Sunday, August 10, 2014

Blind Item #6

This B list mostly movie actor is keeping that listing strictly because of his name. Even though he has a new baby at home he spends most of his time doing coke with porn stars and running through all of his money. Apparently he is even having unprotected sex with the porn stars too.


  1. Talk to Emma Roberts, David!

  2. Oh David is a much better guess Lady.

  3. arquette was in dm yesterday saying he is in no way sober

  4. Yea sugartits but he emphasized only booze and weed..far cry from coked out porn star orgies. Also explains his woman's grimaced embarrassment

  5. yeah i hated that anniston had a falling out w/ cox when she split from david b/c she was cheating on david for years while married to him, but i think cox was afraid to leave david for fear he might not take it well and od, not to save face. anniston makes it all about her feelings not anyone else..cox was probably checked out of that marriage about 4 years before she actually pulled the plug. i have no hate for cox in that one

  6. Porn whores are tested every 15 days. He got less chance of catching something from them than he does broads off the street or bar hags.

    1. Exactly! The pornstars should be worried about him.

  7. No wonder he's trying to buy a famous strip club, Crazy Girls.

  8. tell that to charlie HIV+ And herpes king sheen

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Unless he showed up on day 14. I feel bad for his daughter.

  11. Arquette is a mess. Can't blame Cox for saying enough is enough.

  12. i'm dating a porn star. he gets tested every two weeks. i would rather fuck him without a rubber (though we do) than some random shitty bartender in hollywood who probably is crawling with herpes and chlamydia.

  13. Even if porn stars are tested for HIV and some STDs there has been several cases where they have been allowed to work with non life threatening STDs. 1 out of 4 Porn stars have had Gonorrhea or Chlamydia according to a recent UCLA study. The more sexual partners in high risk lifestyles (drugs, rough sex where tearing is involved) the more dangerous catching something serious is. If it is David Arquette, he must have a death wish. He doesn't have enough self love/respect to think about his own health, his baby's momma or the consequences of his premature illness/death to his daughter with Courtney Cox. Playing Russian Roulette with one's penis is not a smart move. His baby's momma should get out of there and quit being codependent before it is too late.

  14. Anonymous10:51 AM

    if u are tested frequently then u are having WAY too much random sex.

    ((no judgement-i have PLENTY in my head))

    random sex (despite precautionary testing) is STILL very high risk behavior.

    # of sex partners will ALWAYS be a huge factor in your sexual health, i think, but i'm no doctor sooooo...

  15. @Awesome Slut: Does he do gay4pay or straight only?

    @Kat: That UCLA study wasn't worth shit. Only the bottom barrel of porn performers allowed their info to be used, in exchange for Walmart gift cards. Any pornstar w/ 1/2 a brain refused to participate, knowing any info gleamed from the study would be used by the AHF in its war on porn.

    The same AHF that is running the porn business out of California is also the place that is suing San Francisco, because they don't want to comply w/ zoning requirements for one of their pharmacies, and the same AHF that over charged LA County to the tune of $3.5million for the care of AIDS patients, and the same AHF that calls Truvada, the best known drug at stopping the spread of HIV, a "party drug."

    TL/dr: That UCLA study was trash & AHF is a scam organization.

  16. @CountJerkula you are an expert on sexually explicit comments and joke filled sexual harassment so you probably know about HIV and the porn industry better than many. I don't mean that as a slight just as fact which is fine in my book however I've done several stories on the porn industry and one was on Derrick Burts, another on one of the gay porn stars he worked with, another on Brian Pumper. Derrick blamed the porn industry although he was also an escort, the gay porn actor he worked with blamed Derrick. Brian Pumper doesn't want mandatory condoms. I personally thought Pumper was a strange guy why a women would want to do porn with him (or mostly any of the men in porn is beyond me). Regardless, risky behavior with unstable people in the porn industry or not, is not a wise choice. So what if the porn industry gets booted out of LA? I won't cry. I think Porn especially the pushing of the twink/tween, abusive kind as well as it easy access to young people without proper understanding, is brainwashing and akin to a spiritual death. How are people going to learn about sex,love, self love and respect if porn is the norm? Everything is not about money but for some people it is. In the big picture, constantly degrading women as sexual objects and throwing dirt on the magic of love and intimacy just shows the lower base self at work. A pharmacist told me that the two biggest drugs in Beverly Hills were
    Prozac & Valtrex which seems to make a lot of sense with all the mental illness, whoring and unprotected sex going down. Another thing when I asked people if they wanted condoms in porn they said no which made me realize that people want fantasy not the truth and they also don't care about other people's health as long as they are getting off. Kind of selfish in my book. Also I talked to several porn stars and strippers and most if not all were addicts and had deep sorrow. Sex work is a highly dangerous and risky job with few long term benefits if any.

  17. David arquette because he's buying a strip club at Sunset bvd

  18. @kat what did Derrick and Brism blame each other for?

    @Count. What is the AHF?

    I love when the self righteous do all they can to prevent wise science. If the religious right had thought about the far reaching problem of AIDS we'd probably be further ahead towards a vaccine and a lot less lives lost. But no they were too busy saying it was a curse for being gay. What senseless and "unchristian like" behavior. I get so sngry thinking about all my friends and a beloved uncle who could have been saved if people had taken the prejudice and emotion out of a medical crisis.

  19. I doubt porn stars are fucking civilians without protection. If a porn actor picks up an STD they don't work until it clears up.

  20. Anonymous1:49 PM

    yeah...because porn stars are of a higher moral standard than we regular people.

    there are reports of porn stars infecting co-worker because of their "off the job' activities.

    some porn stars have had sex with non porn people for HUGE payments.

    give me a break. constant testing does not mean PROTECTION against STD'S just means u have more random sex.

    it is no better to fuck EITHER person (bartender/porn star) without a rubber, ffs...

