Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 26, 2014

"Fine. The you can just go wait back in the trailer and your sister will be a star."- B- list mostly television actress with A list name recognition who was shooting a commercial with some of her kids. Apparently one of the kids was upset about something and crying so she was banned from the shoot by her mom while another kid got to stay.

Denise Richards


  1. Eh, fed up with a kid.

  2. Moms play head games like that all the time no biggie.

  3. No biggie. Sounds like my mom.

  4. My mom has said worse.

  5. I never knew douchiness was an STD.

  6. @sandy didn't see your comment!

  7. My mom said shit like that all the time to me and my sistas. LOL. It was probably just her last-ditch effort to stop a tantrum/fit/scene.

  8. No one got this blind on Sophie's Choice circa Hollywood 2014

    You snooze, you lose. Never too early to teach the kiddos about a good work ethic. Might as well go hard on that end before the nuggets discover Google.

  9. Typical mum comment on a tantrum

  10. We not getting whole story. Weve all said things to our kids which, when exaimed alone, dont sound so good.

  11. i would say the same thing if i was at work and my kids were fighting and i had a headache and tons of stress...

  12. Kids are annoying, gotta put those shits in their place

    1. I know I'm awful but I have two teenaged daughters. 14 and almost 18.

    2. @Sarah. Has the almost 18 year old realized, yet, that she's almost at the point where you can toss her out in the street and not have to support her?

      I remember getting hit with that realization and having a whole new attitude toward my mom and step-dad.

      My nephew, otoh, apparently didn't really take me seriously when I said I would toss his ass out at the first sign of drugs in my house. I believe he was a little shocked when the door hit him in the ass a month after his 18th birthday.

    3. No my almost 18 year old has realized she can use that against me by using her dad and grandparents desire to win affection. I'm divorced and there's no end to the places she can move and still be an asshole with no repercussions or assistance becoming an adult.

    4. @Sarah. Are you my twin? Same sitch with my almost 18 yr old daughter.

    5. I feel for you Reno. These teens are manipulators, and all they need are enablers like exes and grandparents to help them fully realize their asshole potential.

  13. This might have been the best thing to say to the kid but I do have to give her props for stepping up to the plate when it came to Charlie's kids that aren't hers. She might have done it for extra money but she still could have said no.

    1. It's unbelievable how many chances Hollywood has given that POS, and how he will punish his own children to please his gold digging porn whore girlfriend.
      Denise is a lot of things, but she took the high road.

  14. Enty you forgot "Rude , thoughtless little pig!!"

  15. whats the issue? she's disciplining her kid & the kid's learning the consequences of bratty behavior- its a funny line though-oh,how we lead such different lives from one another.

  16. Where's TTM?! I guess I'll have to say it then. Being a celebrity mom trying to cash in on your kids is hard y'all.

  17. Replies
    1. A fellow poster - Talks Too Much, who always mentions " fill in the blank" is tough y'all

  18. is that like a atm but with tits?

  19. This goes on everywhere celebrity or not. She may have started as a rent girl but she's a good mom.

  20. @John M- I think @Helen is calling out to fellow poster "Talks Too Much"

  21. @All Lace no Leather
    Think they'll inscribe that on her headstone?

  22. I give Denise a pass. We all know she has a big, kind heart. So she's tossing out some discipline, no biggie.

  23. Man, I'd love to have the "star" card to pull with my kids.

  24. *shrug* Assuming she isn't always taunting the kids about being famous, I'm not taking this out of context and crucifying her for it. It's the actress version of, "Fine, then your sibling will get toy/treat/trip to Disney!"

    @Sarah: Stay strong!

  25. Oh yay Enty figured out how to put popups on an iphone.

  26. She gonna be a turbo cunt of a momager. Gonna be offering her tween children to execs on a silver platter.


  27. I assume this was said to the adopted daughter- one of charlie's shorties:)

  28. the adopted one is like 1 yrs old. wouldn't understand drivell out of denise

    1. Sugar- she's closer to 3 yo so ready to messed up by mom.

  29. Thanks Sarah. I'm feeling for you too. We'll make it through somehow!

  30. Even if this is true I'm giving Denise Richards the benefit of the doubt.

    DR has proven herself over and over to be a good mother.

  31. Oh please. My mom used to do the same thing, but with other things. Like...if you don't stop screaming and yelling, you wont' get ice cream like your brothers and sister. Now knock it off, or I'm leaving you here.

    Let me tell you...I shut up pretty quickly.

  32. Ditto about Denise. I've said worse to mine,and my children are productive citizens. Children are too coddled as it is.

  33. WOW. This one is actually a big shock. Everyone originally thought it was about Tori.

  34. Big whoop. My Dad would have pulled out the belt (like he always did to settle shit). This sounds like a typical Mom comment. I see nothing wrong with it. Maybe she doesn't want monster children like the Willis brood.

  35. @Yoj- Ha ha ha. A mighty fine headstone it would make.
