Monday, August 18, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 27, 2014

With his girlfriend finally scoring an acting gig and out of town to boot, this A list mostly television actor has been non-stop women and booze and fun and isn't planning on stopping. The great thing for him is he has press all over the country and world to see so he is turning it into one big blowout. I'm sure his long suffering girlfriend is thrilled.

Jon Hamm


  1. Jennifer ain't giving that thing up for anything!

  2. I hope to get to the end of my life without having seen "long-suffering" attached to me in any way.

  3. Not sure why but seems she has chosen to turn a blind eye. I feel sad for her, but it's the decision she has made.

  4. Ayne the hammaconda makes it all worth it. Behold!! The mighty hammaconda!!!!!!

  5. Oh no! Zoe Saldana is in the DM with painful looking pregnancy nipples.

  6. It's not the nipples that are painful during pregnancy.

  7. It seems that long-suffering is just a polite way of saying Dumb Bitch.

    1. Minpin-are u unaware of the hammaconda?

  8. No reason for her to put up with it. Clearly if he is doing this then he does not have much respect for her or fear that she will leave.

  9. She was with him for years supporting him before he finally got Mad Men. I think she believes he really loves her.

  10. Caroline David=FrenchGirl FTW!

    1. Learn new things every day. Go French Girl!!!

  11. Yeah this is sad that Jennifer puts up with that sort of behavior. I feel for her. Hammaconda or no, he's an ass.

  12. He really does want to be Don Draper!!

  13. She's dickmatized and it's going to take divine intervention for her to give up Jon Hamm's spitting cobra.

    1. Dickmatized is exactly what I was going to write!

  14. Yeah but didn't they have a baby together a long time ago and gave it up because they couldn't afford it?? I think she has many regrets where he I'd concerned.

  15. I find it hard to believe that with all the cheating and running around he supposedly does, no one has sold a story to the tabloids. Not sure I believe it.

  16. There's enough of that trouser snake aka hammaconda to go around ladies & gents.

  17. @auntiddy so he's got a big cock? Good for him. As for me? Homey don't play that. I don't go for guys that fuck around. Not if I'm in an alleged monogamous relationship. Now if there's an understanding up front, that's different. I don't get the impression they have an open relationship kind of thing (otherwise this reveal wouldn't be news). Hamm doesn't do anything for me. Not a fan of Mad Men either. If all he has going for him is his trouser snake, count me unimpressed.

    1. Minpin, its funny i dont watch mad men either. Its not just 'a big cock', its the hammaconda.we dont know if he does screw around but he and his partner have been together 15 years, if she has a problem, she can leave. Its funny too, in interviews he talks about like they are tight and he respects her opinions. And if course i wld never put up with philandering either but thats up to them.
