Friday, August 15, 2014

Blind Item #5

This foreign born A list model who seems to be in the news all the time had a very well connected family member call in some favors in the publishing world to block some photos of the model snorting coke off the body of a naked woman.


  1. Lady got it - Cara seems better connected than Suki.

  2. Cara Delivinegar. Was she dating Michelle Rodriguez, or do I have the wrong chick?

  3. definitely Cara--but this site is not considered "the news"!

  4. Cara is super well connected with lots of publishing connections in the family.

  5. Def Cara..Not so much the woman part but the coke portion of the picture.

    And why do people think it's fun to snort off a body? Seems like the sweat would make it gummy and hard to snort.

  6. Could be Suki she doesn't want things to be ruined with BCoop who doesn't like that shit

  7. Cara whateverhernameis

  8. What part did she snort the lines off of? I need to know, to assist the fapping. Titty, Belly, Back, Bung Hole?

    I have never snorted coke, but if I could snort it off a hot waxed anus, I would jump at the chance. I haven't tried snorting meth from a hot waxed anus, because I fear it may burn the anus, as it does the sinuses, and ruin the impending fun.

  9. Cara was snorting lines off of Suki's belly on yacht during her birthday celebration in Spain? or Ibiza..

  10. We'll said count. Thoughtful & concise. Now go & have some fun.
