Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Blind Item #8

This former B+/A- list mostly television actress who married an A list mostly movie actor has been trying to steal advertisers from this A+ list celebrity icon and been talking a lot of smack behind the scenes. You don't want to mess with a woman who has been in prison.


  1. Blake / Ryan / Martha Stewart

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I was too busy fantasising about the Heartbreaker Mariah Carey video where she catfights herself

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Usually Blake is labelled as B here but couldn't be anyone else, so I'd go with the Blake/martha guesses too!

  6. Hahahahaha No one is reading her garbage website.
    Saw a comment on another site how Blake is copying GOOP. An affair with Ben Affleck, friends with Bey and now the website.

    1. @Freya You know, her future children, Pear and Noah, really resent the implication!

    2. @Gayeld They both married bisexual men whose best years are behind them. Maybe that's too harsh for Chris...maybe.

    3. @Gayeld Hilarious and sad at the same time because I believe she would name her children something like that.

    4. @Freya that's kind of what I was thinking as well. Now I'm just cursing Enty and his leg cramp jinx.

  7. Martha Stewart will cut a bitch.

  8. I thought they were besties?! She was in her magazine and all that.

  9. OT side note: Joke's on you, ad generator for this site. You keep showing me the Honda Fit, but I already have one, and since it's a Honda, I won't need another one for like 20 years!!! I feel like this is the ultimate victory over internet cookies and stuff - they've figured me out so well that they're trying to sell me things I've already bought! Check and mate!

  10. God she's an idiot

  11. " who married an A list movie actor" ...how many times is Enty still going to call Ryan Reynolds A list?
    Former B+/A- tv actress...it's generous

  12. I wouldn't want to mess with Martha Stewart. Blake is either stupid, or she has balls of steel.

    1. Martha's gonna shank her with a wish bone. Tastefully decorated wish bone, of course.

  13. OT +1: Ad Generator here keeps showing me 'diabeedus' crap.
    Ms Stewart wasn't in an OITNB prison. She was in a Diva Jail.
    She could handle a shank before she went in. Upstarts should beware.

    1. Even in OITNB, there was just the one shanking, and that was by a near-sighted Grandma with a VGrudge. Until then I kinda forgot it was supposed to be dangerous. Except for poor Poussey

  14. Does this mean Blake is gonna have to sleep with Jay-Z and start calling him "Uncle" Jay (dry retching sound).

  15. @VIP nice, you go girlfriend.
    @Gayeld, fab.

  16. Martha came out of diva jail with a lovely poncho.

  17. I'm on the Dammit VIP train.

  18. This isn't much of a blind. I think there was an article last week, something about her competing with Gwyneth or something over a goop type site.

    Also, didn't Goop try to copy Martha or something too at one point?

  19. Blake Not-so-Lively and Martha Stewart. One does not f*ck with Martha. Ask her daughter.

  20. This should have been marked easy. And Enty is too generous with his rankings for Blake and Ryan.

    Advertisers should know better than to side with Blake. She can try, but don't think she will steal many. If you see any big names advertising, I'll bet Blake gave the ads away.
