Monday, August 04, 2014

Blind Item #5

This former A list mostly television actress turned A list movie actress turned can't get work actress has been skipping table reads and has not gone through a day yet of her new television show without throwing some kind of tantrum. The most recent was about the quality of the bottled water.


  1. Kathryn Heigl

    Note: I don't think she was ever an A list actress.

  2. Heigl was A list movie? When? B at best.

  3. Halle? did she do TV?

  4. She must be one of those smartwater freaks.

  5. she was in some hit movies like Knocked-up and that stupid dress one---

  6. Do you have to be crazy to act ?

  7. Retract my guess.

    You guys nailed it with Heigl.

  8. Anonymous7:57 AM


    probably had a raging hang-over

  9. Even I got this one. It's meant to be Heigl but I don't think it's her. It would be suicidal for her and she knows it. I'm not a fan and if I never hear her name again I would be happy, but I can't imagine she's that stupid. Wait until the show is a hit and then be the demanding diva, don't make everyone hate you beforehand.

  10. OK I watched 27 Dresses (yes I admit it) yesterday again.....and I want to know why this beautiful girl with a lot of charisma on camera is just trashing her career?

    she def has a quality.....although I think it would work best on tv

    she need to cut out the shit

  11. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I think it's because she started acting pretty young and her mom/manager is apparently horrible, so it's all she knows. Nobody would miss her if she completely disappeared from the limelight, which she doesn't seem to get.

  12. I cry on the scene when Heigl tries all her bridemaid's dress.Every Time.The director,the editor and Heigl nziled this moment .Her character deserves her moment

  13. "I SAAaaaaaaaId TO LACE ALL OF MY WATER WITH ANPHETIMINES DAMMIT!!!!' I DONT CARE IF OWEN WILSON HAS TO GET ON HIS F"ckin BMX, with his embarrassing lil skull cap on, AND PEDAL AROUND ALL OF HOLLYWOOD TO GET THEM! Like effin Nike says, "JUST F"CKIN DOOOO IT!". I''ve fricken gained a pound just waiting for it!"

  14. I totally agree that she has charisma. She totally could have a successful career if she just tamed her inner bitch. Also, she is a grown ass woman. Temper tantrums were understandable (lame, but understandable) when you're in your 20s. Now, it's just psychotic.

  15. Heigl needs psychiatric help;her constant self-sabatoging is a obviously symptom of some deep seeded &longstanding serious issues of insecurity-textbook

  16. ...amongst a plethora of other stuff-not kooool-rest of hard working cast & crew suffers big time

  17. @Sincerely,, LOL, you were there!

  18. My shallow self admits that she is beautiful and has a screen presence that appeals to me. But other than that, I hope she finally gets her karmic comeuppance and can't get any more work ever.

  19. Why do Hollywood execs keep giving that bimbo chance after chance? JFC... she's a total bitch and she has zero talent. Other than that, she's great, though. Thumbs up all the way.

  20. imo Heigl has some talent and that is the reason she has had so many chances

    proven out the first year in Grey's-her turn as Izzie was quite good

    she just needs to quit sabotaging it

  21. I thought Heigl until Enty added the A list part. 2 good movies don't make you A list IMHO.

  22. If half the stories about Heigl's bad behavior are true, how does she ever get hired? There are so many talented actresses desperate for work with no drama attached.

  23. Go to African refuge camp for a few days. I doubt you will be bitching about water when you get back. Get some freaking perspective for godsakes.

  24. No matter who this is, how do they get away with this shit? And especially if it's Heigl or someone of equal "talent." Just kick her ass out and say "Next." Whoever it is will soon find out she is easily replaceable and whether it's her or someone else in some BS role the world will go on.

  25. Agree, Rome. And she's not even slightly pretty, she looks like Ashley Judd, another notorious bitch from hell. Not likable, not attractive, so how do they get work? And why? Are people clamoring to see them? It makes no sense.

  26. Adults who throw temper tantrums are just about the most pathetic thing there is! And personally, I think teenagers throwing temper tantrums are ridiculous too. You need to cut that shit out when you're a kid.

    I thought Heigl has made some comments about how she realizes people saw her as difficult. (I know that's not the same thing as admitting you were difficult, but at least it's a step in the right direction.) So it seems she has a bit of self-awareness. If this is her she must be incredibly stupid to start this behaviour again.

  27. Enty has always written what a bitch Debra Messing is and she's got a new series too.

  28. This should be titled...Easy Peasy.

  29. Just to lob in another guess...Tea Leoni?

  30. Been a long time since Knocked Up, broad needs a reality check. Would bone though.

  31. Her voice is mega weird in the previews, Tea that is.

    I think that some successful people are able to treat people like crap and succeed - Steve Jobs for example, your average dictator and many successful movie stars - so do people like Heigl see that and figure out that is the way to get people to fear and respect you

    or is massive insecurity or fear of failure that makes them act like divas

    or is it just that OCD insecure people need therapy at an earlier age?

  32. The movie her company produced The Ugly Truth made $200 million worldwide box office, anything Clooney directed or produce make as much?

  33. She must be fun to live with.

  34. Sherry and Gayeld - one thing that enty has been consistent about is that an actor/actress is A list if they have opened a studio movie. Heigl has opened and starred in several as the main star. She is most definitely a former A list movie actress as described in blind.

  35. I really think that most of these self created "divas" must be suffering from some form of mental illness. I mean, who is so bored with their lives and has so much free time on their hands that they actually pitch fits at all, never mind about meaningless and/or non-existent "problems" like the "quality" or temperature of f*cking WATER?? How sad. Some people really need to get a life.

  36. Sheesh even I guessed Heigl.

  37. D. Messing..couldn't get arrested after her first series ended.

  38. If Heigl ever makes anybody in Hollywood any money, she'll be back in films again. If not (and I seriously doubt this series is going to do it her), she's out.
