Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Blind Item #7

This B list celebrity/host has had a rough year with her celebrity husband cheating on her constantly. She started self-medicating again and recently attempted suicide which is why she is now getting some in patient treatment.


  1. that was my guess Crila

  2. I would self-medicate with a divorce lawyer.

  3. Replies
    1. I think this is who Enty means but his descriptions are lacking. Host works but she's better described as journalist or anchor. Musician or entertainer works better for him.

      I wouldn't consider either a celebrity.

  4. giulianna rancic works a lot, though...

    maria isnt married...

    hilaria is too busy doing yoga...

  5. ...and I totally massacred the spelling of her name.

    ...I'm also never first. Maybe this means my luck is changing.

  6. And her hubby Marc Cohn(singer/songwriter)

  7. ABC News anchor Elizabeth Vargas returns to rehab for alcohol dependency

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2727544/ABC-News-anchor-Elizabeth-Vargas-returns-rehab.html#ixzz3Aqv6fGL0
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  8. Tricia, Elizabeth Vargas is the first one I thought of, too.

  9. @stew..yes..I came across that, and was saddened. She seemed so--centered when she came back after leave...I hope she pulls through...she's a good lady

  10. I agree Tricia

    "Vargas spent several weeks in rehab last fall and is in the midst of a divorce with her husband of 12 years, songwriter Marc Cohen, who allegedly cheated on her while she sought treatment last November. They have two young sons."

    Elizabeth you are a beautiful smart woman, you will get through this and good luck on finding and keeping sobriety. Do not be ashamed, it's a tough road especially when your support system is falling apart.

    Guiliana seems too much of a control freak to overindulge in anything.

  11. I like Giuliana or whatever lol on Fashion Police----she is th voice of reason---"You are wrong Kelly--that outfit is fucking ugly---what are you thinking?"

  12. @tina...yes. Wishing her strength
    Agree about Giuliana..can't see her overindulging in anything..but free swag lol

  13. giuliana posted on her blog about her workout and eating routine. not any space whatsoever for indulgence, all 550 calories are accounted for ;)

    hope vargas finds peace and guidance.

  14. Elizabeth Vargas.another woman wrecked by Michael Douglas.

  15. You could do so much better Elizabeth!!

  16. marc cohen,stay the f*** away from Elizabeth & the home-you & your mistress are huge triggers for her & have been for years & you know it.Just hash out a joint custody agreement & let her move forward (AS YOU HAVE)in peace & without YOU.Stay in your Colorado love nest & give Eliz the CT,home-done.

  17. Elizabeth Vargas ABC is back in rehab. Dump the guy before you die.

  18. @derek harvey
    That quote was Giuliana talking about Kelly's outfits, I hope.

  19. @rolotomassi, well said. Just hope she has support around her now because she needs it

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