Monday, August 11, 2014

Blind Item #9

This A list mostly television actor and his A list mostly movie actress girlfriend have one thing in common. Their absolute loathing for a common actress co-star who they will never work with again. It is what brought them together. Their mutual dislike for her.


  1. Asston, Mila, Prepon

    1. This baby can thank her for making its birth possible.

    2. they should name their daughter piper then, or alex!!

  2. @VIP, that was my thought, too, but it seems weird that their mutual dislike for her brought them together several years after they stopped working together.

    1. @Karen They also both made movies with Natalie Portman not long before they got together, so maybe it's Natalie!

  3. How did this bring them together? I'm confused.

  4. whats the story with Prepon anyways? Drugs?

    1. Prepon is a Scientologist, it may be that. If you're interested, read Tony Ortega's' blog; The underground bunker, he's been exposing $cientology abuses for years.

  5. Ok LadyH assumes Kristins old position. Hey the spot needs to be filled! Applications are piling up over there in the corner >>>>>>>>>>

    1. I really figured she would have come back. I dont know what the hell happened but her posts did make me laugh! I enjoy reading the comments more than the blinds but am very confused as to why some people continually delete their comments. The wrong answers are as fun as the correct ones. Its bothersome to read comment has been deleted numerous times during a post.

  6. Like the Natalie guess better!

  7. Oooooooh man I hope this is Natalie over Prepon. One a Scientologist, one a know-it-all eleitist ass. Unless Prepon is worse than we've thought, Natalie seems like the bigger nightmare. Mila and Ashton seem like people who, if not down to earth, are a little less likely to use the phrase "my craft" or eat 700 dollar caviar. They seem a little more simple and low-profile, especially as he's aged.

  8. @VIP, NOW it makes sense! Good call. :)

  9. But Natalie suggested Mila for Black Swan preproduction because they were friends---but maybe filming together ended that?

  10. WORD!
    Thanks for the nomination Sandyboo! Long live
    I will defend this honor with love, integrity, and endless snark. XoXo

  11. Although Portman and Kunis were longtime friends — they often hung out together in Los Angeles, watching “Top Chef” or sifting through vintage wares at the Rose Bowl Flea Market — the director kept the two apart for nearly the entire 42-day filming process.

    “We were really great friends before production. We are really great friends now. And during production, we were working together,” Kunis, 27, explained.

  12. So, this goes back to That 70s Show?
    How far back can I take this? I truly, deeply detested one little bitch in my kindergarten class. I must go through old school photos and hunt the other haters down.
    OMG, I bet there's a dating site!!

  13. I was going to be a little shocked and disappointed if Prepon. She seems cool!! I can overlook a lil Scio, I mean a lot if good actors there that have entertained tbe masses. I think it's scary as F, but most participate willingly- to begin with at least.

    OT I Guess - did I miss a departing if Krisrin wigs?????

    (Wow. I really thought I was here every day.)

    Btw- I thought I was alone in developing a dislike for Portman, but feel better knowing it's not just me. I liked her much as everyone else did at one time, years ago.

    And sorry, I really like Ashton n Mila.

  14. I met Prepon a few years ago and she was AWESOME- cannot say enough about her. Valderrama was a different story.

  15. I'm liking Prepon for this as opposed to Portman

    I could see Laura being a bit standoffish due to her Scientology beliefs

    As a true grudge holder myself, I commend Mila and Asston's dedication to the cause ;)

  16. @Derek, not saying that your information is incorrect, but maybe something happened after filming. Macauley Culkin went to Portman's wedding in 2012 and Mila Kunis didn't. Perhaps the falling out was about the breakup and whose side Portman took.

    1. +1 I actually thought it was this site that mentioned the rift between Natalie and Mila after the break up with Culkin.

  17. Just because it would be funny :justin theroux jennifer aniston and lisa koudrow :)

  18. Anonymous11:39 AM

    seriously? these two are bonding over their DISGUST for another person? relationships these days are becoming more and more weird.

  19. Laura is in a current issue of Women's Running and the list of what she eats is pitiful.

  20. What about Ian Somerhalder / Nikki Reed / Maggie Grace? Maggie was in Twilight and Lost ...

  21. Nikki reed isn't A list movie actress
    Mila is not A list movie actress but Ashton/Mila/ Portman is probably THE guess ( it's also totally idiot)

  22. @Fancyscreenname
    Totally agree

  23. Why are you implying that Prepon is the bad person being hated by asston and Mila? If asston hates Prepon, perhaps the dude is not the good person in the group.

  24. Ashton Mila and Michelle Williams?

  25. Is Mila an A mostly movies now? Has her history on That 70s Show been wiped away?

  26. How romantic, Ashton found his perfect match in immature sanctimony.

  27. yesterday on "Wiretap" -- the guy and his friend went back and found the meanest girl from high school and interviewed her. It was hilarious, and she was full of justifications. Worth finding the podcast on NPR. Just sayin'

  28. If it were Prepon, then Mila and Ashton would have hated her while working with her, bonded then...and they would have been together a lot sooner than years after the show ended.

    Also, Mila isn't mostly movies, because she does the voice on Family Guy.

  29. The Ashton/Mila/Natalie guess is beautiful. I'd like to direct you all to a blog post I wrote 3 years ago regarding this very topic...

  30. Other than "Leon, The Professional" Natalie Portman is dullness onscreen personified. Anytime I see her in something I think of all the other actresses who would have done it better.

    I have no use for Kutcher or Kunis but if they're united against Portman I may rethink that.

  31. @malibu agreed!!
    Closer, one of my fave films, was an opportunity for her to shine and be sexy, edgy, really make her mark as a leading lady femme fatale..and she failed epicly

    Julia walked all over her with her 20 year older as and was far and away more alluring
    You know why both muse and Clive were sword fighting over her

  32. i loved her in closer and beautiful girls. i think the pretentious hatred began after black swan
    i forever heart closer and my clive owen though

  33. Diane Kruger, Joshua Jackson and Katie Holmes.

    I answered before I read anyone else's guess so let's see how close I am.

  34. Huh, nobody? He's TV - Diane's movies and Joshua & Katie were on Dawson's Creek together. Didn't they used to date? I never watched that show but I thought they were a couple IRL for a bit. I guess imma have to Google how Joshua & Diane met.

  35. Williams and Portman did a perfume commercial together. Williams and Kunis supposedly didn't get along on Oz the Great and Powerful. That could be another connection.
