Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Blind Item #8

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress kept getting guys to buy her huge bottles of booze over the weekend. She picked up a woman and our actress would make out and do other things with the woman every time the guys bought bottles. Beats the superhero parade and sparklers the bar does when someone usually buys an expensive bottle.


ladybaus said...

I hope to hell this is Kiki!

Tricia13 said...

Cammy.if Benjie not around

Tricia13 said...

You and your Kimi lol..could be..great guess

MontanaMarriott said...

Michelle R.

FSP said...

Why they do superhero parade and sparklers?

Tricia13 said...

Michelle Rodriquez

secret said...

Does does Enty think of JLaw as A-? Kinda reads her but I thought she was solid A

ladybaus said...

Cameron is a good guess---but Montana may be right as well---I wish Michelle would just go away---she has no artistic merit to begin with---she SHOULD be C list at best

Tricia13 said...

I know...I changed my guess to her because she never comes straight bro mind when I see A list...soo weird to me

Kno Won said...

A- actress pulling this crap? This kind of thing should push a person down the list to S for skank.

ladybaus said...

I loved that story boredsoccermom told us about her husband working on set with Kirsten Dunst and how she went around begging guys to pic up some vodka for her loll I know she has issues regarding substance abuse but I think she will be just fine---that would totally be me if I had tons of cash etc. --She is not stupid and has never been in trouble with the law etc. ---the funny part of the story is they were filming in Toronto and in Ontario---if you are working long days etc it really is hard to get booze if you are working long days cause you have to go to the lcbo---you just cant buy it at convenience stores

Tricia13 said...

That's a good story....girl gotta be organized with her provisions and shiiiiit:)

CoBe said...

The cheerleader from Heroes.

Clue: Superhero parade

Kno Won said...

Can't buy alcohol at convenience stores in PA either.

Unknown said...

this is a clue to a specific night club...

Sarah said...

I love Kiki. I came of age in the 90s so I can't help it, she was my It girl, one of them anyway. Winona is still #1 in my heart

ladybaus said...

and all the crew denied her because they know Kiki gets too feisty with her drank on lolllll

Kiki "Is there a good band around here" lmao

Sarah said...

She's A+

Count Jerkula said...

@Kno Won: Please refrain from slut shaming. There are some sluts who read this site who will be offended. Thank you.

secret said...

What about someone who is underage and actually can't get bottles? Chloe grace moretz? Kickass

sandybrook said...

JLaw would nevah shes too busy with Chris Martin and Josh Hutcherson (they say)

CoBe said...

Oops. Missed mostly movie.

What about the younger Fanning? Dakota?

Sarah said...

She's not artistic but you have to admit she fills a type very well. Nice looking tough girl is her thing. When they need someone butch but don't want to turn off male viewers with an ugly girl.

cubsfan1990 said...

Michelle Rodriguez?

Sarah said...

Thank you Derek, she's so overrated! She's Hollywood's answer to every female role now

Sarah said...

Real sluts don't feel shame

Sarah said...

I don't see Josh Hutcherson as a ladies man, sorry.

Count Jerkula said...

@Sarah: That is whores, not sluts. Sluts are into it for the love of cock and ejaculate. Whores are into it for money, which destroys their souls and removes their ability to feel anything other than anger, jealousy and sadness.

Gayeld said...

Hope not, she's super preggo right now.

secret said...

Which one?

auntliddy said...

Ah count, u dissapoint me. Whores and sluts give it away for free, with slut being a whore sub catagory, a little desperate and willing to do anything. I know. Right in your wheelhouse. Now working girls, theyre in for money. Whether or not they enjoy it is dicey, but they want the zash.

secret said...

I just googled "bored soccer mom" and yikes. What sure do you mean?

CoBe said...

Abigail Bresln also works.

Unknown said...

@secret : boredsoccermom is a commenter here LOL

I'm thinking Cammie D. for this one

I've never been to a bar in which they have sparklers and a "superhero parade" when someone buys an expensive bottle though - what does that even mean?

secret said...

What story did you mean. If u had link

secret said...

@teresa thank you!

KAT said...

The club mentioned is more than likely Beacher's Madhouse at the Roosevelt Hotel. Been there and when someone buys expensive bottles, a little person (dwarf) is flown over the table via ropes/wires. I went once and Derek Hough was there. Not my kind of place. Miley Cyrus loves it though

hothotheat said...

@count You're thinking the average run-of-the-mill whores. The Hollywood "escorts" that make $10,000 per day aren't unhappy or jealous.

Yoj said...

Hayden Panettiere? Isn't she pregnant?
That would blow Count Jerkula's mind.

Yoj said...

The Hollywood escorts are frustrated actresses. However much money they're making, it's not what they want to be doing, or what they think they deserve to be doing.

Yoj said...

@Count Jerkula
Heterosexual women are into it for the love of cock and ejaculate.
There, I fixed it for you.

Yoj said...

@derek harvey
Count me in as another member of the Kiki fan club!
I'm rooting for her, I want her to be happy and successful...
I also want to get drunk/high and fool around with her.

Sarah said...

Hahaha I love the in depth assessments

Sarah said...

Yoj- I want to think both are possible in our progressive society

Anonymous said...


Count Jerkula said...

No Liddy, whores are paid for sex. they don't give anything away for free.

@Hothotheat: It don't matter if they are getting $10 or $10,000, they still don't have souls.

demandah said...

It means "point me in the direction of that bar!" Sounds fabulous!

demandah said...

It means "point me in the direction of that bar!" Sounds fabulous!

Unknown said...

Count - a caveat- whores are paid for sex but not always cash. I know you didn't say cash but just wanted to clarify it.

Count Jerkula said...

Very true, Texas. Some are paid in Dinner, some in Attention, some in Jobs.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

@auntliddy, where do slatterns, tramps, roundheels, trollops, and "ladies of negotiable affection" fit in?

Yoj said...

@Count Jerkula
"Attention" ?!
*silently fumes*

ladybaus said...

@Secret and Tay

yah she is a reader and commenter lol iI have been working a lot these days but I WANT VODKA!!!!!!!! lol I feel like I am missing s much lol---on break at work sorry for the misspell etc xo----Ill be baclk

Anonymous said...

Evan Rachel Wood?

auntliddy said...

Ahem. Slatterns are middleaged and sloppy, not too into hygegine. Tramps are amoral, screw anyone if they can steal your wallet. Roundheels usually town girl who just loves to screw, usually in a car. Trollops are snotty roundheels with delusions of class. Ladies of negotiable affection or may not sleep with a man, and may or may not charge them. I hope this helped.

headrot said...

@count wow their definitions are wack....

auntliddy said...

Welcome back headrot, hope all is well.

Someone Somewhere said...

Superhero parade (the waiter dresses as Batman, superman or whatever) are done in some bars in Saint Tropez when someone buys an expensive bottle. Might be someone spending some time in south of France...

Unknown said...

I love the words slatern, trollop, and might I add "bint" to the discussion?

hunter said...

Count is correct.

Yoj said...

@Bee Haven
I hate the British equivalents: slag, slapper, tart, or even, god forbid, clunge *shudder*.

MinPinGirl said...

Let's not forget the Goldiggers who are in it for the cheddar and the chance/hopes to get knocked up. For that 18year meal ticket. I'd say they were equal parts who're and working girl.


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