Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Blind Items Revealed - Mr. X

May 2, 2014

3) Which former A-list EGOT winner once stipulated to an author of a book that they not mention her father's bisexuality or else no interview at all?

Liza Minelli


  1. Good for her. Not their business

  2. Anonymous10:32 AM

    oh ffs Liza. its part of the fabric that makes u interesting.

  3. Mr. Minelli must have had tons of shit he was hiding, enuff for Liza to get her hands on his FBI files too huh Mr. X?

  4. I love it because everyone on the planet knew (assumed) Vincente Minelli was gay or bi. Nowhere was it a secret. Nowhere. It's like insisting no one mention that the sky is *up*.

  5. Someone needs to let Liza know that ship sailed a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago.

  6. Judy catching Vincente in bed with a man was what prompted her 1st suicide I believe?

  7. Liza and her mother both married several men who were gay or bi.

  8. @Sandybrook - I was thinking the same thing about that FBI blind. J Edgar would have loved Minelli. Personally and professionally.

  9. and it was a secret?

    perhaps she just didn't want to discuss it-her right

  10. Valid point, Rajah.

  11. Who didn't know that?

  12. It's in most bios of Judy that he was gay.

  13. But everyone knew it wasn't a secret..

  14. Yeah, this makes about as much sense as paying off the FBI to keep mom's drug habit a secret.

  15. When the clue says EGOT winner the field narrows significantly.

  16. I'm guessing she just doesn't like discussing it. As others have said, it was never a secret. She was also married to the second gayest man of all time, Peter Allen! And I am a Peter Allen fan. I saw him in Legs Diamond on Broadway. She should be more upset about her portrayal in Boy from Oz because her part was very poorly written.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Liza, get a clue. My grandmother knew your father was "a gay," as she said. (I don't think grandma quite understood the nuances of gay vs bisexual, ha)

  19. Everyone already knows, but it must be a painful subject for her. I can't really blame her.

  20. Why ever would she care? It's no blemish on his memory if he was bi, which has discussed since before I was born. Given her many gay friends (not to mention husbands), and her own rumored bisexuality, this shocks me.

  21. She just doesn't want to talk about it..Her right to privacy. Big difference between us knowing and her not wanting to reopen old wounds.
