Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Blind Item #4

One of those RH-NJ Housewives is great at pretending to have money on the outside but has friends bring her food bank food because they spend their money looking wealthy and barely have any money to even feed their kids.


  1. Whatever Tricia guesses.

    1. ....And by this I mean no insult, I've learned you know your stuff when it comes to housewives. :)

  2. Oh my word. How idiotic.

  3. Food bank? That's pretty damned low. How disgusting.

  4. What has Bravo created?

    Probably Melissa. The selling of their house and downsizing while they build a new home supports this. I think Melissa later said the new house was on hold.

  5. She still contends they have money because of her cookbooks etc...but legal fees killed em
    Melissa good guess but they do well with his owning bldgs

  6. Legal fees, Botox, and Hookers can deplete the cookie jar.

    "Joe, see if the Hooker has any food stamps you can steal from her purse. You're such a good provider."

  7. Jim and Amber Marchese...They act very uppity but I could see them blowing through that lawsuit settlement money.

  8. Oh well, we gotta keep our priorities in life straight, you know....

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  10. Food bank food though, really? This seems like an exaggeration. I think all of these people are in financial trouble though except maybe Dinah and Caroline.

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  12. Do they purposely choose the stupidest, most ignorant people for these shows?!

  13. They can't live off their $200K per epi fee? Pretty pathetic. This is another reason why reality tv needs to go the hell away. God I hate it. And it's like there's nothing left to watch these days that isn't reality.

  14. Hmmm, so obsessed with keeping up with the Joneses, they can't afford to feed their kids?

    I call BS.

    Everyone knows the worst insult can you throw in NJ is that someone is a bad mother ("stripper" is a verrrrry close second). This is Tre's people talking shit about Muh-liss.

  15. Thanks @riven..just got back to this one....sadly I do know too much bout these wenches lol, but not so much NJ this year..have a hard time watching it...having said that, I think it's Theresa, and it's sad for the children whoever it is:(

  16. Joe Giudice said at the last reunion to Joe Gorga that Gorga goes around every week looking for help paying his bills. It's them.

  17. I hope this isn't true. Genuinely struggling people need that food. Idiots who constantly blow thousands of dollars on extravagant shit don't deserve it.

  18. Theresa has hid her money - overseas with the family until after the trials...and bankruptcy. Again.. these are people who pled guilty to 39 counts of fraud....they deserve no pity. Their children are awful. Melania is a beast and they just laugh at her antics rather than correct her behavior.
