Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Blind Item #5

This A list comic actor has reached new levels of jerkitudeness. I like the word. He saw a woman for all of three weeks several months ago which is almost a record for him at this point and convinced her to transfer colleges and move half-way across the country to be with him and two days after she did, he dumped her and kicked her out of his place because he found someone new.


  1. A list comic actors are like Jonah Hill, Kevin Hart, Sandler still, maybe Kevin James?

  2. Is Carrey doing the player game? He was with McCarthy for a long time and seemed to date Anchal and the other college student for a while.

    And THERE you have the answer. College girls.

  3. I realize he doesn't fit at all, but I want this to be Mr. Smug Pants, Jason Sudekeis (sp?).

  4. Woulda said sudeikas but thi k he's living with Wilde still

  5. Know what? This is prob a good thing for the student; she's learned something important about putting herself first, and she learned it best possible way. Experience. Of course he's a tool, thats his problem, she shouldnt make it hers.

  6. "Of course he's a tool, thats his problem, she shouldnt make it hers."


  7. Also I think there's some BS going on here. If they only hooked up for 3 weeks and he dumped her after 2 days, it is impossible for her to have transferred colleges just for him. You can only apply to transfer during certain periods of time and it's not an immediately granted request. The timing doesn't work.

  8. Why would any person be stupid enough to drop out of school to be with a person they have known for weeks? famous or not it is a dumb thing to do and a very harsh life lesson. Celebrities tend to be extremely self-centered and think nothing of other people's lives

  9. she must have been pretty stupid then

    don't make decisions for yourself based on boyfriends or men with no formal commitment girls.........

    awww the young and the dumb

  10. I prefer jerktitude, personally, but I think this is Jonah Hill. Isn't he a real ass?

  11. and I said Jim Carrey the last time the "jerk" thing was brought up with a similar BI

    so Imma go with Carrey

  12. Jason Siegel. And I agree, the girl is a desperate twit.

  13. The girl was stupid, but she is also young (college age) I can totally see her thinking it was true love and that this was it. Hopefully she learned a lesson.

  14. Maybe she brought her dirty washing with her, always a deal breaker.

  15. Since moneyball his Oscar nod,and the wolf of wall street Jonah is no longer considered a comic actor, but rather, an A- actor. Don't agree with it, bit is the case

  16. I'm with Riven. You don't hook up, change schools and move in 3 weeks. It's either total BS, or the timeline is shortened for shock value.

  17. Broad is too stupid for college. She is wasting her time and money.

    And it is Jerkutudeness, Fugazi Enty. If yer gonna show horn me into blinds, do it right.

  18. Apart from the college transfer and being famous, there's a guy in my peer group like this. He's met at least three girls while visiting other towns, started dating them and got them to move here, then he dumps them. He also hooked up with the wife of one of his closest friends.

    Oh, I nearly forgot the best part! He owns a mesh shirt, and wears it in public. Ladies...

  19. My half-sister did something like this. She is a cardiothoracic surgeon and the most selfish person I've ever met. She was doing a fellowship in Seattle and found this poor schlub on match.com to be her boyfriend which basically involved flying up every other weekend to do her errands and lend her money. He lived in California. Meanwhile she was hooking up with a doctor who had a practise in Seattle.

    Then she got engaged to the schlub, and got a job at a hospital in Boston, and they were going to move there together and get married. So he flies to Boston on his own dime and finds a big house for them to rent with a yard for her two neurotic German Shepherds.

    He leases the house, flies home, quits his job, ships his furniture. And then my half-sister tells him she's decided she doesn't want to marry him.

    Because she figures she'll move to Boston, move into the house he leased, rent out a couple of rooms to roommates and live rent-free.

    But she timed it wrong since he had no place to live and no job so he moves into the house in Boston anyway.

    She's furious and claims her ex-fiance is STALKING her and gets a lock on her bedroom door and whines about him to everyone who will listen.

    Then the guy from Seattle comes for a visit and she complains about THAT because she can't have him stay with her so they have to hook up in his hotel room which she finds inconvenient.

    There's more, much more. Such as the time she came to the city I live, because some OTHER rich guy had paid her flight and bought her a $3000 ball gown and a $1300 opera ball ticket for the opening of the opera. I was all excited and wanted to get together with them while she was in town (3000 miles from where she lived at the time) ... but she ducked my calls. She was staying FIVE BLOCKS from me for five days and the only time she called me was from the airport as she was leaving - she left a message saying her flight was delayed and did I want to come and hang out at the airport with her for an hour. 15 miles each way? I don't think so.

    I've never had much use for her since then.
