Monday, August 04, 2014

Blind Item #7

This former B list mostly television actor from a long long running network hit that is finally on its last legs gave away most of his money to a church and is essentially homeless. Millions gone.


  1. Two and a half man Kimi dude

    1. Yup. Didn't take them long to prEy on a troubled kid with $$$$. It's not going to end well for Angus

  2. Someone from Grays?

    1. Ok. Right. Clearly not the right answer.

  3. Son on two and a half men...

  4. The Half Man
    August t jones I think it was

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Damn that sucks, Angus T Jones of 2 1/2 Men who was dating Stalker Sarah. Man I hope he is able to get his head together and keep his residual checks. The show is on everyday on the global market so there is still hope.

  7. What a f******* dumbass.

    1. Hey he didn't waste it on drugs booze or clothes he's given it to charity he should be commended unlike other superficial famous people. Go check your morals out

    2. I think this "charity" might need to check it's morals since it accepted every cent this young man had. That's CO$ shit. Actually CO$ wants you left with something so you can keep spending.

    3. Charity?!?... Bullshit!! A fake "preacher" & his little cult flock. CHARITY/philanthropy is giving your money so it will make a difference in the world/animals/humanity. NOT to line a con-man's pockets. Child actors shouldn't be able to access the bulk of their earnings until age 35. (Sorry, Enty.). I feel sad for Angus. Chuck Lorre would show he's a great guy if he set up a trust for Angus - forgive and forget, & Lorre made umpteen millions... And yeah, I know that's funny. But it's something a human being with a heart would do.

  8. he's is going to regret this someday.....

  9. I see a melt down in Angus' future. When it hits him what he's done.
    That church should buy him a house!

    OTOH. I have a hard time believing he's flat busted.

  10. Good for him. Money can't buy you happiness. Plus id be willing to bet that he's invested in some business ventures that make him money. In other words, I doubt he's destitute. Angus is my guess too.

  11. Money can't buy you happiness but it can buy you a boat big enough to sail right up next to it.

    - David Lee Roth

    1. Lol, I like that one, Rome! Touche'

  12. I think everyone is way off guessing this kid. But I don't have any other guess.

    As to money, it can't buy happiness. But it can buy chocolate.

    And that's the same thing.

  13. we didn't see THIS coming w/that new 'Bestie'minister of his..

  14. Agree angus. He's really involved in some serious cult miasma.

  15. How old is Angus? I thought there was a law that protected kids earnings. Not sure if they are given full access at 18.

  16. Stupid stupid stupid

  17. I am an atheist and I think all religions are evil, but if this is Angus T. Jones, I am ok with them cleaning him out. He deserved it.

  18. Angus Jones will have residual money coming in for the next decade & probably two decades.
    So while he might have given away all he has now, he'll get a check in a few months.
    Of course, he'll probably give that away too.

    1. Clark- you can sign away your residuals. Sherman helmsley did that to pay gambling debts.

  19. I didn't know he was dating Stalker Sarah, I actually thinks that's kinda sweet.

  20. I really hate that "money can't buy you happiness" It's BS. If it were true then why are there so many frowns on poor peoples faces? Having grown up poor I can tell you that money can buy you a roof over your head, food, clothing, transportation...and there is certainly happiness to be derived from all of those. Anyone who really believes that money can't buy you happiness has never been poor.

    1. Amen. Money can't make you a good person, or buy class (as any realitytard show demonstrates); but it sure as heck can buy happiness. Less stress = more happiness.

  21. So sad. I think Charlie was messing with him.

  22. Anonymous10:22 AM

    sounds like angus.

    this sounds trite but hopefully he is happy in spirit as opposed to riches. ((kanye shrug))

    godspeed angus...

  23. Shouldn't Angus be getting some (decent) residuals though? That stupid show is shown in reruns way too much.

    Does sound like the kid and his big mouth (and the show's current status), though.

  24. I assume he has a home in the church basement or something.

  25. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Angus T. Jones. Idiot.

  26. Also think that's Mad Church Cow Angus who was sucked in by a cult. And no, I also didn't think he was giving it to charity. The poor kid thought he was buying redemption when he gave away his millions. He's not the first though and he certainly won't be the last.

  27. ITA @ delete account. Been there, were still there, worrying about that stuff most of the time. Haven't had a car in over 9 months. Rent is sometimes questionable, let alone food, bills, and clothes. To have $$ to not have to worry about the basics would bring me more happiness than I can express.

  28. ITA @ delete account. Been there, were still there, worrying about that stuff most of the time. Haven't had a car in over 9 months. Rent is sometimes questionable, let alone food, bills, and clothes. To have $$ to not have to worry about the basics would bring me more happiness than I can express.
