Sunday, August 03, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 22, 2014

This former B list mostly television actress who has A+ list name recognition has been passed around like a party favor the past few weeks. Apparently her celebrity husband made some type of deal with her because it has been a revolving door at their place with guys coming to be with her.

Pamela Anderson


  1. I'm pretty sure that deal involved heroin.

  2. Really? IDK. Somehow I don't picture guys paying to be with her right now: for a couple of reasons.

  3. So did she leave her husband a few weeks ago to break free of this, or something else? Why did she go back?

  4. Seems like at some point shes willing. Otherwise, wouldnt she simply walk out the front door? I dont know if I believe shes as much a victim as this blind reads...

  5. Poor girl lost her self-worth

  6. Rick Salomon is not a celebrity. No blind item could possibly call him one.

    1. He sounds more like a pimp and debaucher

  7. Her poor children.. I've done some crazy shit in my time but you have to be a good example for your kids regardless

  8. i dont know if i believe that... shes currently in the faroe islands supporting animal causes, which wouldnt make sense for someone who is basically being pimped out by her husband...

  9. She did set good example for her children by sending them away to Canada along time ago. She knows not to have them grow up in Hollywood.
    Rick is d list celebrity

  10. This may sound dumb but I don't get these so called star "prostitutes" who say that they have Hepatitis C,they are known for having multiple sex partners that are heavy drug addicts and men still want to bed them. Then again some men will pick up a prostitute off a street corner who looks sickly and then go back to their wife.

  11. i know, @missmo. im commenting on the mindset. shes been an activist for years, and yes @kat all the contradicting rumors that start to not make sense once you put it all together.

  12. Anonymous9:01 AM

    sheesh, she must spend 50% of her day doing kegels. thats a hell of alot of peen.

  13. Her life is so sad.

  14. Her recent breakup with him must have been during a sober period- it didn't last long.

  15. CJ got this one!!
    So sad. And SYF, there is a huge market for shit like that, sadly.

  16. When I was covering DWTS All Stars Season 15, I worried about Tristan McManus getting exposed to Hepatitis since he was partnered with Anderson and the show was plagued with injuries. She got booted off in the first round though and still got a good paycheck.

    1. Kat - your ignorance is showing - better fix that quick, honey

  17. @Kat...unless everyone at SWTS was sharing needles, there is no way they can 'catch' hep C.

  18. This makes me so fucking sad.

    Pammy, dump this piece of shit!

  19. My guess is that she needs him to pay off her debts.

  20. OMG.
    Pammy Pammy don't deserve that.

  21. This dude makes Tommy Lee look like a Boy Scout.

  22. That's terrible. Isn't that what she claimed happened to her as a teenager? Too sad.

  23. I bet that with a little spit, you could go into her baby hole, up to your elbow, w/o any problems.

  24. I must be naïve but I never felt the attraction of being with a loose as in loose between her legs woman. Pam must be like a bucket down there. Surely she gets sick of hearing "Oh God" on a regular basis.

  25. This is sad. After the (short) last split from her husband she wrote a poem about prostitution and being passed around, so totally believe this. Was on Celebitchy, for those wondering.

  26. This is no different from Lohan.
