Sunday, August 17, 2014

Blind Item #5

This former A+ list mostly movie actress is starting to lose it a little bit. Not only was her almost entry back into television halted because of her behavior but her much anticipated film project which would get her off the B- list and back to A is in danger. One of the more erratic behaviors the actress has is that she goes to confession four or five times a day at different churches around NYC.


  1. damn you guys are fast

    1. I admit to having a cafe con leche today@D

  2. Starting to lose it? If Halle she has been losing it for a while now.

  3. Starting to lose it? If Halle she has been losing it for a while now.

  4. Imdb says her movie Tulia is delayed.

    Tricia is on it!

    1. Cuban coffee is my secret@ leather(freeway screen name ..wanted to tell you that)
      Turkish coffee is just as effective I find:)

    2. Mmmm.... turkish coffee....

  5. Her T.V show is awful

  6. If this was Halle, wouldnt he have said academy award winner/nominee? As much as it fits, I dont think it is her. She spends more time in LA than NYC too.

  7. That cannot be Halle. Extant was produced/shoot exactly like planned, schedule was on a clock since CBS announced the pilot was picked up. Halle lives in LA, I happen to think if she was in NYC there would have been a dozen paps by now.

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  9. @Tricia- I don't drink coffee. Maybe I should start, but not sure it would improve my guessing ability.

  10. Halle lives in ca, so not possible to go to nyc church for confession several times a day. Mb messing?

    1. Can't be Deborah Messing, she's very Jewish.

  11. who got kicked off a show before it got off the ground

  12. or am I not understanding Enty speak and that her behaviour almost meant her TV show did not get off the ground

  13. Halle lost it a long time ago. Girl is cray. However, this blind is not her. Her show has been filming without problems and she has zero movies coming up. Plus, she lives in LA. Not Halle this time.

  14. Forget it she's not formerly A+ even though she's been more movies lately.

  15. LOL… no way Halle knows her way around a set of rosary bead.

    That said, I'm intrigued. This is a good one.

  16. Just like the Sambora reveal cities don't mean a thing to Enty.

  17. Replies
    1. I'm with Curtis - Meg is the best guess here. She was on Web Therapy in 2013 - looks like her character was reoccurring, but isn't on there any longer. And she's directing a movie with Tom Hanks and herself as the stars that's set to open December of 2015.

    2. Wiki says she was Roman Catholic, and her given name is Margaret Mary Emily Anne Hyra, which sounds pretty dang Catholic!

    3. Should say "was raised Roman Catholic".

  18. And when has Halle ever known to be religious?

  19. Then again Heigl is suppose to be returning to TV but she's also starring in the movie Jenny's Wedding which is having trouble getting funding. She does have a reputation of not getting along with others. Still not former A+ parent is Catholic....

  20. No way this is Halle.

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. There are worse vices than going to confession a couple of times a day. Something is weighing heavily on this one's soul.

  23. To play Devil's Advocate on Debra Messing, it would definitely be super crazy for a Jewish person to hit Catholic confession numerous times per day.

  24. Confession? That means Catholicism which is a big no-no in Hollywood. Now, had she been going to Temple or to Islamic Mosques, then it would be OK, but Catholics? They just be crazy, yall!

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  26. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, @hunter. Going to confession multiple times a day wouldn't qualify as "erratic", just like people who are in recovery go to multiple AA meetings in a day. Throw in that she's Jewish, then it becomes interesting.

    I confess (heh), I like Debra Messing and don't want to believe she's Coke Mom.

    1. @Seven I'm with you. I don't believe for one second that Messing is Coke Mom. Her skin is flawless, she's barely aged since will & grace and she's never been caught doing anything shady. Doesn't exactly sound like an out-of-control coke fiend. I suspect that Enty just doesn't like her and let's everyone here THINK she's Coke Mom.

  27. Meg Ryan was supposed to headline her own show this fall but they never shot the pilot.

    1. @sugerbread - aha! Nice sleuthing! I wish we had some inside dish about the making of this movie with Tom Hanks. I'm gonna google around a bit.

    2. Sorry I typo'ed up your name, sugArbread!

  28. I like the Meg guess.

  29. Hey Rowdy - blow me.

    Catholics in Hollywood

  30. Malibu, I am Catholic. I was making a joke that it's OK for people to talk crap about Catholicism but Judaism and Islam are not to be mentioned in anything but a positive light.

  31. Curtis got it IMO

  32. Debra Messing has never been considered "mostly movie."

  33. Coke mom or not, Debra was da bomb on Ned and Stacey (season 1 box sets on Ebay for only $5 if you've never seen the show). I know for a fact Debra is extremely pleasant and gracious to fans as well. I saw her once when her husband was performing in Angels In America on stage. For some odd reason Enty makes her sound like a screeching harpy lying around in a den of coke filth.

  34. Do Anglicans/Episcopalians go to confession?

    1. No, confession is a Catholic thing.

    2. They also do confession in the Orthodox Church, Jessie (and Scallywag).

  35. Rowdy, I knew exactly what you meant and exactly why you wrote that shit. I'll re-issue my invitation for you to blow me - xoxo.

    Yes, Scallywag, Episcopalians have confession, mostly in the High church (the more conservative of the Episcopal branches) but it is available to parishioners in the Low church as well. They also have nuns, most High church priests are celibate and they have the same sacraments. It's Henry VIII's church so basically everything's Catholic but he got rid of the Pope.

    They've been working on "reconcilation" with the Catholic Church for about 500 years. They still meet and discuss the terms but have yet to reach a final agreement. They send out bulletins on their incremental progress and have done so for centuries. Doesn't get more Catholic than that.

  36. Something is weighing very heavily on her conscience to go to confession that much. It's probably something we don't know anything about, like abortions, rape, incest, etc. Something very private and major.

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  38. As everyone said Messing is Jewish so not her.

    I don't even want to guess what could be weighing on someone's mind to go to confession that often.

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  40. Not Meg Ryan. Has been hard at work on a movie for months and is currently directing it in Virginia. By all accounts she is very focussed, nothing like the women described in the BI. Has never shown any interest in NYC churches.

    Not Halle either, Lives and works in LA mostly.

  41. But it says her entry back into television was halted. Halle is on TV...nothing was halted.

  42. What about Brooke Sheilds?? I know she goes to church in NYC.

  43. Enty, could you please get this information to her: There is a free support group called Scrupulous Anonymous that has a free monthly newsletter. She can get to it at This sounds weird and a lot of people laugh about this problem, but it's actually religion-based OCD and it's a very serious, paralyzing disease that should be treated with meds. Many people with this disease confess the same "sin" to multiple priests and compare the answers, and they're never satisfied with the priest's answer. There's a weekly call-in show on RadioMaria USA at 2pm ET called Understanding Scrupulosity. Not a lot of people know about this disease, so Enty, if you can get this info to her, you'll have done your good deed for the day. Thank you!

  44. Halle shoots her show in LA where she lives and is papped regularly, not to mention that she isn't Catholic!
