Saturday, August 16, 2014

Blind Item #7

This Teen Mom thinks she is so famous that stores will be passing out free engagement rings right and left to her in exchange for publicity. So far she has struck out everywhere she has asked and is going to have to break down and buy herself a ring and say that her guy did. He can't even afford a fake one. She might go fake if she wants flashy. Her bank account is lower than it has been since the show started.


  1. Replies
    1. And major guess cause don't watch any of I want it to be someone else...the shame of knowing her name....

    2. Yep.

  2. yup...
    they know she will probably pawn it eventually for drugs anyways

  3. Dammit Tricia got me again
    On a side note, violet and Yoj will love that Janelle first somehow autocorrected to Jan bellend

    Sounds about right.

  4. Teen Moms are famous? Thx MTV for nothing.

  5. I think she would be better off asking for a free ring to say she DIDNT get it from them... who would want to be associated with her?

  6. I wish the teen mom show had never started. It has given some girls something to aspire to that should just not be encouraged.

    1. Actually, the teen birth rate has declined since the show started.

  7. This would be awesome if it was Farrah and her "couple's therapy" concept wherein she is consciously coupled with herself...

  8. @All lace---but then we wouldn't have Backdoor Farrah...

    @Seven---I am sure even Farrah knows better than to marry Farrah

  9. Derek- a perfect example of why I wish.

  10. @Derek: The only worse than Farrah's RBF is her Anal Bitch Face. I wish I could get those images of James Deen hot dog in a hallway-ing that horse out of my head. They should really donate the sex tape proceeds to PETA for subjecting us to that butt seeping bestiality

  11. I think it's Maci.

  12. Never watched her show; not the target audience.

  13. lol @LadyH remember when she was complaining James was "too small for her" and she "needs bigger" to be satisfied

  14. @Lady Heisenberg
    Ah, bellend. Such a great insult, that's sadly (like the phrases "as useful as tits on a bull", "play the five-fingered flute", "built like a brick shit-house" and "did I fuck as like!") falling out of use.
    We need to do more to protect our native language.

  15. Serious question ladies: do you care about engagement rings? You don't find them, dare I say it, out-of-date?

    1. You're asking how we feel about receiving a beautiful piece of diamond jewelry?

  16. Derek: oh yeah. You could see she's a size queen that needed more, errr, size to fill in that gap

    Yoj: Bellend and tamping are some of my favorites

  17. Yoj: I like sparkly things, but they ain't everything. I can't stand when women cite all of these crazy formulas about how much the ring should cost in terms of months of income and how this is a true scientifically proven equation for how much he/she loves you!

    1. Amen Lady H! That stupid equation was started by the diamond industry and some marketing dept. Get what you like and what fits in the budget. It's about love not commerce.

  18. @Lady Heisenberg
    It's heart-warming that you've made the effort to learn your mate's mother tongue.

  19. @Lady Heisenberg
    Oh, I heartily concur about the commercialization of courtship/marriage.

    Hypothetically, I'd happily wear an engagement ring if my *hypothetical* fiancée also wore one.

  20. Yoj: thanks dahlin! But I love with a Valley Boy, so I can't necessarily escape it. I'm fine with it, so long as I don't end all of my sentences with "like" ;)

  21. Definitley Jenelle, she posted a picture of rings yesterday.

    Her BF is filth. Jenelle isn't great on her own, but he is just one giant pile of garbage.

  22. I'll just leave this here...

  23. The sad thing is Teen Mom gets great ratings, waaay more than the Kardashians ever dreamed of getting. People are watching these shows.

    My guess is Amber and Gary are going to play up there relationship again and she didn't want another fifty dollar ring from Wal Mart. Also, I thought it was ironic that MTV wouldn't take Backdoor Farrah back for the next season because they don't think she's a good role model. Are any of them?

  24. The stated purpose of the show was to shed a light on teen pregnancy and decrease the numbers of pregnant teens. All this show has done is glamorize these nitwit teens. It was always the stupidest girls that got pregnant and kept the kid when I was in high school, and nothing has changed. Their lack of intelligence is annoying. They make stupid decisions left, right and center, because none of them ever cultivated their intelligence. Yes, it gets big ratings, for all the wrong reasons, and makes stars out of these stupid girls.

  25. "Baby, I love you so much, I wouldn't even care if some kid gets his arm chopped off if his diamond-mining parents can't dig fast enough!"

    Just buy fake. $10 at the mall. Now you can afford more of the stuff you'll need as married people. You're welcome.

  26. All of this bullshit started because of that one season of The Real World with Pedro and his (literal) AIDs infested ass. He got everyone's sympathy, then Judd wrote a shitty book and got famous off of that, then became a writer at DC and brought back the worst Robin of all time in a stupid story where Superboy PUNCHED TIME itself. Now, everyone who goes on those kind of shows become famous for one reason or another and the vicious cycle will continue until all the teens who watch those types of shows end up Darwin Award winners and mankind ends itself.