  21. Anonymous2:04 PM

    and another thing.

    us regular people dont fuck like porn stars. some of u do realize that there are drugs on set, right? porn is not an accurate reflection of what goes on in most normal (working people's) bedrooms.

    if there are drugs (and a copious amount of editing, im sure) on set im assuming that there is a likelihood tht the stars can get addicted and make bad choices.

    there is no need to elevate porn stars to a sexual cult status. they are human beings as well...

  22. This would be funny if this was Alec Baldwin. I know he's done a bit of t.v., but he does have the baby at home.

  23. Four years ago, wouldn't we have said this was Colin Farrell?

    Or has he completely mended his ways? (serious question)

  24. What is the AHF?

  25. AHF = AIDS Healthcare Foundation. They are involved in the new laws requiring condom use in porn, as well as in the OSHA porn safety case against One of their actresses (who was also on VH1 Tool Academy), Cameron Bay, tested positive for HIV after shooting a scene for their Public Disgrace series.

    I'm not going to speak to the statistical probability of getting an STD from a porn star vs from a civilian, but yeah, porn stars fucking outside of the industry is problematic and it happens. A lot of porn stars are trying to actively mobilize against the porn stars that are known to be escorting or engaged in other high risk activities off set because they're endangering the whole industry. That's why Sheen's discarded goddess Bree Olsen has been called the biggest pig in porn and pretty much went AWOL. Word is Sheen's been writing her checks since she can't shoot much anymore. And thank heavens for that. If you have a strong stomach, check out Bree's Twitter feed and Howard Stern interview...

  26. @Kat: If you want to know the person Derrick Burts is, then go to TRPWL and search his name. His arrests and history are in the articles there. His infection likely came from rent boying.

    Brian Pumper is box of rock stupid and is known to run into bathrooms after porn whores take a dump, so he can bask in the aroma. I think that is from Billy Watson's blog, along with a story of when he had to call the police to get Pumper off one of his sets.

    So what if porn leaves LA? it isn't just leaving LA, it is leaving California. That means less jobs, less tax revenue and less money in the economy. It isn't just whores and mopes. Producers, Crew, Warehouse Workers, Web Developers, Agents, Secretaries, Make up people. Hundreds if not thousands of people either losing their jobs or uprooting and splitting. LA County has lost about $500k in shooting permits this year alone.

    How are people going to learn about love if porn is the norm? That is a ludicrous statement. How do people know video games and pro wrestling aren't real? any one with 1/2 a functioning brain knows it isn't the norm.

    Holy fucking stereotypes. All pornstars and strippers are addicts. I'm sad I spent all this time typing when you are clearly delusional. I'm out.

    @Sherry: AHF = Aids Healthcare Foundation. A company that makes huge money from the treatment of HIV & AIDS so they are against a drug whose transmission prevention percentage is on par with condoms. They are pushing for Medical Lab OSHA standards to be pushed on the porn industry in CA.

    Also, Derrick Burts is one of the AHF shills who claims to have been infected w/ HIV on a porn set, but his rent boy activities have been documented. As I said before, Brian Pumper is just a moron mope.

    @Fancy: Name a straight porn performer who caught HIV onset due to another performers off set activities. That Cameron Jordan/Adams whore keeps trying to say she got it on a Kink set, but the reality is she got it from her boyfriend, and they infected the other whore. Cameron is another one alleged to be on AHF payroll. She also broke into another porn whores house and shit on a picture there.

    Any other disease is non life threatening or can be taken care of w/ some antibiotics.

    Some porn whores can be had for very little money. $300/hr or less on Backpage or Humaniplex. Some of em only do porn as infomercials for their whoring.

    It aint the wild west of the 70's and 80's. With the threat of lawsuits because of "they got me high, I never would have consented to that" there is usually a zero tolerance for drugs on set. Signature on a Model Release/Consent Form wouldn't be legal if she was high. Probably 90+% of the drugs on set are Viagra, Caverject and probably Medical Marijuana.

  27. Lady H got the whore's second stage name right, Cameron Bay. Her previous name was Cameron Adams, but she didn't use it upon her comeback to porn because of said pooping incident. She was on VH-!'s Tool Academy, also. First scene was for BackRoomCastingCouch out of Arizona.

    She did not get HIV from that Kink set. They harp on Xander's bleeding dick, probably from the injection point from his Caverject, but he has NEVER tested positive, and the trace back of infections stops w/ Cameron's boyfriend and the Hispanic whore they partied with, who did 2-3 scenes before testing hot.

    Bree Olsen is considered the biggest pig in porn cause she's a conniving whore and she pissed on the floor of a police department when she was arrested for DUI. I know other things that I can't share, but I would be surprised if she is getting any checks from Sheen.

    She ran her course in porn. She shot about 200-300 scenes in 5 years. That is a good run for a porn whore. It aint a 20yr and a pension gig. Avg life span is 2 years.

  28. Hot damn, count! Tell us how you really feel! LOL ;)

  29. When it comes to porn, trust an expert like the Count.I haven't seen a porno flick since VHS killed BetaMax and Seka was a big star. Oh yeah and I had Barbara Dare hair, according to my boyfriend at the time.

  30. LOL @ Jennmcn! I remember Barbara Dare, her hair and her tiny nips.

    I doubt anyone will find a better researched article on Derrick Burts than this one. NSFW

    If yer interested, look at the link towards the bottom and click on the one where he backs out of a $1000 offer to take a polygraph test.

    And for fun, Cameron Adams breaking into Taryn Thomas' house and shitting on her picture article. NSFW

    An article that makes it pretty clear she is on AHF's payroll. NSFW

  31. Renner. It doesn't say the porn stars are female.
