Monday, August 11, 2014

Blind Item #7

This comedian and B list mostly television actor from a middling network show has been dating a woman for two months and even though he takes her out every day and has spent thousands of dollars on her, she has only ever let him kiss her cheek. Her boyfriend that our actor doesn't know about does hook up with her all the time though.


  1. Replies
    1. You know, the dad from the middle, janitor from scrubs. Am sure he's also some stand up comedian/ impro type.

    2. @Liddy I refuse to believe this blasphemy. The Janitor and Perry were the best thing on tv for 7 years. They are angels amongst heathens ok? ANGELS.

    3. ...and I just noticed my comment said @Liddy not @Violet. Whoops!

  2. How does this even happen in 2014? It's got to be some kind of unspoken agreement. No?
    Maybe I've having a heartlessly jaded day, which makes it no different from every other day.

  3. @Tricia, Louis CK is on cable and it's a very popular show. He's also considered to be one of the biggest comedians in the world so...

  4. He's courting her the old fashioned way.

  5. It's FX isn't it?...division of that'd be TV

  6. FX is Cable. NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox are all network. It doesn't matter if it's a division of Fox or not it's still cable.

  7. And it's because if his popularity that he's be placed at B as an actor...he's not an A list tv actor by any stretch, even if his stand up is

  8. I'm saying this is Aziz Ansari. Although Parks and Rec isn't middling in my eyes it's never gotten the best ratings and it's in it's last season.

    @Tricia it doesn't matter what rating you give him this isn't CK.

  9. When I saw Aziz in his latest stand-up he talked about having a girlfriend. That was my thought when I read the blind too, jack

  10. One of my deredpst friends came up in the NYC comedy circuit with him @ Jane...he comes from a religious family, I think any GF may attempt, or A cover...., I know he uses it in his stand up tho for sure

  11. Virginity is sacred from where he is from. So he wouldn't push things

    1. I pissed my pants reading that comment.

  12. I need to meet someone like that…

  13. @Sandy, are you talking about aziz? he's from south carolina and I can guarantee virginity isn't sacred here.

    1. I think that was a reference to his ethnic background, not where he grew up.

    2. Lolololololollll omgggg...i cant breathe! Oh, Cary!

  14. Dumb Dumb

    Falling for a hook-up fame whore

    Wonder how old she is?

  15. I doubt his ethnic background has much to do with how he currently lives his life. he's not religious at all and talks about sex all the time in his stand up.

  16. It's supposed to Aziz with his "secret" girlfriend who he met while she was dating someone else. And his tour is called "Modern Romance". And I don't believe it. Tom Haverford's first CD was "Intimate Moments for a Sensual Evening".

    Aziz Ansari's Secret Girlfriend Works In The Food Industry, Apparently

  17. Whatevs. Must somehow serve everyone's purposes.

  18. @seven..nicely pointed out, and you are astute in your observations..,,while an sari may be provocative and "expressive" about his created love life, his marketing skills and ability to perform stand up are strong, and that is a talent indeed....,,
    He will come out one day, my friend and his former colleague on the circuit , who is also gay, had a lot of issues performing material because he(my good friend) is an Orthodox Jew and it is...prohibited, to put it mildly..he and Aziz bonded over this......
    My friend out a long time and stand up funnier and stronger than ever, so I hope Aziz sees the light

  19. And FWIW..he clearly is the answer to the blind and I think enty was being extremely snarky and ironic in this blind...knowing Aziz' proclivities and the fraudulent nature of the relationship
