Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Blind Item #5

This former almost A list mostly movie actress who makes her living in other ways now even though she is probably doing her best acting while doing it has her attorneys arguing in federal tax court that she is broke. She might not have much money in bank accounts but that is because she is getting paid in Bitcoins by her wealthy friends.


  1. I still don't understand what Bitcoins are though

  2. Well, it's clearly LILo.

    Tbh, i've never really understood Bitcoins. Stocks and shares???

  3. Lady H! I am so disappointed--I read that Kathleen wants to work with MILEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Bitcoins are a virtual/digit form of currency used in online translations, typically for illegal shit. Look up Silk Road...which has been replaced by Freckled Vending Machine Vagina Road

  5. Ugh...this doesn't surprise me. Hanna was defending Miley's claims to feminism, saying it was inherently positive because millions of girls have googled feminism after hearing Miley just say the word.

    More disappointing is the Laura Grace split up...I really hoped those two would make it

  6. From what I understand, bitcoins are a specific currency that belong to the country of the internet. It's like a virtual currency. I don't know how you can trade them, or use them to buy or sell something, but they are like money.

  7. Hahaha @ lady I needed that chuckle

  8. Wait wait wait...Lindsay has friends?!

  9. Jane-sure she has friends. Their names are John, Big Daddy and Uncle Buck. I tried to read and learn about bitcoins and it was so confusing, you cant use them except for a few select places, and basically, we ALREADY have a money system so put this to death pleas.

  10. I can't believe guys would even pay Dogecoins for that spent piece of used jet trash, much less Bitcoins...

  11. Obviously Lohag..Doesn't she owe some back taxes?

  12. Why not use Paypal?

  13. i would think her 2 last brain cells would open up a tax free llc in the bahamas but hey!! virtual money is a WAY BETTER option to a crackhead tweeker 4 sure.. hey lady h.. whatwas that joke you had about the difference b/w a junkie and a tweeker??

  14. Pay Pal links with bank accounts, real money. Bitcoins are virtual for the point of avoiding detection/tracing.

    @sugarbread: What is the difference between a crackhead and a tweaker?

    A crackhead will steal money from you and you'll never see them again. A tweaker will steal from you and stay up all night helping you look for it.

    Derek: Silk Road was how a lot of the kids these days were buying MDMA

    1. Ohh! Jokes!
      I have one:

      Q: What is the difference between a crustacean with boob implants and a bus station full of punks.

      A: One is a busty crustacean and the other is a crusty bus station!

      HEY O!!!!!!!!! Bada boom bada bing!

  15. bitcoins are not the fiat currency we use and print freely; many people that prefer the value of competing currencies see bitcoin as a preferable alternative to other government controlled currencies.

  16. @LadyH & @Sugar, damn it, I have to buy a new keyboard protector!

    I have a relative who worked on the Silk Road case. He didn't say anything until after the case broke. The winding path to that guy was Bourne-worthy.

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  18. At first glance I thought it said Tit Coins, and was like, "I hear they got them in Canada, cause they don't have $1bills."

  19. Good Wife had a great episode about Silk Road

    @sugar: ROFL

    On days when crystal just ain't cutting it, you can always count on

    As Nickatina says...
    One for the party:

    Q: What's the best thing about being a meth addict?
    A: Only one sleep till christmas.

    And one for the road...
    “They said that marijuana was a ‘performance-enhancing drug.’ Marijuana enhances many things — colors, tastes, sensations, but you are certainly not fucking empowered. When you’re stoned, you’re lucky if you can find your own goddamn feet. The only way it’s a performance-enhancing drug is if there’s a big fucking Hershey bar at the end of the run.” -Robin Williams

  20. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Lilo was never ever A list movie..... so can not be her

  21. ladyh perfect descript, i have known too many tweakers. fuck them. give me cracked out any day.

  22. ladyh perfect descript, i have known too many tweakers. fuck them. give me cracked out any day.

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