Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Blind Item #6

This A+ list mostly movie actress and her B list boyfriend actor called it quits this time because she won't listen to him or anyone that she needs rehab. They fought about it all the time.


  1. Whoever was in the BI yesterday about the actress getting drunk.

  2. There aren't many A+ list film actresses with B List, actor boyfriends. Just sayin'.

  3. Inside Edition said it was JLaws inflated ego that led to the split.

    1. @Ray - I love me some Inside Edition

  4. She may listen David O Russell

  5. Trumped up accusations of drug or alcohol abuse are a great way to break down the spirit of someone you can't control.

    Definitely a game I could imagine a B-list actor trying to run on his much more successful A+-list girlfriend.

  6. well no wonder Jlaw has such an inflated ego when the world seems to declare her the second coming of Christ! I think she is a decent actress and all but I just cant with the ditzy blonde who cant walk in heels nonsense---though drink and drugs would be a better excuse than "gosh golly I am such a klutz!"

    1. Thank you! And she has such a weird face, sorry, I just don't get the massive appeal.

    2. Derek, you're killing me! LMAO

  7. @Ray Nicolet
    More her immature behaviour (She becomes a drama queen when she sees the paps for ex)

  8. I'm thinking Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield.

  9. I'm just not sure I'm buying the rehab/drug issues for JLaw

    She may not be the second coming-but she is an unique and fresh talent

    Winter's Bone

  10. I'm just not sure I'm buying the rehab/drug issues for JLaw

    She may not be the second coming-but she is an unique and fresh talent

    Winter's Bone

  11. J Law just has that charm though.

  12. I love Inside Edition too! So much better than ET and Extra etc but it does not air in Canada anymore : (

    1. Inside Edition is the perfect mixture of news and gossip.

  13. Emma Roberts and that dude whose name I can never remember, from AHS.

  14. Thought it was his cheating…Enty make up your mind.

  15. I think she's (JLaw)just a regular young-ish person who likes to party, especially surrounding huge events. I haven't seen any factual evidence that any of her behavior is all that different from an average 20-something. She puts on her big girl britches and goes to work, so what's the beef?
    I thought she was quite good in Winter's Bone, but I don't think she's had many truly interesting roles since. By that I mean interesting, fully developed human characters as opposed to cartoonish caricatures or fantasy people.

  16. Emma roberts is not A+ list.
    Emma stone is again wit Garfield

  17. Just for shits and giggles, I'm going with Jen and Justin.

    1. Justin would be the one needing rehab there dear.

  18. Supposed to be JLaw but I don't buy it.

  19. Nicholas Hoult won't be on the market for long.

  20. @NaughtyNurse- I'll ride with you on the Jen & Justin shits and giggles train!

  21. jen's not A+ list either.

  22. Jen's not A+ list, not even on Enty's list.

  23. Well she did say it's for shit and giggles!

  24. JLaw and Hoult were never real. Nick is gay.

  25. I don't think JLaw parties any more than the average college kid. And as someone said, she shows up for work.

  26. I don't think JLaw or Emma Stone come across as substance abusers. Emma Roberts on the other hand... I'd way rather believe its Roberts myself. Entry's never consistent with ratings anyway.

  27. @Brian, I totally agree.

  28. @MinPinGirl
    There were items on Blind Gossip about a young actress who was in rehab at the beginning of this year and was accompanied on a spring press tour by a sober coach. All the clues pointed to Emma Stone.
    I don't, however, believe this item is about her.

  29. Brian - Good call! I've seen that trick before.

  30. All the JLaw gossip is totally conjecture. Besides pulling goofy faces on red carpets and flipping off the British press, she hasn't actually done anything vaguely scandalous at all and in this day and age that's almost impossible. That said, if I were in her shoes with all that pressure, I'd probably drink my face off too.

  31. Ok, but he goes to KStew? Like she's a well adjusted young woman or even a good rebound? Whatever. They always seemed down to earth, but ego or no ego, JLaw could always do better.

  32. So, either he was a serial cheater OR she's a druggy. Make up your mind, Enty.

    (Hope it's neither, TBH.)

  33. It could be argued that Roberts is A+ due to family association, and we all know The Enties' rating system is vastly different than our own.

  34. I think it's supposed to be Jennifer Lawrence, but think it's BS. She strikes me as a typical young woman of college age that likes to party and have a good time. She shows up for work, and seems to keep it together professionally. She is so much better than Lohan, Kristin Stewart and Emma Roberts.

  35. He cheats with Kristen? That blows my mind. He would prefer an angry sullen person over someone who laughs a lot & wants to have fun? JLaw can take the Mickey out of herself, I'd love to go out for a beer with her, probably giggle A LOT.

  36. Jlaw was definitely good in Winter's Bone (the movie itself is very good as well), but I haven't really liked her in anything since.

  37. Kirsten Dunst+Garrett Hedlund
