good-looking. I can say that because now I'm old and fat and mostly don't give a fu*k. I used to do horrible things like date several guys at once, make multiple dates and stand them all up, left one guy on the wedding day (going to Vegas, so not AS bad, I guess...). But in my wildest dreams, having the balls to have 2 fiancees while in the public eye... I never coulda pulled that one off. She is a dragon lady of EPIC status in my eyes now.

  15. Really? Seriously?

  16. Yacht girl was a story from Enty about Cannes a few years ago.
    A lot of starlets go to Cannes during the Film Festival, as it's an opportunity for them to find rich guys who plan to spend time sailing the Mediterranean Sea during summer, and who are happy to have a celebrity with them. It's not prostitution per se, rather a common arrangement in which the girl gets dinners, clothes and jewels, and may share the guy's bed occasionally.
    Among them, Enty named Kelly Brook, Tara Reid, and a few decades ago, Grace Kelly.

  17. @Angela
    LOL Grace Kelly !!!!

  18. Yes I remember grace Kelley was one of the og yacht girls along with Sharon Stone

  19. Grace Kelly kept herself busy between parts, according to her biographers. She just didn't mind being a kept woman.
