Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 4, 2014

This B+ list mostly television actress from a hit network show almost at its end as a series thinks she is A+ list. She had her people try and get Chanel to dress her for the Emmy Awards in a few months but Lagerfeld doesn't like her look at all. Her people haven't been able to figure out a way to tell her. I will tell her for you when I reveal it.

Lea Michele


  1. Worked with her her briefly when I interned with a Broadway theater. She's just not a nice person.

  2. Way to go, Lulu!!!
    Nice scoop, Nicole. I can't imagine Lagerfeld is nice either though. But yeah, Lea isn't who I think of when I think of Chanel

  3. I don't like her "look" either but than again remember when Lilo was Karls muse---seems like forever ago. His new muse is a Canadian musician named Grimes---she is no beauty queen but her music rules---

    1. Don't forget his number one muse, that sexy pussy Choupette

    2. Grimes is UNTOLD!

  4. Enty Lea 's PR firm is on the phone and telling us you wont be getting her pap photos for free anymore as you had in the past. From now on they cost $500 per shot.

  5. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Count Karl doesnt have to explain himself to a "Lea".


  6. So, instead he uses a closet dirty foul mouthed stoner. Karl needs to be replaced. This is more to do with Lea being a TV Star & not a Movie Star.

  7. @fancyscreenname. Lolz. So true.

  8. Good point Jessica, does Chanel ever dress anyone for the Emmy Awards?

  9. I am no fashionista---but I do know one thing---Karl is Channel and will never be replaced unless he dies---he is a genius at what he does.

  10. *CHANEL---the fashion gods will strike me

  11. Chanel has become a joke, between the dirty stoner, the racist clothing line, & now sparkly jogging suits with sneakers & kneepads.

    Karl doesn't design anymore, the team under him does it all.

    Carolina Herrera would probably be a better fit for Lea & would be happy to design a dress.

  12. @Fancy - you bet your designer-clad ass.
    Karl says what everyone else thinks.

  13. Lea's got quite a reputation as an undeservedly snotty little witch, so she needs a talent-less, snotty witch designer. In other words, Kanye.

  14. Someone bought me a t-shirt plastered in a black and white photo of Karl looking gangster with his shades and with the heading "The Boss" on it lol---its pretty rad but I have yet to wear it in public

  15. Lea is talented, but she will never be a STAR like she wants. If she can make herself happy with her success on tv and Broadway she will have a good career.
    She just doesn't have that extra something to be A list

  16. @Derek - Lagerfeld is a simple Halloween costume concept. Shades, ponytail, bolo tie & Resting Bitch Face. Add fuzzball to taste.

  17. Who's this dirty stoner y'all are referring to? Who the shit is Choupette? I feel very unfashionable and uncool.

    1. @Sugar - Choupette is the fanciest pussy you'll ever see

    2. AWWWW! What an adorable pussy!

  18. Choupette is Lagerfeld's cat.

  19. Karl used Kristen Stewart for the racist Chanel Dallas show.

    Choupette is his cat.

    Karl used to be a fat guy who would carry around a japanese fan to cover up his triple chin.

  20. I like the character she plays on Glee but have also heard many stories about how she is such a mean girl in real life...such a shame.

  21. Thanks! Choupette is a cat. Ok.

  22. He was different when he was fat Karl, he actually used to smile. I have a copy of his diet book, I found it in a used book store.

  23. how was the Dallas show racist? not an argument etc---just have no clue what you are talking about

  24. #TeamTJMaxxClearanceRack

    I don't know who this guy is, nor do I care, but lolz at Lea for getting rejected. (Yes by now I've figured it out).

    Anne Hathaway is a perfect example of why I will never understand obsession with the fashion industry. Why would anyone get a custom-made couture gown to wear the night they are up for an Oscar, then threw a tantrum and switch at the last minute just because your costar is in the same general color? Fuck that, when you walk off stage with the Oscar your dress is the one that's remembered.

    Except instead of a beautiful flowing grey gown, we remember a baby pink angular gown with pointed boobs, that looks like it was made by a 6 year old with safety scissors. Good call Anne.

    1. Oh well that turned out excessively long. Sorry. My brain is still in shock. From Robin Williams, not from Anne's pointed breasts.

  25. This made me LOL

  26. Anonymous9:59 AM

    so Count Karl is an a$$ for choosing an international movie star (stewart) over a famous american tv star (Lea)? sounds like a good business practice. dressing young hip girls (rhianna/stewart)with international appeal.

    lea CANT be know internationally like stewart is, can she?

  27. Google "Cultural Appropriation", it is another for of genocide.

    Then, google, "Manifest Destinty", that will tell you alot of what happened to my ancestors in the name of progress.

  28. Yet, he will associate with Kim Krap. Go figure.

  29. Stewart is known for being a bitch to the press at internatinal flim festivals that her director has to issue a public apology for her.

    They don't call him kunty karl for nothing. He doesn't design anymore & he needs a new team, they are running Chanel into the ground.

  30. In some blinds she is A- and others she is B+. No point in making fun of her for thinking she's A+ when Enty can't make up his mind. Lol

  31. No more Lea pap shots at CDAN oh the day need a ray of sunshine after the sad news re RW

  32. ahhhh Choupette ranks ahead of Lea for Karl


    but seriously she bugs me---a lot

  33. I have to admit that I got something of a kick out of reading this. I have never thought that Ms. Michele is nearly as attractive as she seems to think she is, or nearly as talented as she purports to be either. As far as I'm concerned, she's little more than a desperate wannabe who got lucky enough to get her fifteen minutes, which I daresay is about all she'll have. Her behavior at the time of the death of Corey Monteith--the crocodile tears and pretending that they had been in a romantic relationship which was never more than a cheap publicity stunt in reality--was utterly revolting.

  34. Well, if she didn't know before she probably does NOW!

  35. oh this is a top ten reveal. made my day. thx enty.

  36. He should dress naya 4 shits and giggles.

  37. Hahahaha after what Lainey has said about her this makes me laugh. I used to like her but she's a total cunt. Lagerfeld should dress everyone except her.
