Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Blind Item #6

This former A+ list singer turned part-time actress turned singer turned reality star once tried to convince this former A list singer/songwriter that her child was his from an affair they had together. The singer/songwriter coughed up about $250K before asking for a paternity test. It was not his child but the two have made up and are hooking up again.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So christina/thicke?

  3. She's Preggo...dunno....calling LH?Derek?

  4. Replies
    1. Ok I can't write Babyface and take that man seriously. Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds.

  5. I was gonna go there..but she has 2 kids..this sounds like a woman with 1 child..or woulda said(maybe)"that one of her children"

  6. @riven &sYF...but enties a bit, erroneous often..so could be the combo:)

  7. Also..I think they've worked together consistently, without a break or rift as it were

    1. Good points Tricia. I can't come up with a singer-songwriter for Aguilara though, otherwise I would have tried to help you there too. (Well Eminem could be her baby daddy but the descriptor doesn't fit - that's all I got lol)

  8. @riven...Eminem a good one...and she's Preggo..sounds like couple hooking up now...this is a stumper!!

  9. Lying about your juds parentage. Yeah, that wont cause any long lasting problems when kid gets older.

  10. Anonymous8:43 AM

    this man has to be a real imbecile to "cough up" 250k BEFORE asking for a paternity test. the only name mentioned here that fits the label imbecile thus far is thicke.

  11. like the toni braxton babyface.. explains the long rift

  12. isnt xtina still preg? did she give birth?

  13. @riven. Good guess for the other half. Us FTW! Lol
    @tricia S. Good point.

    (I had no idea Xtina n MnM had a thing. But I have doubted the "public" fiance's truth. He just looks to be paid. But then I'm not looking all that close at her. I like to listen to her, that's it.)

    1. @SYF ^5 Teamwork!

      So I am fuzzy on the details but the reason I REMEMEVR (awww eff you autocorrect spazz) about Xtina and M&M is one of his music videos that mocks the various hooking up that Xtina, M&M, Fred Durst, Britt Britt and maybe Mimi all did. Mini may have been a different song though. But yeah anyway even excluding Mimi you probably have all major STIs covered in that little group.

      Annnnnnnnd I just reminded you that Fred Durst exists. I'm so sorry love. No one deserves that.
