Friday, August 29, 2014

Blind Item #5

There will be very little traveling for this A list mostly movie actor when he starts promoting his big new movie which also stars an A+ list mostly movie actor. The family of our barely hanging on to A list actor feels like he will kill himself or overdose if he leaves his home for any length of time.


  1. does shias famiy care now??

  2. Mom most likely..and GF

  3. It's not Owen cause he's in Venice.

  4. That comes out in November though, would they start promoting Fury so early? And wasnt the whole point of his rehab for Brad?

  5. Shia again is A list now? Why? Fury is his one movie to release

  6. Does Johnny have anything coming down the pipe soon?

  7. Then they are smart to keep him home....

  8. Why not hire round the clock handlers if promoting the movie is important? I don't think Shia is A.

    What big movie is coming out with 2 A list actors?

  9. his GF doesn't sound like the best influence if they were still doing drugs last week. that was a blind item, right?

  10. I think this is Shia. Brad was in Dorset, Uk, for a Fury photocall and no Shia. To be honest I can't imagine Brad Pitt putting up with bad behaviour from his fellow co-stars especially when he's the star of Fury.

  11. Well, whomever this is, it is nice to see a family put a celebrity's well being first, instead of letting them do whatever as long as they bring in the money.

  12. Shia always described as barely hanging on A list(like in this blind)

  13. Shia is adult. A man. (Insert adjective here)

  14. They changed the release date to 10/17. The rest of the cast and director were promoting in the UK, Shia was only one absent,

  15. But will it do any good? As Basil pointed out at least someone is taking care to help him.

  16. Shia should have a sober companion with him til after holidays at the very least.

  17. Shia said that he wanted to get clean so as not to embarrass Brad when promoting 'Fury'.
    They may yet do a press junket in Los Angeles.

  18. Shia sounds right. He's a loose cannon. Owen is going to be in the 3rd "Night At The Museum" movie which opens around Christmas. Not sure if Stiller is A+ or not though.

  19. Enty has got to stop with throwing out whatever designation he likes for celebs. If this is supposed to be Shia, A list misses the mark by a long shot.
