Monday, August 18, 2014

Blind Item #9

This A+ list mostly movie actor is going to have to pay a fortune in child support but he found a girlfriend and wants t divorce his wife. He would love for her to get caught doing something wrong so she doesn't find out about his college junior girlfriend.


  1. But Garner can do no wrong, right? Camilla and Matt are both said to have side pieces

  2. Wait backup! Details needed Lady.

  3. Matt McC is also all over the news today defending the honor of the FANNY PACK
    I miss Ted Mosby. Le sigh...

    There were blinds believed to be Matt M, where the husband hired a manny to also take care of the wifey

  4. I was thinking Bruce Willis.
    His wife would no doubt take him to the cleaners.

  5. Oh boy thx Lady. I missed these blinds somehow.

  6. I really like Camilla and Matthew together. I hope this isn't them.

    Hugh Jack-me-off I think would prefer a male co-ed

    I'll go with Matt Damon

  7. Affleck seems to be the most high profile about putting his dick where it doesn't belong. The child support alone would crush his ass.

  8. "caught doing something wrong" indicates that the wife has some notoriety of her own, apart from the husband. That counts out Damon and RDJ. I'm guessing Michael Douglas or Ben Affleck. If it's Affleck it's going to be life imitating art.

  9. I doubt it is Bruce Willis. He literally picked her out of a catalog. I would imagine he has the best prenup ever.

  10. I thought Matt's thing was waitresses....Oh wait! Maybe she is waiting tables while she's in college.

  11. Child support would not be huge for Douglas-kids are 14 and 11,would not be like paying for a few toddlers till they're 18.

  12. Baffeck is filming superman v batman in my area right now. He's not near any colleges that I am aware of and if he is, they don't go back for another week or so. Not likely to be him.

    Who else has a passle of kids?

  13. !!!!! Lady H <3

    Man oh man he just does something to me..

  14. Isn't Walberg the one with a ton of kids?

  15. A+ actors with a lot of kids and/or fortune:

    - Damon
    - Affleck
    - Wahlberg (although I think he's the kind of Catholic who will cheat and confess but *never* divorce)
    - Costner (*former* but could be an Enty stretch)

    Wild Card #1: Brad Pitt. The big shocker would be that they've been secretly married this whole time.

    Wild Card #2: Jim Bob Duggar. Enty said "actor" instead of "celebrity" to throw us off the scent.

  16. Yer only as old as the broad yer tappin.

    1. Count, is that why I see so many geriatric farmers here with mail order brides?.

  17. I know they're allegedly not married, but what about Brad Pitt and "saintly" Angie? Apparently she can do no wrong these days.

    1. Shit I bet Angie has more girlfriends than Brad

  18. Does sound like it could be McConaughey particularly because he's all over the news today because he went to a baseball game. The media are obsessed with him.

    But it took his wife 2 1/2 kids to get him to marry her so I bet he has an ironclad prenup. He does seem to be very active in U Texas stuff though and could have met a hot young coed there. Probably a black one though because he is into sistahs bigtime.

  19. Camila's a mixed race Brazilian (African and Portuguese) but MM also dated Janet Jackson. Salli Richardson, others and allegedly a black woman politician in Texas who wouldn't come out of the closet about their relationship because at the time he had such a bad rep (drugs, etc.). Supposedly he almost married her.

  20. @Bee Haven
    Actual farmers? Or is that a euphemism?

    1. Yoj - actual farmers! Whilst a student I worked in retail. These really elderly dudes would come in with wads of cash and their 20 something wives. There's a lot of wealthy gentry like farmers in the Western Victoria district.

    2. 20 something YEAR OLD brides. Not harems! (Grammar boo)

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  22. Deleted due to cross post error. My bad.

  23. Affleck has 3; Damon & Wahlberg have 4; Pitt has 6 or 8.

    So the question here is: what quantifies a passel?

  24. @Bee: Part of it. If they are geriatric, then you also got the "mail order bride is cheaper than live in nurse" thing.

    If I was cresting 60 and still single, I'd mail order a 20something who was good at laundry and prostate massage to carry me to the coffin.

    1. Sounds like a retirement plan Count. Just make sure you have the cash for said strategy.

  25. Going with Damon. Could it be Denzel?

  26. I think Damon. You might have noticed when they attend events he never seems to speak to her or include her in the pre-interviews. He never looks at her. When they pan the crowd, she is always smiling and he looks disinterested in her altogether. I don't think she has ever been invited to speak. He seems controlling and cold toward her at these events.

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