Sunday, August 10, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 28, 2014

This Downton Abbey actress went on a few dates with this foreign born almost A list mostly television actor who every woman seems to love. She says they split because he went all Fifty Shades Of Grey on her and she is more of a turn off the lights and close your eyes kind of lover.

Laura Carmichael/Benedict Cumberbatch


Donnie Darko said...

The cumberbitches will lose their minds over this mental image.

sandybrook said...

Unexpected from him see all you smitten girls? Hes a bad boy.

SugarTitz said...

Is that daisy?? Daisy always gets the short end of the stick.

ladybaus said...

I leave the lights ON so I can see what Im doing

Violet said...

She actually said that? The bit about her being the most boring sexual partner ever?

Lady Heisenberg said...

Suzyanne guessed Cumby right away but it took awhile to guess Lady Edith! Great job!

Seven of Eleven said...

Lady Edith and Sherlock at a Lady Gaga show

Yeah, she totally said that. {eyeroll}

Unknown said...

All future potential sexual partners or boyfriends should take note- stay away from this bitch unless you want your sex life advertised by this famewhore.

Seven of Eleven said...

(eyeroll not at you, @Violet, it's at E for saying that she said, "He went all 50 Shades of Whey on me and I prefer lights off, missionary, just like E!")

sandybrook said...

Now that I have seen her she looks kinda vanilla and pretty uninteresting.

Anonymous said...

two asteriks

Unknown said...

I guess if the lights were out she might have thought he brought some type device into bed and attached it to himself. I can see her being scared.

PugsterMom said...

No no no no no. Do not believe it. Cumby is pure, gentle and sweet period.

Count Jerkula said...

Lights off? Pass. If I can't see what I'm boning, then I might as well be jacking off and saving my ears from the yapping, pre and post.

Sea Hag said...

I can totally see it. And like it.

Junior Mints said...

That book is stupid

FrenchGirl said...

I think he's gay

PFullerton said...

I confess: I love him even more now.

Sherry said...

I can't get past the fact that he's straight. He seems gay to me too but apparently not.

Fifty Shades of Whey is an awesome description. Excellent!

SugarTitz said...

his mom is former playmate

Rebecca said...

I have heard the rumors that he was generous with the ladies but this is a bit shocking!

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

He really wanted to play "50 shades of gay", and went violent (that shitbook ain't about BDSM but domination) because she hasn't a rooster between her legs.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Think Benedict looks like an otter, but damn, that is HAWT

Essie said...

I'm one lady who thinks Cumberbatch is creepy and totally UNHOT. I don't get why he's supposedly such hot stuff at the moment. I think he's ugly and his acting is kind of terrible and I can't stand the voice. He was the worst thing about "12 Years."

skippy said...

I REALLY, don't get the attraction. He reminds me of a mole

Lisa said...

Is that supposed to make me reevaluate my crush? It only makes me like him more.

NaughtyNurse said...

Huh. I always thought he was gay.

kit said...

He seems likable enough - not sure why all the OMGHEHAWT stuff though.

Lights off plz. Everyone's hotter in the dark. ;)


Yeoman Princess said...

OMG!!!!!!!! Cumbatch can Fifty Shades on my ass any day!!!! I think my vagina just dropped!

Aoife said...

Will & Grace on British men:

Minnie Driver character to Eric McCormack (Will) on Will & Grace at Stan's (Karen's husband) funeral.

Minnie: Are you British?
McCormack: No I'm gay
Minnie: Same difference

Benedict can get it anytime. Watch him as Sherlock.

Anonymous said...

You can have a preference about looks and voice, but you clearly know nothing about acting.

Snapdragon said...

I think they were in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy together.

It's JUST possible he's bi. Who cares, really. Who he does is no business of mine.

Pembroke said...

So having fun in bed is bad?

Pembroke said...

I thought at that age you are supposed to be more relaxed. Or is it Downtown Abbey's filming projection?

Pembroke said...

Exactly. I do wish him to be happy no matter what his preferences are.


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