Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Blind Item #4

Thank goodness this celebrity/reality star/new mom stopped breast feeding because her kid looked like they were having issues because of mom's massive drug use over the past few weeks. She must have received a new check from the show and blew it all at once.


  1. Why breastfeed if you are a raging drug addict? If a mother cannot overcome their addiction, the baby should be taken until the mother gets healthy and puts the baby first (if ever). That is despicable abuse! SICK PERSON!!

  2. If this is true that child needs to be taken away.

  3. Jennelle from that teen mom show. I've watched a couple episodes and reunions w Dr drew and she just seems to be a totally selfish person that has no concept of reality. Her mom already has custody of her first son and I'm sure she will end up w this child too. Hopefully she will wash her hands of Janelle and force her to grow up and take care of herself so maybe someday she could actually parent her kids and not have anymore.

  4. Yay for babies looking bad because mommies can't control their drug addiction! /sarcasm

    Something better: Things Babies Do That'd Be Creepy If You Did Them

  5. Poor kid, this is so sad.

  6. If true, involve DCS, not us in a blog. Hopefully enty did that as well.

  7. i'm really angry i actually clicked on 7s link and kept watching it thinking it would eventually get funny.

  8. Sorry, @headrot, I guess Andrew is an acquired taste.

    1. I got a kick out of it, @7! Heck, I may even try those just to see the reactions of those around me! :D

    2. I liked it Seven. He should've thrown s tantrum in the lolly aisle at the supermarket!

  9. @angelbear - probably because breast feeding is one of the fastest ways to drop the baby fat. It's not about feeding the baby it's about the mom looking good. Selfish? Exactly.

  10. This really sounds like Jennelle. Truly horrifying.

  11. So if the drugs pass through the titty milk to the baby, does that mean I could give some lactating broad Vodka and meth, then suckle, and I'd get high and drunk too?

    If any lactating broads are in the NJ/NY/PA area, and you would like to participate in an experiment, please contact me via email.

  12. Has anyone seen the DM today? JWoww's face is royally fucked up

    I couldn't even believe it was her

  13. Theresa-Ikr??!! As micharl k said, whats with the eye holes, lol. She way into little kim territory.

  14. I find it beyond annoying that they make TV reality "celebrities" out of these scum of the earth people. You can't put cigarette commercials or liquor commercials on TV anymore because it sends the wrong message to our kids. Well what about TV shows featuring these jack-offs? Why is THAT okay? Why do they insist on glorifying people that should be locked up? Someone needs to take that baby away and tie that stupid bitches tubes. Having kids is a privilidge. Shit I wouldn't treat my dog the way these assholes treat their kids.
